a little story about something in my fingertip

Not immediately deeply cleaning the cut on your finger was a prime opportunity for something that was lodged in there to stay in there, even if the doctor cleaned it before suturing. If you hadn't had cut your finger so badly, I'd think it was something to be curious about - but the cut is most likely the obvious cause of the foreign body that your body then encapsulated.
Hi Pashalis,
From what I know about radio-graphic images this is most probably a metal object. Possibly a particle that was embedded int he tissue during one of your accidents.
Definitely not a scar tissue with this density.
Definitely not a bone chip , not just because of the density but also because it is perfectly circular and also quite big not to show on the rest of the bone.

Since you dont know what it is or what type of metal it is made of I would strongly suggest to remove it as soon as possible. Most probably this can be done under local anesthesia only. In fact I am surprised your doctor didn't suggest the same.

Keep us informed whatever you decide, this is very curious case.
what I find puzzling the most, is that the periphery of the object shows great density ( same as metal) while the center is less dense, in case of encapsulation it would be the other way around. Could be that the metal object is hollow or slightly less dense inside.
Herr Eisenheim said:
Hi Pashalis,
From what I know about radio-graphic images this is most probably a metal object. Possibly a particle that was embedded int he tissue during one of your accidents.
Definitely not a scar tissue with this density.
Definitely not a bone chip , not just because of the density but also because it is perfectly circular and also quite big not to show on the rest of the bone.

Since you dont know what it is or what type of metal it is made of I would strongly suggest to remove it as soon as possible. Most probably this can be done under local anesthesia only. In fact I am surprised your doctor didn't suggest the same.

Keep us informed whatever you decide, this is very curious case.
Herr Eisenheim said:
what I find puzzling the most, is that the periphery of the object shows great density ( same as metal) while the center is less dense, in case of encapsulation it would be the other way around. Could be that the metal object is hollow or slightly less dense inside.

as I wrote in the first post the picture you see is not my x-ray it's from the internet.

it looked something like that a little bit smaller and more 3D

(this is not my x-ray it is from the intenet)

I included this picture for you to get a better impression of how it looks like.
mine was almost on the same area but a little bit smaller and more 3d looking.

I think I'll go to a doctor and ask for a x-ray examination and for his opinion on what it is and what to do.
I then will try to but the picture up here on the forum so that you can see it
Although there might be a radiologist or others trained in diagnostic imaging on the forum, what do you hope to come from getting another x-ray and posting it here?

I think there could be benefit in asking yourself why this is so important to you. If you have an implant, you most likely have more than one. You can become obsessed with trying to find them and have them removed, which would potentially be seen as a psychiatric disorder.

I don't know much about implants aside from what I've read in the transcripts and Laura's writing. You might want to read information from those who have seriously researched the concept of implants, and, if you haven't already, search the Cass transcripts, Laura's work and forum posts to get a better idea of the purpose behind implants before deciding your next step.

If, for example, consensus is that they exist primarily to track and monitor you, they might not pose much threat to you and obsessing over them could prove more harmful and definitely become a distraction from the Work.

Pashalis said:
as I wrote in the first post the picture you see is not my x-ray it's from the internet.

ah ok, I just skimmed through this thread and focused on the most curious picture you supplied.

Pashalis said:
I think I'll go to a doctor and ask for a x-ray examination and for his opinion on what it is and what to do.
well Pashalis, I dont mean to be harsh I know you are worried, but there is no nicer way of putting it ... this should have been the first step before you opened this thread.
You have invaluable network at your disposal, try to use it wisely ;)
Pashalis said:
Herr Eisenheim said:
Hi Pashalis,
From what I know about radio-graphic images this is most probably a metal object. Possibly a particle that was embedded int he tissue during one of your accidents.
Definitely not a scar tissue with this density.
Definitely not a bone chip , not just because of the density but also because it is perfectly circular and also quite big not to show on the rest of the bone.

Since you dont know what it is or what type of metal it is made of I would strongly suggest to remove it as soon as possible. Most probably this can be done under local anesthesia only. In fact I am surprised your doctor didn't suggest the same.

Keep us informed whatever you decide, this is very curious case.
Herr Eisenheim said:
what I find puzzling the most, is that the periphery of the object shows great density ( same as metal) while the center is less dense, in case of encapsulation it would be the other way around. Could be that the metal object is hollow or slightly less dense inside.

as I wrote in the first post the picture you see is not my x-ray it's from the internet.

it looked something like that a little bit smaller and more 3D

(this is not my x-ray it is from the intenet)

I included this picture for you to get a better impression of how it looks like.
mine was almost on the same area but a little bit smaller and more 3d looking.

I think I'll go to a doctor and ask for a x-ray examination and for his opinion on what it is and what to do.
I then will try to but the picture up here on the forum so that you can see it

Hello Pashalis,

I don't recommend you choose to allow your body to be blasted with more radiation over this when you stated earlier than an x-ray copy already exists and your finger is not currently causing you problems. Perhaps you can get a copy of your x-ray or even just ask to look at it again so you can take a digital photograph for your own records. You might be able to avoid fees at the doctor's office if you talk with the receptionist about your concern and have a camera with you. :)
I called the doctor today who made the x-ray and asked if I could get a copy of the x-ray.
I have it now.

now that is strange the x-ray photo and the object in my finger seem not to be like I saw it back then.
I tell you it really looked bigger and cicular back then.
I olso think there was another x-ray made (actually three ones) but that seems to be missing.
the one that is "missing" is from the position from above looking at my finger. (I have marked the direction of the viewpoint that is "missing" with a green bolt)
the red bolt is were I think the object was (memory)





the object you see here (green bolt ) is probably the one I can stimulate with the magnet because it is in that spot.
the blue line is roughly the cut from back then

it is a possibility that my mind has tricked on me (memory change through time or some thing like that).
but I really would have been strongly mistaken on that if that's the case (I still think it was bigger and circular when I saw it back then on the screen of the doctor).
but I must admit that the mind is very complex and sometimes misdirects you even when you are 100% sure that something has happened the way you think.

as it was suggested before it really is a something that can dictract me and it makes no sense for me to follow this furthermore.
so I think I let it rest.

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