a terrible experience/worst nightmare i've ever had


Jedi Council Member

please excuse my descriptive writing for this. my dreams are often very vivid and this experience is no different.

the night before last, my wife and i put our son to sleep and i followed soon after, at around 10:30 PM PST. she was reading in the front room of our home while i slept a room over in the master bedroom.

the aesthetic of the 'dream' was something i have never witnessed before in a sleeping state. it was like a projection, or a film and the screen was my minds eye. it felt completely external, as if the imagery was projecting from a source outside me, my home and possibly my city.

the 'signal' (for lack of a better term) of the projection or 'screen' was weak and grainy, as if it were a degraded or aged vhs film or perhaps it was more of a 'mulched' effect you'd see out of a poor compression quality codec (for data streaming.)

the imagery of this experience, consisted of a large multi-floored, condemned and dilapidated housing project. strewn about the floors of this structure was consumer refuse such as sun faded cardboard food casings, shopping bags, ink bled and faded news papers and magazines, empty soda cans, damaged and soot stained children's toys, moldy clothing and linens, etc... there were rotting mold covered holes through out the walls, floors and ceilings. structural integrity was held up in some instances by stacks of old furniture, fold-able ladders, two by fours and so on. there was a violent, sledge hammer burrowed tunnel, creating make shift hall way through out the rooms that led deeper into the dark dregs of the establishment. in the lower levels you could hear movements and scrapes and the odd moaning and obviously, this is where the 'shoot' was heading... into the deep darkness and toward the unnerving sounds.

eventually there was a light and through out the refuse on the floor you could see a bright yellow, industrial use power cable that led to a series of construction string lights that appeared to be shedding light onto what first appeared to be black, orange and red, smoldering lumps. then it dawned on me as i viewed that i was seeing corpses. there were many of them, lined up, mutilated and charred, missing limbs and having no discernible physical or racial features. bodies of all sizes... i was instantly mortified and i felt helpless. part of me knew at this point i was in a dream state and i could wake but another part of me wanted to continue this horrible foray to see if there was any point other than my pain of witness.

the moaning body was now in view and it was missing it's left arm and legs from just above the knees. it was either female or a castrated male. the moment it was in view, it began to slowly and carefully move toward the 'screen.' then from out of no where an arm came from outside of the peripheral and grabbed it's reaching hand and it began to laugh or make a sound that resembled laughter at first when i realized the victim didn't have a jaw. it was a chortle of pain and the 'laughing' sound disturbed me most of all. the touch of the suspect or 'director's' hand was causing so much pain to the victim that it chortled. it was clear to me that the purveyor of this scene wanted me to understand that this 'chortle' was the goal. and that these other bodies were failed attempts at creating this final creature from a well meaning human.

i felt completely violated by this point and could no longer bare it but couldn't wake up, flashes of faces in a grainy black and white vision came across this screen, dogs, children, cats, white picket fences, gardens, country flags, auto mobiles... an amalgam of everything and anything flashed at me as if to suggest these are the things the suspect sees and all there was, was this cold feeling of detachment and contempt.

i was finally able to wake up at 12:30 pm. i instantly shot out of bed and left the room at the exact same time as my son, who was crying, as if he had awoken from the same experience. we wrapped him in his security sheet while he sat on a pillow of the floor of the front room, with my wife comforting him and i went back to the bedroom, frantically scouring news feeds, message boards, even this forum... i wanted a clue. i wanted to know why this happened to me.

now i'm writing about it to you in search of anything. something. as tears roll down my face at my place of employment. hands trembling. this was/is probably one of the most traumatic things i've ever witnessed. it feels like a psychic attack, or as if it was fed to me using some type of covert technology.

my deepest apologies to anyone who now feels the same but i really can't think of anything else or who to go to.

thank you for your attention and any response you can provide. i understand if the mods don't want to make this public but i can truly appreciate any communication from your group about this.
i can't find your edit functionality on the page. i said i woke at 12:30 PM - i meant AM.
What a terrifying experience Zin. It must have been just as traumatic to write it out. I hope it gave you some emotional relief to express it. Was your child able to be comforted out of his bad dream?

The usual approach to dreams would be to try to see what the psychological implications are, but the visual quality you describe does mark this one as pretty outside the norm. It maybe had some elements of premonition of the attack in Paris? Others will chime in, I'm sure. In any case, do keep a close eye on your emotional state, and do some pipe breathing to keep yourself on an even keel. Processing something like this dream will take time.

I believe you have to have a certain number of posts (20?) before you can edit your messages.
i'm not entirely sure if my lil man even had a bad dream. both my wife and i were weird-ed out that my son and i both woke at around the same moment however.

i've had premonition type dreams and this felt more like some type of 'projection' as if images were forced into my head. it's perhaps possible that this was what the dream was about, the idea that these things can be pushed into someone else's minds eye. it could have been that entirely and that such a technology or 'psychic ability' isn't possible. it's a sobering thought.

writing about it certainly helped. my wife remarked that things like this exist all over the world and we're lucky we don't have to witness it aside from in nightmares and in movies.

i think the trembling from earlier is that i was explaining this with as much accuracy as i can and telling the truth in this way to a group i don't know personally is a bit overwhelming. it's not often i pour my heart out, i'm usually writing in a stylized manner on other boards as if it was an art project but here i feel the need to be as naked as possible as your c's will see through my facade in a heart beat.

the way the dream was presented, damaged, grainy and glitchy, suggested to me that i could have brain damage as well.

i also provided times to see if this correlates with any other bizarre occurrences from anyone else here.

i felt the need to report this
I didn't read the description of your dream, zin, because of your warnings, just the first couple of sentences, and wanted to click away, when this struck me:

zin said:
it was like a projection, or a film and the screen was my minds eye. it felt completely external, as if the imagery was projecting from a source outside me, my home and possibly my city.

I had exactly the same experience in a "dream" at almost exactly the same time! My "dream" was not brutal or anything, but I felt the same, being "outside" (but at the same time inside, difficult to describe) of it. I am writing "dream" in quotation marks, because it was more a "vision" or something that started when I went to bed and closed my eyes, almost forcing itself upon me. I wondered at first, and then just let it roll, like sitting in front of a screen, but being actively involved in it.

BTW, your avatar makes me slightly dizzy, but it's a little like a sequence of my dream, coming down from great heights - I landed on grass, though ...

Are you watching horror movies on a regular basis?

Hi Minas Tirith

i changed the avatar, it's a bit obnoxious, sorry about that. i certainly do watch horror. this dream in particular reminds me of the film 'martyrs' - a french movie, filmed in quebec. i haven't seen this film however for many years, 2012 i believe.

i also used to work in a pork processing plant (olymel, red deer, ab.) i ended up quitting that job after suffering depression, and quite possibly some form of stress disorder regarding the reality of working so close to animal disassembly and poor working conditions (terrible pay, low moral.)

normally, cinematic gore, or even animal dismemberment for purpose of food stuff, really doesn't have such a strong effect in short bursts, such as this dream, but this dream in particular just felt completely forced on me. it came from out of no where, after a seemingly decent day with my family and nice day at work. i didn't wake up feeling sick or queasy but instead rather powerless and threatened. i feared for my families safety and didn't sleep the remainder of the night and continued to read various message boards, forums, news pages such as sott, rense and looking at world events. nothing clicked. i felt the 'dream' was a signal that an event happened.

but i could be breathing too much into it. now that ive discussed it here and also after discussing it with my wife and now, we are in the wake of the tragedy in paris... i think my little 'dream' time experience is just another drop in an ocean of obscenity and what ifs...
i noticed i used 'partial to' in completely opposite context. i wish i could edit. please let me edit!
Hi zin,

I'm really sorry you experienced that and want to thank you for sharing it. :hug2: :hug2:

This may sound unusual to you, but I wonder if this may be related somewhat to diet? I've had disturbing dreams in the past and have found through my own experiences and in reading the experiences of others here that dairy can definitely affect the quality of sleep one has as well as their dreams. Do you think that this may be a possibility for you? In other words, what does your diet currently look like?

It may seem unrelated, but often what we eat can affect our emotional state whether we are asleep or awake. It definitely does mine.

I also agree that the pipe breathing may be of help to you. Big hugs and I hope you're feeling better soon.
Notice what was said in the last session as well as something I've speculated on in various writings: the capability exists to project images/words into people's minds from a distance. I suspect that there is some kind of major program along this line that has been underway for some time and that many so-called alien abductions might be a result of this kind of projection. But there can be so much more to it than just that. A lot depends on how the individual consciousness unpacks it.
Hi truth seeker

now that i think of it i suspect it could be life style changes. i haven't been cycling lately due to damage to my back tire. i do eat cheese and have cream in my coffee but this isn't new to my diet. i've had nightmares in the past but they are usually not like this. usually stupid 'anxiety' type nightmares where i realize my zipper was down and exposing my you know whats or something silly like that. nothing horrifying.

i practice yoga every other day however, every so often i'll use breathing exercises inspired by eiriu eolas (i watched some of the series of vids on it some years back) usually when i'm nervous or having anxiety and it really works, helps me build confidence and i easily 'surpass the test' in my own eyes. it's not an often practice as i find i have niche for this '3d' thing, so i tend to believe based on what i consider are strong accomplishments. i crawled from a pretty squalid past and i feel i built my own family that i can trust with all my heart and am traversing a career in IT at a bold and steady pace, which is helping pay the way for my family to live a comfortable life.

for the most part, my research into 'the conspiracy' helped forge a solid foundation for myself here in this amazing experience that is 20th and early 21st century earth, with an immense thanks and nod of respect to this group for all your continued efforts and communications. for the most part i'm excited about all of it, even though it can seem dark at times, i revere a certain type of bushido philosophy and believe a measure of selflessness in honor of 'the house' (or humanity) protects me in some way.

at any rate, i'll do what i can to drop dairy. i know my son is allergic and he's completely lactose free in his diet, maybe i should take his example. it still doesn't help the fact that i saw this and i feel that... somewhere, in some dank basement is someone suffering at the hands of a f*ng psycho.


Hi Laura

this is what i suspect, though i'm having doubts based on a few things: i may be high functioning schizophrenic, it's hard to say as i've used too much lsd and mushrooms in my past and i also continue to deal with marijuana addiction, though i've not smoked in some weeks and currently have no cravings. it's possible this experience may be inter-related but... i can't shake the feeling it gave me: i genuinely felt violated. i don't think i have it in my sub conscious to create a scene like this. the condemned 'urban explore' scenery, yes, i can see my self pushing that out but the 'toy bodies' in the basement... i immediately could tell that it was forced into me by something that genuinely hates me and every aspect of me. it felt like punishment for something i may have done. like it was a warning from something powerful or maybe it's past life stuff... it's hard to discern at the moment and your right, i'm sure my consciousness will unpack it appropriately. maybe it's time i face these demons and this is part of my lesson.

anyways, i've felt inspired for a long time to start reporting in to this forum as i personally believe that any little bits of information should help (as it does in my line of business,) even if it's from a burn out in 'la la land' vancouver, canada - i appreciate your attention.
I hope you are feeling better. Just talking about a nightmare here helps very much. I remember a terrible, horrendous nightmare I had last year and just coming here and be listened by members of this forum helped so much.

The comment of Laura is very interesting. We should read about it more and more. Is there some articles about it?

Why not to see your nightmare from the exterior? Make a map of it, drawing connections, seeing it like a painting of Bruegel. The mind is very peculiar concerning nightmares, but expressions of them are always something very interesting and amazing to study. I used to have a recurrent nightmare where in it there was a enormous traffic accident with corpses and blood and gore. These nightmares are messages from the underworld, a sort of language that we don't necessary understand but where we can go and see with objectivity what they try to tell us. They are scary, maybe they are our shadow that is talking to us. Or maybe what Laura is saying. In both cases they are there and ask for an understanding.
zin said:
at any rate, i'll do what i can to drop dairy. i know my son is allergic and he's completely lactose free in his diet, maybe i should take his example. it still doesn't help the fact that i saw this and i feel that...

Zin, hope you are feeling better!

Although it might seem unrelated to you, dropping dairy will help you to process this experience and it will protect you in more ways than one.

Foods with opioid activity such as dairy and gluten, can and do worsen the experience of even the worst nightmare. These foods are mind altering drugs and they can be more addictive than well known drugs.

For more info, check out:

Why Milk Is So Evil

Bread madness - schizophrenia or gluten sensitivity?

'Gluten brain': Wheat cuts off blood flow to frontal cortex

Hello Zin

Really sorry to hear about this experience you've had. I can certainly relate to this as I myself had an entire series of these kinds of episodes about 4 years back, which featured the extreme mutilation you describe and which also came with a highly distinct 'flavour' and 'hyper-real' sense that they were coming from somewhere other than my own subconscious. Whether that's the case or not I'm unsure but I know how terrifying they are and how the disturbing effects can potentially stay with you for a while after waking so I hope you're managing to recover and find some comfort both from your wife and also the advice here on the forum.

What strikes me from your posts is that you say you were an LSD/mushroom user and have struggled with marijuana addiction. Again, I have had these issues myself (I smoked regularly for 15 years) and am convinced that even low grade cannabis use can lead to having our psychic/etheric channels blown wide open and left vulnerable to all kinds of nasties (parasitic attack and so forth). Indeed, I believe from experience that once someone has used LSD, the effects of any subsequent marijuana use is magnified significantly.

Personally I think perhaps the best way to perceive your experience is that it's a lesson and wake up call from the Universe regarding the need to work seriously upon your psychic hygiene. I really want to stress, I don't at all mean that in a judgemental way but I think getting off marijuana for good would be a great first step. I was having these types of experiences myself over a period of about a year and a half (along with a whole host of other types of high strangeness) and felt like I was loosing my mind at points. I found it was only when I gave up drinking, smoking marijuana and a whole host of other bad habits that these experiences went away.

Diet is also crucial here as we know that the mind/body interface is holistic continum, each effecting the other and there are many fantastic resources on the forum regarding this. Regarding watching horror, I do recall the C's saying (in the past few years I believe) that we should mind what we watch or allow into our field of consciousness so perhaps that's something to consider also.

From one perspective, the origin and nature of this 'dream' (whether it be some kind of 'beaming', psychic attack, diet or your own subconscious) is unimportant. I guess the pencil point is that there are very practical steps you can take in order to raise your vibration to a point where you are less likely to experience this again, or if you do, better able to cope with and perhaps identify more clearly what's going on. It seems to me here that you've been presented with a great opportunity to work on yourself and embark on a journey of building your strength and awareness.

Wishing you much strength on your journey Zin :hug:
I'm glad to hear you are feeling a little better Zin. You've been given good advice, especially Gaby's post. Given that you may have some neurological damage from your past, her advice is even more crucial. It's not to say that this wasn't some sort of psychic projection that you unpacked in your own personal way, but cleaning up and closing off those openings is crucial. You may even want to get off caffeine for a while to remove any artificial stimulus to your brain. At least try Gaby's suggestions for a month, and see if you don't feel better. Healing the neurological damage will take longer, but the brain is very plastic. There's a lot that's possible.

Here's the link to all the main threads on diet. Pay especial attention to the ketogenic threads, the one on bone broth, and the ones on detox will be helpful too.

You had an awful experience. This is a chance to turn it to some real good.
Wow! What a visceral experience and I can imagine why you were up for the rest of the night. I've never been superstitious or wan to fall into fits of fear, but in the past couple of weeks I've noticed the feeling of fear, like a chill running the length of my spine. It reminds me of being a child, not good reason to be afraid, but it's almost paralyzing! It usually occurs when everyone else in my house is asleep and I nee to go downstairs for a glass of water or some such, and I remember actually running up the stairs to get back to bed, which is entirely irrational and I feel foolish about it.

Anyways, take care and I hope this event inspires you to deeper awareness! I'm a Canadian living in BC as well, BTW.
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