A Stoopid Test. :)

11% .....I expected worse after being up all night, cleaning up barf from my two sick boys!
Irini said:
I really did not expect to be that stupid 8|

And they don't even give instructions on how to smarten up :(

This explains a LOT :cool2:
I think it doesn't explain THAT much ;)
This test is primary for English speakers. I've got 32% stupid, and it's after I presumibly cheated by looking over the translation of especially "perspicacious" words ;) There are also questions I had no idea how to answer, like:
"What do you see in the following image". I saw numbers, but there were no "numbers" answer, so I chose frogs :D
No cheating. Actually perspicacious is the only word i knew i think. Still Keit! I am the stoopidest so far!!!! Wait ... i feel relief... I should never know any better :P

I saw numbers too btw... but chose lines ;)
yes it was fun. I did like the question asking 'what was the second question?' - it caught me out. Good awareness training. 26%
StupidTester.com says I'm 11% Stupid!
Great I'm a genius (I won't even believe that) - I think they need a test for daftness ;) I'm most certain batteries really do run on miniature hamsters, not magic, magic is what makes my computer work - thanks for the random internet fun gimpy! You know keit "frogs" is the correct answer to that question ...
highmystica said:
I'm most certain batteries really do run on miniature hamsters, not magic, magic is what makes my computer work
No, computers run on smoke. You can tell because when the smoke holder breaks and the smoke escapes, the computer stops working!!!
I'm in the 4% scored the same zone. But this is just for fun and I'm not your next Einstein but could have been Marie Curie (alas, a lost dream ).
laura said:
No, computers run on smoke. You can tell because when the smoke holder breaks and the smoke escapes, the computer stops working!!!
laughs - smoke and mirrors. yay! Isn't that magical?

98% scored higher (more stupid),
1% scored the same, and
1% scored lower (less stupid).

You are 1% stupid. This means...

You are our next Einstein. Wow! Keep up the great thinking.
I keep telling people Mr. Scott is a genius! One day he and Ark are gonna build that time machine and "beam us up."
Well, now I know where to go to get my problems solved... of couse, I've known that empirically for quite some time!

I am at 11%....

Your Score Summary

Overall, you scored as follows:

89% scored higher (more stupid),
3% scored the same, and
8% scored lower (less stupid).

You are 8% stupid. This means...

You are our next Einstein. Wow! Keep up the great thinking.
Ouch! 41%. I guess I only caught a few trick questions...

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