a question about feline estrus


Jedi Master
Since four days ago, my daughter and I have a beautiful house guest – a magnificent white female cat with beautiful green eyes. And we are very happy to have her with us. At first, she was very nervous and hiding under the bed. Next day she calmed down, although she was eating very little. And yesterday, she went into heat or calling as it called. First of all, I always thought that cats go into estrus in early spring. Apparently, not. _http://www.cat-world.com.au/estrus-in-cats Well, it was a big surprise! Her owners returns in two days and I can't get any sleep. She's agitated. She stops crying out for a mate only when I pet her or hold her. I understand this is natural, but, maybe, somebody knows how to calm her down a little bit? Some solutions?

Thank you in advance. Sleepless in LA :)
Yes, apart from neutering there is a simple temporary solution but you might not be too keen to do it yourself. In that case you can take the cat to the veterinarian to do it.

Basically the feline ovulation ( which means stop of the heat) is triggered by copulation. Therefore...
revivalanimal.com/store/pg/1560-The-Feline-Heat-Cycle.aspx said:
It is possible to artificially induce ovulation in the cat with vaginal stimulation. A clean rectal thermometer can be lightly inserted in to the vagina to induce ovulation and therefore “knock” the queen out of heat. This will slow the cycle but she will come back into heat again.

Full text here __http://www.revivalanimal.com/store/pg/1560-The-Feline-Heat-Cycle.aspx

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