truth seeker said:
Hi Panther,
I've also experienced some of what you're talking about. I would get the people coming at the right time, sometimes I would get them at the wrong time. At one point, I even questioned whether I could telepathically speak to others. It was one of the most bizarre occurrences! What I came to find out eventually was that these "coincidences" were able to happen because people aren't in as much control of themselves as I thought they were. What gave me the idea that this was not a benevolent force however, was that too many of the interactions were negative in nature. More specifically, they were designed to make me think in a way that allowed their control of my actions. My life was falling apart.
When I started to read the wave and adventures with the cassiopaeans, I began to realize that much of these timed happenings can be done quite easily via 4d STS. It took me a while to understand what that meant. I still wonder about it sometimes. While what you say on the face of it seems positive, they (4d sts) will use what works in order to control the actions of a person via their thoughts/perceptions.
I too was wondering who these people were and whether or not they were human. It was largely consuming and effectively stopped me from doing what I wanted and instead was in constant reaction mode. I kept wondering what would happen next.
One of the other things I came to realize and let go of was the feeling that I was being singled out which can lead to feelings of victimization. What is equally dangerous is when the perceptions cause us to believe that we are chosen which can lead to feelings of being special. Both feed directly into our own narcissistic wounding we incur as children. These sts beings are very tricky! :)
Once I started to work on myself and really question what I was perceiving and changed my reactions to them - meaning that I no longer fed into it, these interactions began to lessen.
Lots of good advice has been given. Keep reading and let us know if you have any questions. :)
It's nice to meet you. So what all you need to do is keep checking it out, what's happening. When you have some abilities, you want to make them sharper. In which ever way you can that is, you know what I mean.
I too had to go through that u know what, about those spirits babbling all kinds of nonsense at me. In the beginning when they came along, I was in my later teen years, and the one being who got pretty close to me, and I let it, because I was doing a study on them, I needed to find out as much information about them as I could, well they have all kinds of games they play...that being started saying aaaaall kinds of niiiiice compliments. But they didn't know that I didn't like that. So they were trying to get right into my life by adoring me with sweet words. I kept cutting them down, which really, I felt bad about it later, because I found out they too had feelings...nevertheless, I had to protect myself. So I bashed them away with mean words. This happened for years...through the mind thing. But in the beginning, I allowed them to get so close...and when I felt they were getting too close I started backing away. What I did was similar to you. I knew I could get rid of them, and I did, from that immediate way. I could feel the reality I was in blending with the spirit side they were in, and it felt like they would walk directly into my world or I would walk directly into theirs, and I did NOT want to. I had no knowledge of who they were or what that place was, and I needed to know a lot more before I would go and take those kind of chances.
About abilities. I had heard people in their own mind, and I thought they were talking outloud. Like for example once when a boyfriend was walking me home, I thought I heard him ask a question so I answered it, but he hadn't even opened his mouth yet. He was surprised and stared at me strangely so I asked him what? And he said he was only thinking of asking me that question, he hadn't asked it yet.
And on another occasion I was sitting in the kitchen doing something when another boyfriend at another time in my life was in the garage and I heard him swearing and yelling and I went to go ask him what? what's the matter? He said I didn't say anything. I said I heard you swearing and yelling. He said he was thinking it. Those are a couple examples of how things can happen. Don't let anyone take those abilities away from you. Work them.
"I began to realize that much of these timed happenings can be done quite easily via 4d STS."
Yup. All kinds of things. That's why you have to be so watchful. You do get help when you're working all that you can, you see. It's like, you're not alone, and there are not only 4th d sts's around, you see.
"What is equally dangerous is when the perceptions cause us to believe that we are chosen which can lead to feelings of being special."
Quite correct, hahahah hilarious thing happened to me about a year or so ago, and still sometimes now. Like oh my goodness...aren't they keen enough to know when something is not working? Or do they think they can brainwash us by much repetition of their words? They began saying to me that I was "chosen." (ooohhh, I'm chooosen, wow....uuuu) And I knew immediately it was them, again. (It sounded like a religiosity thing this time). Like I said, that is the kind of language they use to get your, like you said, eee gooo. Anyway. You know. I'm glad you're alright. Keep on keepin on. And thanks for the help.