Aaron Russo's "America: From Freedom to Fascism"

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I've now watched the movie myself. Reluctantly I have to agree that it's actually pretty good. With Ruppert 'n all. The content as such, and the way it is presented, is ok. It is a shame that they chose to include Ruppert as an "expert", and it's fortunate that he doesn't get into the consequence analysis of his theories (like, killing loads of people and whatnot). I wonder if people will stop paying their taxes as a consequence though. It will be interesting to see what happens!
Some one placed a link to the film the other day and i was able to see it before it was removed.A powerful piece of work thought i.
I wanted to add a link here regarding the persecution of Bill Benson as
he fights against the "unratified" 16th amendment, as he believes it.

Here is a partial description of his arguments:

The Discovery

Article V of the U.S. Constitution specifies the ratification process, and requires 3/4 of the States to ratify any amendment proposed by Congress. There were 48 States in the American Union in 1913, meaning that affirmative action of 36 states was required for ratification. In February, 1913, Secretary of State Philander Knox issued a proclamation claiming that 38 states had ratified the amendment.

In 1984, William J. Benson began a research project, never before performed, to investigate the process of ratification of the 16th Amendment. After traveling to the capitols of the New England states, and reviewing the journals of the state legislative bodies, he saw that many states had not ratified the Amendment. Continuing his research at the National Archives in Washington, DC, Bill Benson discovered his Golden Key. This damning piece of evidence is a 16 page memorandum from the Solicitor of the Department of State, whose duty is the provision of legal opinions for the use of the Secretary of State. In this memorandum sent to the Secretary of State, the Solicitor of the Department of State lists the many errors he found in the ratification process!

The 4 states listed below are among the 38 states that Philander Knox claimed ratification from.

The Kentucky Senate voted upon the resolution, but rejected it by a vote of 9 in favor and 22 opposed.
The Oklahoma Senate amended the language of the 16th Amendment to have a precisely opposite meaning.
The California legislative assembly never recorded any vote upon any proposal to adopt the amendment proposed by Congress.
The State of Minnesota sent nothing to the Secretary of State in Washington.
When his year long project was finished at the end of 1984, Bill had visited every state capitol and knew that not a single state had actually and legally ratified the proposal to amend the Constitution. 33 states engaged in the unauthorized activity of amending the language of the amendment proposed by congress, a power the states do not possess. Since 36 states were needed for ratification, the failure of 13 to ratify would be fatal to the amendment, and this occurs within the major (first three) defects tabulated in Defects in Ratification of the 16th Amendment. Even if we were to ignore defects of spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, we would still have only 2 states which successfully ratified.
Reading through the legal dispositions is very interesting as it shows the tactics
of the government's careful prosecution and persection of 'tax dogders', and I am
throughly appalled at the craftiness of the the government lawyers on behalf of the
'banking cartels'. It is all very amazing and it highlights at least to me, the ponerization
and psychocrat Judges and lawyers on behalf of the government. Clearly, there is no
accountability of those who inflict serious damages against innocent individuals - and
this is a subject all of it's own: Should those who are in positions of high office be directly
and personally accountable, with their own funds, pay for damages they inflict on one
or more individuals harmed by their criminal actions?

Anyway, here is the link:

Aaron Russo's "America: From Freedom to Fascism" can now be viewed on line at : http://video.google.com/videoplay?d.../url EDIT 03/15/08 Of course it is gone now.
I watched it last night. Just go to Google video and search for it. I recommend it to others who need a shock and I think it can be effective that way. It's always a shock to be reminded about the enormous collusion of psychopaths for 100 minutes straight. The film goes way beyond the tax issue, so don't be put off by that. It gets "heavier" about half-way through as it explores where the the police state is going in the near future. People may not know how the tax non-law is enforced by threat, harassment, and personal-financial destruction, and how it is just one of many, many tools that the power structure uses to control and, if it wants, destroy lives.

Lisa wrote: << The one thing this movie doesn't get nto is how people who have their taxes skimmed off the top of their paychecks can avoid this. >>

Right, this is what I keep saying. You can minimize it by few dollars by not volunteering for additional withholding, but in the US, businesses are simply in collusion with this "tradition" and that's that.

But, again, this film goes way beyond taxes, which Russo says was not his original intention. It shows how much one (even someone who ran for governor and president) discovers by digging and asking questions. Newbies who don't know a thing about the NWO (or if they do, they are expecting some obvious, overt warning) will get a better grip on how it is a stealth operation, a matter of conditioning people to new strictures one by one, and how their freedom is entirely illusory and that even the illusion is conditional to paying no attention to the men behind the curtain.
I watched the movie when the DVD arrived at home some time ago. I' liked it all together. Ruppert actually says to little to be able to disinform, thank god.
What bothered me was the end of course. People (Russo) just can't help it. They always have to present their solutions and their calls for actions. Just let the people figure out their newly received shock themselves. Let them be inspired to continue to wake up on their own. But no. "Do this, make that, call you congress person. Tie your energy up in some fruitless actions that will get us nowhere."
That ruined it for me.

But now things become interesting as I was forwarded this e-mail:

Russo said:
Begin forwarded message:

From: aaronrusso@freedomtofascism.com
Date: January 13, 2007 8:09:48 PM EST
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: An Important Message from Aaron Russo

Dear AFTF Lovers of Liberty and Patriots,

Good news travels fast!

You may have heard that the Honorable Congressman Ron Paul is exploring running for the Republican nomination in 2008.

Congressman Paul will be the only uncompromising defender of the Constitution in the race.

I can't tell you how grateful I felt, how full of heartfelt joy, and how much enthusiasm I felt when I heard the news of his Candidacy. I am 1000% behind him!

Ron Paul has stepped up to the plate because he knows what we all know: the noose is tightening, and there isn't much time if we hope to restore to Constitutional Government.

I called Ron yesterday to tell him I am on board to do ANYTHING it takes to support his campaign.

NOW is the time for the ENTIRE Freedom Movement, all Third Parties, ALL GOOD AMERICANS EVERYWHERE, from all political stripes and persuasions, to unite to overtake the weakened Republican Party. Stand firmly behind Ron Paul, and work to restore our Constitutional Republic.

Do not let partisan politics get in the way. No matter what your Party affiliation, we must support Ron Paul as the Candidate.

Everything in the movie, America: Freedom to Fascism IS Ron Paul.

In my conversation with Congressman Paul, I told him I'll make copies of America: Freedom to Fascism available for his campaign. We will spread them far and wide.

What better way to introduce him to the public than for him to talk to them in their own living rooms?! What better way to help awaken them to governmental intrusions into their private lives than to see it in their own homes?

Congressman Ron Paul is the man with the strength to stay the course until Enemies, Foreign and Domestic, are put in their rightful place!

There isn't a better man for the job. He has an impeccable voting record. He is "right on," on Freedom and Sovereignty issues.

In a time of universal deceit, Congressman Paul dares to commit the revolutionary act of telling the truth. How refreshing!

But now the work begins.

Ron Paul needs not just our "affirmative nod," he needs our time, energy, financial contributions, and willingness to see him win. He needs us to use our precious accrued "vacation time" to go to New Hampshire to knock on doors, pass out AFTF DVDs, to be as dedicated to helping him win as he is to running the Race. His campaign must be organized District by District.

The entire AFTF Network must focus on helping Ron Paul. You have already awakened a lot of Americans to the dangers we face.

NOW, help me, won't you, as I do everything within my means to promote the only HONEST, Constitutional American in the 2008 Presidential race.

With the right Candidate and a passionate grassroots effort, it is possible to take over a weakened Republican Party. I've told you many times of how we overtook the Republican Party in my Gubernatorial race in Nevada. I KNOW it can be done!

Well, HERE is that Candidate!

NOW IS THE TIME to join with me and support Ron Paul.

I've seen you at work. You can do this. WE can do this!

I Am Most Sincerely Yours in Freedom,

Aaron Russo

PS. Please be sure visit http://www.freedomtofascism.com and sign up as a volunteer to support this effort. Also, please share this video link concerning my comments about the 9/11 fraud - ie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okLrWV6ObwI

PPS. In the past 2 1/2 months we have had over 1 million views of American: Freedom To Fascism on Google Video. The movie has received the highest possible rating of 5 Stars from the viewing audience. This is an incredible testement to the American public's appetite to learn about freedom. Please keep spreading the word of freedom by sending this email around the world. Here's the link to the movie on Google Video:

Personally, I love Congressman Ron Paul - but so far I was ignorant to the fact that he is republican. Concidering where he stands (with his views) shouldn't he enter the race as an independent?

And what's up with his presidential ambitions are now being all over the COINTELPRO site Rense.com????

Any Thoughts?
Fifth Way said:
Personally, I love Congressman Ron Paul - but so far I was ignorant to the fact that he is republican. Concidering where he stands (with his views) shouldn't he enter the race as an independent?
He is more of an old-school republican than the neo-con republicans, who aren''t really republicans at all. A lot of his views are consistent with what used to be, many years ago, republican ideology. OSIT.
I wonder if the protagonist of this story (http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=4914.msg32359#msg32359)
was emboldened by Russo's film. Apparently his beef with income taxes predates the movie, though, as he says he sued the IRS last year and is being prosecuted now in retaliation.

So, why does Russo say he'll do anything to support Ron Paul in a presidential bid? Russo himself has declared himself a Republican candidate!! (http:/)/russoforpresident08.com/
I am watching an interview with with Alex Jones Russo did (_http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=3218585954111617501) and related to the tax issue he states that he doesn't advise people not to pay taxes because he likens the IRS to the maffia and that people might get hurt if they don't pay their taxes.
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