A personal session that I would like to share.

... Anart, I almost cry with your answer... many thanks, really, from the deep of my heart... I don't have words right now to describe that :cry:. Your words are wise and they inspired me to keep forward!

anart said:
Everyone is perfect, exactly as they are - and no one is 'perfect' in the way we think of it as defined by society. The point here is not to be 'perfect' but to learn - and believing blindly is not learning - though, through suffering, it can lead to learning.

True, so you're saying that everything is as it has to be? I'm the kind of person that learns by being hit by something... yes... :nuts:

anart said:
Yep, a program that tells you that what you seek is outside you, not inside you. This is a very common program and a powerful one, because once we truly understand that what we seek is inside us, we become response-able - and powerful and 'the captain of our own soul'.

Inside me...? Hm... It's almost the same that a friend o' mine used to tell me some years ago. "Answers are inside you", it sounds like a movie cliche, but it seems that it holds truth.

Using the example of the captain, I read about soul bashing (grim stuff, I was shocked when I read about it)... it's like leading your boat to the rocks and say "Oh, well, It's good, they made me think that this is right" and at the next day you wake up "being rock". That's what I understood about soul bashing, I've got to focus in my goals as a soul in this 3D learning my lessons. Anart... Is important to use my instinct to discern the objective knowledge?

anart said:
Don't hate your curiosity, it is a strength. Do begin to question your own assumptions and conclusions, they are leading you astray. This is the development of discernment - and it takes Knowledge - applied Knowledge. One day you'll know lies when you first see them and they'll hold no interest for you. I'd suggest starting to focus on the material here - read - ask questions - research - do your own work to hone that ability to discern. Then, your curiosity will be put to good use!

It's like starting from inside and expand toward the universe, isn't it? I read a C's transcription when they say that "Knowledge protects only if applied." Many thanks, anart, I've been reading C's material, a lot of threads and it's impresive and wonderful. :-[ I've got a lot to learn yet, I hope I could participate in this forum and try to give my curiosity another use. ;)

I hope you have a great day!
Mjolnir said:
Is important to use my instinct to discern the objective knowledge?

Until one really begins to develop their discernment, our 'instinct' can lead us astray and often does. Until we sharpen discernment, we can't tell instinct from reaction - it can be a very difficult thing to do! So, until then, feedback a network is vital - as is looking for backup data for everything. Question, research, look for corroborating evidence for all that you can. Use Laura's phrase, "Sez who?" instead of just accepting what you are told, what you see or even what you think as probable truth.

In short, 'think with a hammer!' - take it a step at a time- keep reading (the Wave, Adventure Series, forum recommended reading) and you'll get there - a step at a time.
Thank you so much, anart! I'll be working on it while I try to participate in this forum. I love knowledge, I'll be striving to get it, refine it and use it by networking with you. :)

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