Abundant high strangeness in my childhood, yet none as an adult?

Shijing said:
Argonaut, have you read very much of the abduction literature a la Mack, Hopkins, and Jacobs? If so, I'm just curious about how it matches up with their case studies -- the "soul mate" theme in particular is one that strikes me as very familiar.

I read Hopkins's book Intruders years ago, but I don't remember much about it. It's interesting that "soul mate" dreams may be linked to abductions. Not sure if this matters, but my dreams don't feature one specific person as the "soul mate" - the individual changes from dream to dream. Sometimes it's someone I've met, sometimes a fictional character or celebrity, and often it's someone I've never (knowingly) seen before. Completely random. The way I wrote it before may have led to the impression that my "soul mate" dreams all feature the same person, so I figured I'd clarify. :)

[quote author=Shijing]
If something like this actually happened to you in the past (as it may have for most of us), whether it was the real thing or staged disinfo, I think it helps to remember that the accumulation of real knowledge is what appears to be the strongest "repellent" -- and if our FRV becomes incompatible with this kind of experience, it would make sense that 4D STS would be forced to engage in more indirect (and seemingly mundane) methods of fencing the herd.

Definitely. One of my concerns has been, if the events were real, could the Lizzies have implanted something? Something that might be affecting me to this day? But thinking in terms of the big picture, couldn't growing in knowledge and being - thus altering frequency - render their implants useless? So it might be a moot issue.

[quote author=Shijing]
Thanks for sharing this experience -- it's not only interesting information, but also the exact kind of thing that it probably helps to share with the network for the benefit of everyone, particularly yourself.

I'm glad that others can get something from it. I think that's true of most threads on this forum - even the "Baked Noodles" to an extent. :lol: The collective responses contain wisdom that almost anyone can benefit from in some way.
Argonaut said:
I read Hopkins's book Intruders years ago, but I don't remember much about it. It's interesting that "soul mate" dreams may be linked to abductions. Not sure if this matters, but my dreams don't feature one specific person as the "soul mate" - the individual changes from dream to dream. Sometimes it's someone I've met, sometimes a fictional character or celebrity, and often it's someone I've never (knowingly) seen before. Completely random. The way I wrote it before may have led to the impression that my "soul mate" dreams all feature the same person, so I figured I'd clarify. :)

Sure -- the reason I asked about this is because one common abduction theme is male-female pairings. Whether or not this could be related to your dreams, I have no idea.

Argonaut said:
Definitely. One of my concerns has been, if the events were real, could the Lizzies have implanted something? Something that might be affecting me to this day? But thinking in terms of the big picture, couldn't growing in knowledge and being - thus altering frequency - render their implants useless? So it might be a moot issue.

There is actually some material in the early transcripts that directly addresses this concern. I'll quote it below -- this is only from the first half-year of sessions and isn't exhaustive, but it provides enough information to get the big picture I think:

July 16 said:
Q: (C) Where is my implant?
A: Head.

Q: Frank?
A: Same.

Q: Laura?
A: Same.

Q: (L) What are the implants for?
A: Study device.

Q: (L) To study what?
A: Soul composition.

Q: (L) Do any of the rituals we perform provide protection against further abduction?
A: Don't need protection if you have knowledge.

Q: (L) How do we get this knowledge?
A: Deep subconscious.

Q: (L) When did we get it?
A: Before birth.

Q: (L) Is there anything else we can do for protection?
A: Learn, meditate, read.

July 30 said:
Q: (L) Do we have implants?
A: Two implants; one monitor.

Q: (L) What is the difference between a monitor and an implant?
A: All are monitors. Implant is permanent. Frank and Laura have permanent implants. Candy got monitor three months ago. Next is implant.

Q: (L) Why?
A: To watch and observe you.

Q: (L) Why?
A: You are all higher level beings. Frank implant: 4 years old. Laura implant: 5 years old.

October 20 said:
Q: Was there a craft over my house the night I hypnotized P__ Z___?
A: Tuned into visual stimuli from implants. And Z___ implants alerted scout craft of Grays and Lizzies.

October 25 said:
Q: (V) Do I have an implant in my right ear?
A: Yes.

Q: (V) It has been going off a lot lately.
A: Caused by your interactions with these powerful channels.

Q: (V) What do you mean by powerful channels?
A: Laura and Fred.

Q: (V) Are they Lizard implants?
A: Yes. Monitoring heavily lately.

Q: (V) When did I get the implants?
A: Age 3.

Q: (L) How come Fred and I cause her implant to Buzz?
(V) It buzzes when I’m not with you guys, too.
A: Set off.

Q: (L) Does that mean that we are controlled by Lizards?
A: They are concerned by V___’s communication with us through you.

Q: (L) What is their concern?
A: Losing mole.

Q: (L) As in espionage terminology.

Q: (L) Is V___ a mole?
A: Were subconsciously.

Q: (L) V___ wants to know if she is detrimental to the project by being here?
A: No. Beneficial but the Lizards may resist.

Q: (L) How would they do this resistance?
A: Make her life more difficult just like they have with you two.

Q: (V) But it seems that my life is more on track that it has ever been before?
A: Watch out. Too late to leave project.

Q: (V) I just heard something in my left ear. Is that also an implant?
A: Yes.

Q: (V) Do they know what we are doing right at this moment?
A: Yes.

Q: (V) Should I stop and go home?
A: Up to you.

Q: (L) Why do the implants go off when they do?
A: Monitoring. They have reasons to monitor when they do. They can turn on the monitor and read everything that has gone on since the last monitoring. It is done at their convenience.

Q: (V) Do I have an implant in my left sinus which causes thick discharge?
A: Yes.

Q: (V) Am I going to be able to blow it out?
A: No.

November 2 said:
Q: (L) What do they do with implants?
A: Monitor.

Q: (L) Do they monitor our thoughts?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they monitor what we see?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Hear and feel?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do the implants just monitor?
A: And control.

Q: (L) Do all of us have implants?
A: Yes.

November 26 said:
Q: (T) Do I have implants?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) These implants are what they use to control my emotions and amplify them so that they can feed off of them?
A: Not control, influence.

Q: (T) No, not to control; influence. But when, say, I get angry, then I’m angry for a short time but then I’m angry for a long time because they have used this technology to amplify and extend this; is this what they do?
A: Yes. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

Q: (T) Can I feed back through their equipment what I choose?
A: Not necessary.

Q: (T) In other words, if I get angry and realize that I am being more angry than I should be, and I change that to something positive, and feed that back to them while they have their amplifiers wide open, will that affect them? Sour their milk, so to speak?
A: Now you are “fighting fire with fire.”

Q: (T) Well, is that something that we are supposed to be doing?
A: Open. But what does phrase imply?

Q: (L) If you feed it back at them, in other words, what they are saying is, I think, when you feel yourself getting angry, the only way to stop the whole thing is to stop being angry and be happy or at peace. When you are happy and at peace there is not in you the desire to send anything back.
A: Bingo.

Q: (J) Redirect the energy into something positive.
(F) You can’t fight fire with fire.
(LM) Well, actually you can in reality.
(T) What I am getting at is, is it possible to do that, to change the emotional state to something more positive than what they are expecting and feed that back to them. Is that a possibility?
A: Why?

Q: (T) Just to give them a taste of their own for a change.
(J) Do you want to antagonize them? You are still feeding them your energy. (L) The only change you could really have would be the opposite emotion which would be peace and if you are truly feeling peace...
A: 4th density STSers feed off negative energy.

Q: (J) So, give them nothing.
(T) But what I am thinking about is the energy... I have a natural... They are feeding off negative energy. They put something in me, some technological thing, because they come into 3rd density to mess with us...
A: Yes.

Q: (T) ...that will amplify this for them. Make it even stronger.
A: Analogy follows: How effective is a light socket without a plug in it?

Q: (T) Well, how effective is a light socket without a socket in it... I’m trying to learn here so you guys give me some lattitude.
A: What?

Q: (T) If you take a light socket and pull the socket... pull the plug on the light socket you no longer have light.
(L) Well, the Lizzies are the light bulb and you are the power source so you just pull out their plug.
(J) Unplug yourself.
(T) Am I the socket?
A: How effective is a motor that is never turned on?

Q: (J) Do not be their source. If they feed off negative energy, starve them.
A: Implants are ineffective if not used.

Q: (J) The power source has to be on for the implant to work for them to get the juice and the power is negative thoughts and emotions.
(T) But I am still a 3rd density being. I have all the emotions of a 3rd density being, the whole gamut, and that is part of what makes me a 3rd density being. Therefore I can’t turn one emotion off without upsetting the balance of the other emotions, emotions are almost an analogy to the light and the dark.
A: No.

Q: (T) I have positive emotions and I have negative emotions; they both make up who I am.
A: If you choose, you may have only positive emotions.

Q: (T) Now, if I have only positive emotions, which is a nice thing to have and I’d like to have that, what does that do to the sensor equipment of the Lizzies?
A: Cancels them.

Q: (T) So they are tuned to negative frequencies?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Having positive feelings cuts off the implants. If I cut off the sensors by having positive feelings, what will the Lizards do?
A: Go elsewhere.

Q: (L) Am I correct in my thought that when you first start turning this off that they may increase their efforts for a period and then finally they realize that you are really in charge here and then they go away?
A: Exactly.

Q: (T) That’s all there is to it? But the implants will still be there?
A: So what?

Q: (T) Do the implants do anything besides transmit the frequency?
A: No.

Q: (T) And, as long as I am being negative it is transmitting and they can track me that way?
A: Close.

Q: (T) If I shut them off by being positive, they can’t track me any longer?
A: Can track but not influence.

December 31 said:
Q: (L) What was the purpose of M’s abduction?
A: To study his mind. He has a very strong mind and resolve.

Q: (L) Did they put an implant in him?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) And what do they do with that implant?
A: Is monitor. Frequent ringing in ear signifies monitoring activity.

Q: (L) Does D__ have an implant?
A: She has 4.

Q: (D) Has 4 implants?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Where are they?
A: In brain.

Q: (L) In her brain? Ar-r-r-gh!
(LE) I had lots of allergies.
(D) What is their purpose?
A: Monitor.

Q: (L) That’s what they all are, monitors.
(D) But, why?
A: [Because] you are aware.

So the gist that I get from the above is that implants are used primarily for monitoring and secondarily for influencing thought and emotion. However, if you do the proper things to raise your FRV -- primarily knowledge input and application (and I would guess a lot of the other things recommended here such as E/E and dietary changes would be complementary to this) -- then the implant will be effectively neutralized and the Lizards will have to look for what they want elsewhere. If we dedicate ourselves to this, it will make the question of whether or not we have implants ultimately moot, just as you suggest.
Thanks for posting the material related to implants Shijng!

It's exactly what I've been through!

Thank you very much!
Yes, thank you Shijing for gathering all this info together! It answers all of my concerns. :) But it also raises a new question for me - what is the point of putting multiple implants in several parts of the body? The number and locations of them from one person to another seems utterly random. Maybe that's something that we'll never know. There might not even be any logic to it that we could understand.
truth seeker said:
What's really funny though is that if none of it had happened, I seriously doubt I would have found this forum. I was never really interested in the whole new age thing. I even worked at a new age store and as much as I enjoy reading, I never bothered to pick up a book! So in short, all of that HS changed the trajectory of my life! I have even wondered sometimes if I didn't program myself to go through all of this to get here but I guess I won't know that for quite some "time"!

This makes me thing about what the cs' said. Being Service to others through Service to Self

It's like necessary to have this problems to have spiritual or personal progres. Be a food and use their attacks to learn. Mmmm...

sorry I put my comment in to the quote
cubbex said:
truth seeker said:
What's really funny though is that if none of it had happened, I seriously doubt I would have found this forum. I was never really interested in the whole new age thing. I even worked at a new age store and as much as I enjoy reading, I never bothered to pick up a book! So in short, all of that HS changed the trajectory of my life! I have even wondered sometimes if I didn't program myself to go through all of this to get here but I guess I won't know that for quite some "time"!

This makes me thing about what the cs' said. Being Service to others through Service to Self

It's like necessary to have this problems to have spiritual or personal progres. Be a food and use their attacks to learn. Mmmm...

Definitely; strength is built when one encounters resistance and learns to overcome it. It seems that 4D STS attack can be a crucial part of the growth process. Which would probably irritate the Lizzies to no end - if they weren't so blinded by wishful thinking. :)
Oh boy, for the first time since I've been coming to this forum, Im really blowen away and a little shaken here. You guys are discussing stuff I have wanted to share with persons for a long time now.....wow.... my jaw is on the floor right now.... I am at a loss for words here. I am very encouraged by what I have just read here, but am feeling very reluctant to share my experiences on this topic as I can barely believe what I am reading. Its the non-chalant way as if your all discussing a ball game or something. At this very moment as I am formulating in my mind what to say .... the ringing is getting louder and my mind very foggy, and I sense something akin to a steel rod through my temple at this moment. I have an unnexplainable sense at this moment.... not fear yet forboding of a sort. WOW

I dont have anything to share other than basically the same experiences, nothing new or any more or less from what you all are sharing here. I will say this. At one time in my life over about a three to maybe five year period..... at this moment I am having a hard time sharing this for what reason I dont even know..... now this is some strangeness right here, right now.

Ok, so here is a question. Antaganising the STS's..... not a good idea right? For example this morning, I was replying on this forum. To make this short, I thought I lost my reply and got really mad. This really suprised me, as I dont really ever do this.(getting mad that is) I began to laugh and said out loud, "you guys got me this time, I'll give ya that one" Ever since I have found this forum, Laura etc. and the realization that Im not crazy nor alone in my daily battle with these invisible forces, I have made some antagonizing remarks, basically is it better to ignor them or let them know that I am now fully aware of their presence, for if they are monitoring my thoughts, they know then that I know.

Just last week, I began to smile and then laugh as I calmly and affectionetly breezed through a situation that at one time would have me cussing and getting angry. I even looked around (at nothing) and said something to the effect of "see guys.... not so tasty anymore eh?" and just beamed a big smile. I am proud of where I have gotten to in dealing with these guys, but my pride is similar to my ego, in that I think it could be some sort of back door for them to get to me through... I think so at least. Any tips or advise, would not only blow my mind but really be appreciated.

I'm just so thankful to have read this thread, thanks everyone.

One more thing I have been wondering about their tricks and programs. I have basically read in this thread that if a person is positive there is nothing to eat, the meal has gone sour so to speak, now does this mean they will give up? Like for me I think I see glimpses of a new role out of a old program, very similar to the "I'm special" program. But this one appears to tricky for even me to believe as it appears to be a non linear role out...... or not. It ties into my pride too, which is an old trap used allot on my ego that dosnt work for them as it used to, but I am proud to not be crazy.... What Im taking about is that through out my life there are symbols represented by names, words, experiences, all kinds of stuff. All related basically to Camelot. Looking at it laterally there is a fine thread of a connection. I never gave it a second thought or put any of it together in relation to me personally. Then all of a sudden I came across Laura and all this info about 4 months ago and now I see not only a fine lateral connection with Camelot, but with sort of the whole Hermetic tradition and Cassiopiea in a weird way. The "your an ascended master" programe was used on me very paitiently and over quite a period of time and with the involvement of many channellers and psychics trying to influence me in this new age church I joined a few years ago. I can only say, in short, that figuring out that one took allot of help, which did not appear to be helpful at the time. Losing my job for example, I think helped me to be away from their influence and see clearly what was happening. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank-you.

Hi Harold --

Harold said:
Ok, so here is a question. Antaganising the STS's..... not a good idea right? [...] I am proud of where I have gotten to in dealing with these guys, but my pride is similar to my ego, in that I think it could be some sort of back door for them to get to me through... I think so at least. Any tips or advise, would not only blow my mind but really be appreciated.

I don't think that antagonizing 4D STS is a good idea. Our primary objective is to gain knowledge and apply it, allowing us to accumulate as much energy as we can so that we can eventually make it out of the cattle pen, so to speak; by antagonizing 4D STS, you are not only using energy that you could be directing toward something more useful, but you are also attracting attention to yourself. Remember that in terms of awareness, their relationship to us is probably equivalent to that between us and a hamster (roughly speaking), so your intuition about pride and ego is probably quite correct -- what would happen to a hamster that tried to antagonize a human in order to display it's growing independence? The hamster would probably be much better off using that energy in other ways.

Harold said:
One more thing I have been wondering about their tricks and programs. I have basically read in this thread that if a person is positive there is nothing to eat, the meal has gone sour so to speak, now does this mean they will give up?

It isn't so much being "positive" (although that is apparently one aspect) as it is raising your Frequency Resonance Vibration -- which is done by gathering and applying knowledge. This means that you will become less directly accessible in terms of things like abduction and the consumption of your emotional energy, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you will be left alone. In fact, I would assume that it could get you noted as a threat -- but because of your higher FRV, you would have to be dealt with more indirectly, through what we perceive to be more mundane means (an example of which could be the people around you being vectored to affect you negatively).

All of the above is my current understanding, subject to correction.
Harold said:
Oh boy, for the first time since I've been coming to this forum, Im really blowen away and a little shaken here. You guys are discussing stuff I have wanted to share with persons for a long time now.....wow.... my jaw is on the floor right now.... I am at a loss for words here. I am very encouraged by what I have just read here, but am feeling very reluctant to share my experiences on this topic as I can barely believe what I am reading. Its the non-chalant way as if your all discussing a ball game or something.

Well, speaking for myself, it's easy to discuss these things nonchalantly, because they're just a part of reality. But in the "heat of the moment" while such things were happening, it was definitely a different story! :) Also, despite the casual tone of the discussion, I do still feel an uneasiness about it all. Not so much about the fact that it's happened to me, but there's still some uncertainty about why it's happened.

[quote author=Harold]
I dont have anything to share other than basically the same experiences, nothing new or any more or less from what you all are sharing here. I will say this. At one time in my life over about a three to maybe five year period..... at this moment I am having a hard time sharing this for what reason I dont even know..... now this is some strangeness right here, right now.

Are you saying that something may be preventing you from sharing your experience? If so, it's probably best not to push it, osit. But if it's mainly your own discomfort stopping you, just go at your own pace. Nobody here will judge what you reveal, and nobody will judge you if you choose to keep it to yourself. :)

[quote author=Harold]
Ok, so here is a question. Antaganising the STS's..... not a good idea right? For example this morning, I was replying on this forum. To make this short, I thought I lost my reply and got really mad. This really suprised me, as I dont really ever do this.(getting mad that is) I began to laugh and said out loud, "you guys got me this time, I'll give ya that one" Ever since I have found this forum, Laura etc. and the realization that Im not crazy nor alone in my daily battle with these invisible forces, I have made some antagonizing remarks, basically is it better to ignor them or let them know that I am now fully aware of their presence, for if they are monitoring my thoughts, they know then that I know.

Just last week, I began to smile and then laugh as I calmly and affectionetly breezed through a situation that at one time would have me cussing and getting angry. I even looked around (at nothing) and said something to the effect of "see guys.... not so tasty anymore eh?" and just beamed a big smile. I am proud of where I have gotten to in dealing with these guys, but my pride is similar to my ego, in that I think it could be some sort of back door for them to get to me through... I think so at least. Any tips or advise, would not only blow my mind but really be appreciated.

I agree with Shijing that we shouldn't antagonize them. But I totally understand how you feel when you "speak out" to the Lizzies. It reminds me of something Laura said in the Wave (Book 3):

Laura said:
As I gained more and more knowledge about the world, my point of view broadened. And, as my perspective expanded, the more the evils disappeared! Now, don’t get me wrong. When I say they “disappeared”, that does NOT mean that they went away or were transformed. Not at all. I just stopped seeing them as “evil”. Not only that, I began to see the incredible humor in the situation. When I become aware of a Reptoid “maneuver” in my life, I almost laugh with glee at the challenge of a worthy opponent!

This is the attitude of one who understands 4D STS "attack" as part of an adventure. In Castaneda's terms, it's the attitude of a warrior. The Lizzies and their machinations don't have to be feared; they can be seen as a challenge. That said, Shijing is right that we don't want to draw attention from 4D STS. It's wise to stay under the radar as much as possible. Like the saying goes, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." Also, you're right that pride can become a "back door" for them. Can we inwardly " laugh with glee at the challenge of a worthy opponent?" Absolutely. But we don't want to become cocky. We're dealing with a very cunning, ruthless predator. We shouldn't fear 4D STS, but we should approach them with healthy vigilance and caution.

[quote author=Harold]
The "your an ascended master" programe was used on me very paitiently and over quite a period of time and with the involvement of many channellers and psychics trying to influence me in this new age church I joined a few years ago. I can only say, in short, that figuring out that one took allot of help, which did not appear to be helpful at the time. Losing my job for example, I think helped me to be away from their influence and see clearly what was happening.

It's good that you recognize this tendency in yourself. From the sound of it, you may have been getting led down the same road as folks like David Icke, David Shayler, and others who were told they were "special" or "chosen" through psychics and channelers. A similar thing happened to me in the past, as well. It seems to be a very common tactic.
Ok.... ok.... please excuse this next little rant but I want to express myself to you 2..... wow wow wow wow wee wee wee wow.... I canott believe I am discussing this with humans here on earth, my mind/imagination has not even contemplated this before.... touched (and not in the head) ..... would sum it up...... now back to the thread!!!!


Shijing said:
Hi Harold --
Harold said:
Ok, so here is a question. Antaganising the STS's..... not a good idea right? [...] I am proud of where I have gotten to in dealing with these guys, but my pride is similar to my ego, in that I think it could be some sort of back door for them to get to me through... I think so at least. Any tips or advise, would not only blow my mind but really be appreciated.
I don't think that antagonizing 4D STS is a good idea. Our primary objective is to gain knowledge and apply it, allowing us to accumulate as much energy as we can so that we can eventually make it out of the cattle pen, so to speak; by antagonizing 4D STS, you are not only using energy that you could be directing toward something more useful, but you are also attracting attention to yourself. Remember that in terms of awareness, their relationship to us is probably equivalent to that between us and a hamster (roughly speaking), so your intuition about pride and ego is probably quite correct -- what would happen to a hamster that tried to antagonize a human in order to display it's growing independence? The hamster would probably be much better off using that energy in other ways.
yes that is an excellent way to look at it Shijing. Gold fish even. I wonder though, when I lets say address those around me, is recognition of them do you think antagonizing, if for example my hampster started to communicate with me in some way, I would be facinated, even if I was planning to eat him. In a way is this what prayer is about? I dont know, but if we can derive some sort of benefit from lets say civil interaction. I notice that I recieve a real energy feeling of goodness when I am very formal and polite, since I dont know actual names, I use madames, messieurs, ladies , gentlemen, super friends, when I mind my p's and q's, and use lets say talk from a more formal time ... the feeling I get is that I am getting somewhere with these guys. The serendipity in my life over the years is facinating to even me.... but I just go with it..... its the only way to do it. And too, I havent got to this in the wave series, but are all the 4d guys around us just sts? An answer to that would be helpful. Im inclined to think that I personally am recieving support, help.... etc. from someone, somewhere..... how does that work? Are the ones who help 6d then? When I really think about it, if my hamspter started to communicate with me.... I probably would not eat him.....hmmm...... I bet the lizzies dont think that way at all.... but then too, I believe it takes all kinds to make the world go round... so this brings me to another query..... are there STo lizzies? you dont have to answer that if you dont want to, just thinking out loud here.... I'll read bout it Im sure.... Ive been reading SOTT, WAVE etc purly for bout 4 months now, really grateful.

Shijing said:
Harold said:
One more thing I have been wondering about their tricks and programs. I have basically read in this thread that if a person is positive there is nothing to eat, the meal has gone sour so to speak, now does this mean they will give up?
It isn't so much being "positive" (although that is apparently one aspect) as it is raising your Frequency Resonance Vibration -- which is done by gathering and applying knowledge. This means that you will become less directly accessible in terms of things like abduction and the consumption of your emotional energy, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you will be left alone. In fact, I would assume that it could get you noted as a threat -- but because of your higher FRV, you would have to be dealt with more indirectly, through what we perceive to be more mundane means (an example of which could be the people around you being vectored to affect you negatively).
All of the above is my current understanding, subject to correction.
FRV.... cool.... yes I've read bout it, but the term hasnt stuck yet, this discussion should really help. So this is also related to ancoring the frequency, for the upcoming wave.... do I have it sort of right? The wild thing about your comment here is that is what is exactly happening to me, I have been thinking this exact same thing as I watch those around me, I've been watching 2 friends act totally possessed in the last year or so and another 2 got really vulguar with me the other night, they say just the right thing if you know what I mean, it is un-nerving yet uncanny at the same time , as I think Im losing my mind or am I really watching what is going on around me.... my intention is to stay calm cool and collected... allot easier to write than to follow. But in general I am very happy with my behavior, its progress not perfection. Im getting so much support and practical information from this forum and the wave, that my approach is evolving all the time, I feel the more fluid and dynamic my approach is , the harder it is to hit a moving target so to speak. I could really go on, on this topic... thank-you. Shijing

Argonaut said:
Harold said:
Oh boy, for the first time since I've been coming to this forum, Im really blowen away and a little shaken here. You guys are discussing stuff I have wanted to share with persons for a long time now.....wow.... my jaw is on the floor right now.... I am at a loss for words here. I am very encouraged by what I have just read here, but am feeling very reluctant to share my experiences on this topic as I can barely believe what I am reading. Its the non-chalant way as if your all discussing a ball game or something.
Well, speaking for myself, it's easy to discuss these things nonchalantly, because they're just a part of reality. But in the "heat of the moment" while such things were happening, it was definitely a different story! :) Also, despite the casual tone of the discussion, I do still feel an uneasiness about it all. Not so much about the fact that it's happened to me, but there's still some uncertainty about why it's happened.
Its just that this is my virgin conversation with another human being here on earth in this lifetime, so its a new high water mark so to speak...lol...but true. Yes the uneasyness.... well for me I dont know how many or if I actually have them but I've got several experiences that are text book that I wont bore you with the details, how important is it to get that all documented? I know it happened and thats good enough for me. Right here right now high strangeness, cant write words, under surveliance right now, Im having a scared feeling and confused, and a dont say it feeling, hmmm..... oh the ringing started, that usually dosnt happen till the night....now the 'Im insane' programe is kicking in.... like clockwork.... wow.... sorry guys ...not buying crazy today...IM good thanks.
gonna drop this for now....

Argonaut said:
Laura said:
I just stopped seeing them as “evil”.
(sorry cant figure out these quotes)ok... its right at that moment... when I stop seeing them as evil, my beliefs are limiting me here..... not fully or completely, but they could either devour me at this juncture or I can defeat them. The best way for me(personally) to do this is to have a practical , tangible way to do it....I think...what do you think? Like for example, there is a role that my family loves for me to play.... the black sheep.... society too..... Im the hideous underbelly..... that is discussed in whispers. I am lately trying to play this role to everybodies advantage but am scared Im a double agent STS or something to that effect. I no longer try to expound my incredible intellect.... I'm the dumb high school drop out.... and everybodies really happy! I love it! (except for the humiliation) I dont really care about anybody(except the family of course) AND everybodies happy! I love it!(aside from the fact that I'm a liar, as I do really care, and dont reveal stuff I do, as it is not a black sheep thing to do so I dont say that stuff anymore) Honestly...its funny...but Im best accepted when Im yelling Argo's!(Its a sports thing, and black sheep are allowed to enjoy sports) the only sports I watch is when Im with family or friends, thats the role that works for everyone. I could care less about sports....BUT...happy happy joy joy, if I can hold a conversation about it, instead of explaining how the arena is probably some soul sucking lizzie drive thru. So yes this is my dillema, I feel guilty about playing roles like this, as I do lie etc. and not wear my heart on my sleeve. Yes so how do we reconcile our guilt in playing roles that are to our and everyones advantage but yet seem in some ways to comprimise our values. Also too, I see it that if I feel 'bad' sometimes or not 'good' bout the role I feeland think I should play that is in everybodies best interest. Allowing this negative feeling is the trap door in which the lizzies can get through. See how I judge these things I do? I need to reconcile this. I need to make the connection.... for example when it is dark at night, I get rest and heal, when something dies and rots, it is nurishment for future life, is this the connection I must make? I dont know yet. When I keep my mouth shut about certain truths, me and my family get allong better. I want to be in the presence of my family in harmony, but I only know how to achieve this through lies. I could be wrong, but it appears that society can only accept the intellect(or lack there of) of one who possesses accepted institutional accreditation and financial success plus social standing through political associations. None of which I possess. Or care about a whole lot. I just wanna kick butt.... u know who's.

About the 'staying under the radar', I understand that in physical terms, what about otherwise, if Im being monitored, I just try not to think too much and just do stuff, I try to be as creative as posible and stay in the moment, is that what yu mean?

Argonaut said:
[quote author=Harold]
The "your an ascended master" programe was used on me very paitiently and over quite a period of time and with the involvement of many channellers and psychics trying to influence me in this new age church I joined a few years ago. I can only say, in short, that figuring out that one took allot of help, which did not appear to be helpful at the time. Losing my job for example, I think helped me to be away from their influence and see clearly what was happening.
It's good that you recognize this tendency in yourself. From the sound of it, you may have been getting led down the same road as folks like David Icke, David Shayler, and others who were told they were "special" or "chosen" through psychics and channelers. A similar thing happened to me in the past, as well. It seems to be a very common tactic.
What blows my mind about this one is how my day of birth plays into it, and all the astrological stuff, all kinds of events throughout my life etc. etc. Many characters involved....it could have gone either way, it seem's like a vey big effort for little ol me. hmmm dont think someones too happy with this conversation, my tea just went flying everywhere....what a mess....ha ha ... Im smiling : )

take care guys, yer the best

cheers Harold
PS I had the quotes figured out ther for a while, please excuse the mess at the end, I cant fugure it out. bye!
Hi Harold --

Harold said:
I havent got to this in the wave series, but are all the 4d guys around us just sts? An answer to that would be helpful. Im inclined to think that I personally am recieving support, help.... etc. from someone, somewhere..... how does that work? Are the ones who help 6d then? When I really think about it, if my hamspter started to communicate with me.... I probably would not eat him.....hmmm...... I bet the lizzies dont think that way at all.... but then too, I believe it takes all kinds to make the world go round... so this brings me to another query..... are there STo lizzies? you dont have to answer that if you dont want to, just thinking out loud here.... I'll read bout it Im sure.... Ive been reading SOTT, WAVE etc purly for bout 4 months now, really grateful.

In short, there are 4D STO as well as STS, we do receive help (even if indirect) from the higher densities (although respect for our free will and learning path is paramount), the lizzies would probably eat the talking hamster, and if there are any STO lizzies, it's such a small number that it's not worth mentioning. I think if you continue to read The Wave, you will find answers to all of the questions you ask above. Just keep at it, and you will get to them all in turn.

Harold said:
FRV.... cool.... yes I've read bout it, but the term hasnt stuck yet, this discussion should really help. So this is also related to ancoring the frequency, for the upcoming wave.... do I have it sort of right? The wild thing about your comment here is that is what is exactly happening to me, I have been thinking this exact same thing as I watch those around me, I've been watching 2 friends act totally possessed in the last year or so and another 2 got really vulguar with me the other night, they say just the right thing if you know what I mean, it is un-nerving yet uncanny at the same time , as I think Im losing my mind or am I really watching what is going on around me.... my intention is to stay calm cool and collected... allot easier to write than to follow.

That is the best approach, and yes it can be tough. Other people can be used as vectors against us, but we have to also be sure to observe ourselves as objectively as possible and be honest about whether or not we may be doing anything to add gas to the fire. Staying vigilant, practicing strategic enclosure, and using external consideration are the most important things to do in all social encounters.

Harold said:
...it appears to me that Im being heavly monitored too as I am typing these words and in my responce you have replyed to... so there I've said it!!!!!!! NOW I"M FREAKIN!!!! (the Lizzies are lovin this, they dont get to me that much.... I bet Im nice n tasty right now)


About the 'staying under the radar', I understand that in physical terms, what about otherwise, if Im being monitored, I just try not to think too much and just do stuff, I try to be as creative as posible and stay in the moment, is that what yu mean?


hmmm dont think someones too happy with this conversation, my tea just went flying everywhere....what a mess....ha ha ... Im smiling : )

Harold, I think it's important that you don't start to feel too paranoid about being monitored. It is entirely possible that any of us could be monitored, at any time, by a variety of means -- and at one time or another, we all probably are; but in answer to your question above, it doesn't do any good to dwell on it, because what can we really do about it if we are, besides what has already been discussed in the previous posts? It shouldn't affect the way that we do things, the choices we make, and so forth, so best to treat it as a non-issue and just live life, I think. It will help to do the E/E program, if you haven't started already, and also reading the advice in the Health and Diet section and asking for more if it doesn't cover your particular situation.

I'm glad that you feel like you can talk about these things here -- it obviously brings you some relief. For now, keep reading and learning, and do E/E, and you will be way ahead of the curve comparatively speaking.
Harold said:
I wonder though, when I lets say address those around me, is recognition of them do you think antagonizing, if for example my hampster started to communicate with me in some way, I would be facinated, even if I was planning to eat him.

There are two major flaws in this analogy. First, the Lizzies already know that a human may become aware of them. A large part of their control system is designed to prevent this very thing. So they wouldn't be fascinated or shocked by a human speaking to them directly. It might draw their attention, but it would be similar to how an annoying itch draws your attention. Second, even though we are mainly STS-oriented, we're still able to feel empathy or affection for lower-level beings (most of us, anyway). But the Lizzies are fully, consciously STS. They feel nothing for us but hunger.

Are you saying that something may be preventing you from sharing your experience? If so, it's probably best not to push it, osit. But if it's mainly your own discomfort stopping you, just go at your own pace. Nobody here will judge what you reveal, and nobody will judge you if you choose to keep it to yourself. :)
Im saying both there, being stopped through discomfort, the origin of the discomfort is unknown. Even at this moment a big lump in my throat, an image of something around my throat, ringing, ringing and more ringing in my ears, I'm not scared. But I do question my sanity allot, because of stuff just like this.

You may be monitored, but as Shijing said, any of us could be. It's just a fact of life in third density. You don't seem like you have issues with sanity, but I do wonder if it might feel worse than it really is because you focus on it so much? Or maybe even panic (freak out) a bit? I also wonder if there's a connection between the intensity of these events and you trying to "chat" with the Lizzies.

Laura said:
I just stopped seeing them as “evil”.
(sorry cant figure out these quotes)ok... its right at that moment... when I stop seeing them as evil, my beliefs are limiting me here.....

Laura wasn't describing a limiting belief; she was talking about a shift in perception. A positive thing. When she "stopped seeing them as 'evil," she realized that the Lizzies do what they do because it's natural for them. Meaning that we don't need to fear them, hate them, or feel anything negative towards them. But we do still need to be wise and vigilant. A hungry predator is natural, but it's nothing to toy around with. At the same time, learning how to outwit the predator is an adventure! It can truly become fun once we really "get it."

Harold said:
not fully or completely, but they could either devour me at this juncture or I can defeat them. The best way for me(personally) to do this is to have a practical , tangible way to do it....I think...what do you think?

I think you're right, and gaining (true) knowledge is the practical, tangible way. The goal isn't to defeat the Lizzies, exactly... But taking yourself out of their "food chain" would be a sort of defeat for them. And if we can reach that critical mass when the Wave hits, it will leave them without much of a food source at all, and they'll have to go elsewhere. Which will be a huge defeat! But that said, our goal shouldn't be to act against the Lizzies; it should be to act in favor of our destiny (to paraphrase the C's). Depriving them of a food source is just a "side effect," in a way.

Harold said:
Like for example, there is a role that my family loves for me to play.... the black sheep.... society too..... Im the hideous underbelly..... that is discussed in whispers. [snip]

Playing roles is actually an important part of strategic enclosure, as well as external considering. And yes, this can sometimes involve outright lying. Conventional wisdom says that a "good person" always tells the truth, always shares his views openly... and if not, he's a "coward" or "weak." But these ideas are what's called "paramoralisms."

Harold said:
Argonaut said:
[quote author=Harold]
The "your an ascended master" programe was used on me very paitiently and over quite a period of time and with the involvement of many channellers and psychics trying to influence me in this new age church I joined a few years ago. I can only say, in short, that figuring out that one took allot of help, which did not appear to be helpful at the time. Losing my job for example, I think helped me to be away from their influence and see clearly what was happening.
It's good that you recognize this tendency in yourself. From the sound of it, you may have been getting led down the same road as folks like David Icke, David Shayler, and others who were told they were "special" or "chosen" through psychics and channelers. A similar thing happened to me in the past, as well. It seems to be a very common tactic.
What blows my mind about this one is how my day of birth plays into it, and all the astrological stuff, all kinds of events throughout my life etc. etc. Many characters involved....it could have gone either way,

Same goes for David Icke and others who have been led down the "path of destruction." Amazing coincidences, astrological links, "supernatural" events, all kinds of things. We can't blindly trust such "confirmations" - especially when they seem to be pushing us in a certain direction. Forces of STO will not interfere with Free Will; only STS does that. So when "signs and wonders" seem to be manipulating you in some way, it's almost definitely NOT coming from the good guys.

[quote author=Harold]
it seem's like a vey big effort for little ol me.

It can seem that way from our third density perspective, but the Lizzies exist outside of 3D space and time. They can "go" to any place, at any point in history, at their whim. So they have all the "time" in the world to give each person on Earth their full attention.
Hi Shijing and Argonaut, thank-you for the great replys. This is my second attempt at responding in so many days, I may have to respond in several posts... I dont know yet, Im having a little technical difficulty. I really appreciate your answers, I believe this is what the forum does best, I see I am putting the wrong peices of the puzzle in the wrong spots at times and the pieces of the puzzle having to do with myself are still at times very confusing and even horrific but this needs to be done, so thank-you... in advance.

Shijing said:
Hi Harold --
Harold said:
I havent got to this in the wave series, but are all the 4d guys around us just sts? An answer to that would be helpful. Im inclined to think that I personally am recieving support, help.... etc. from someone, somewhere..... how does that work? Are the ones who help 6d then? When I really think about it, if my hamspter started to communicate with me.... I probably would not eat him.....hmmm...... I bet the lizzies dont think that way at all.... but then too, I believe it takes all kinds to make the world go round... so this brings me to another query..... are there STo lizzies? you dont have to answer that if you dont want to, just thinking out loud here.... I'll read bout it Im sure.... Ive been reading SOTT, WAVE etc purly for bout 4 months now, really grateful.
In short, there are 4D STO as well as STS, we do receive help (even if indirect) from the higher densities (although respect for our free will and learning path is paramount), the lizzies would probably eat the talking hamster, and if there are any STO lizzies, it's such a small number that it's not worth mentioning. I think if you continue to read The Wave, you will find answers to all of the questions you ask above. Just keep at it, and you will get to them all in turn.
but in general there are STO and STS at all densities. And just because i get the warm fuzzies dosnt mean its STO, I still have to examine the situation.
Shijing said:
Harold said:
FRV.... cool.... yes I've read bout it, but the term hasnt stuck yet, this discussion should really help. So this is also related to ancoring the frequency, for the upcoming wave.... do I have it sort of right? The wild thing about your comment here is that is what is exactly happening to me, I have been thinking this exact same thing as I watch those around me, I've been watching 2 friends act totally possessed in the last year or so and another 2 got really vulguar with me the other night, they say just the right thing if you know what I mean, it is un-nerving yet uncanny at the same time , as I think Im losing my mind or am I really watching what is going on around me.... my intention is to stay calm cool and collected... allot easier to write than to follow.
That is the best approach, and yes it can be tough. Other people can be used as vectors against us, but we have to also be sure to observe ourselves as objectively as possible and be honest about whether or not we may be doing anything to add gas to the fire. Staying vigilant, practicing strategic enclosure, and using external consideration are the most important things to do in all social encounters.
yes, my big thing is to shut up..... mostly.... worry about whats going on in the moment, play the role of polite helpful guy at the check-out counter, no editorial commentary on the air quality in this store being worse than my cigarret smoke etc... I have found very practical ideas here on the forum and can at times really enjoy this part of the work. Im in a shark tank, best not to play the role of bait!
Shijing said:
Harold said:
...it appears to me that Im being heavly monitored too as I am typing these words and in my responce you have replyed to... so there I've said it!!!!!!! NOW I"M FREAKIN!!!! (the Lizzies are lovin this, they dont get to me that much.... I bet Im nice n tasty right now)

About the 'staying under the radar', I understand that in physical terms, what about otherwise, if Im being monitored, I just try not to think too much and just do stuff, I try to be as creative as posible and stay in the moment, is that what yu mean?
hmmm dont think someones too happy with this conversation, my tea just went flying everywhere....what a mess....ha ha ... Im smiling : )
Harold, I think it's important that you don't start to feel too paranoid about being monitored. It is entirely possible that any of us could be monitored, at any time, by a variety of means -- and at one time or another, we all probably are; but in answer to your question above, it doesn't do any good to dwell on it, because what can we really do about it if we are, besides what has already been discussed in the previous posts? It shouldn't affect the way that we do things, the choices we make, and so forth, so best to treat it as a non-issue and just live life, I think. It will help to do the E/E program, if you haven't started already, and also reading the advice in the Health and Diet section and asking for more if it doesn't cover your particular situation.
I'm glad that you feel like you can talk about these things here -- it obviously brings you some relief. For now, keep reading and learning, and do E/E, and you will be way ahead of the curve comparatively speaking.
As this is my first discussion of these phenomena in my life personally, I would say that my excitement in discussing it was pretty dramatic as I re-read it myself. I do not worry about it really, I will admit I have tried different things to try to shield it but it seems to be in my head. Lets just say I've had suspicious things surgically removed, during times I was around a abducty, things in Xrays so fourth, hanging out in abduction places(will never do that again, I think...) ummmm whatever, Im cool with it. It always comes on in the evening or when Im doing stuff like this(yes it is happening right now). What gets me is how it is like some times someone turns it on and the volume or some knob is accidently on high, and the thing blairs in my ear while they are messing with the knobs to fix it, or they have even shut it back off and then on again fixed and normal. Like sure it might be my imagination, who knows. Do STO implant us, or those who are 6th D and then it is ipso facto ok to do it , is this possible, I guess I want to strike out that possibility, of this ringing/monitoring coming from the good guys. Could that be part of a persons destiny, get implanted so the good guys know where that person is? Just askin s'all. Hope these question are ok.

Argonaut said:
Harold said:
I wonder though, when I lets say address those around me, is recognition of them do you think antagonizing, if for example my hampster started to communicate with me in some way, I would be facinated, even if I was planning to eat him.
There are two major flaws in this analogy. First, the Lizzies already know that a human may become aware of them. A large part of their control system is designed to prevent this very thing. So they wouldn't be fascinated or shocked by a human speaking to them directly. It might draw their attention, but it would be similar to how an annoying itch draws your attention. Second, even though we are mainly STS-oriented, we're still able to feel empathy or affection for lower-level beings (most of us, anyway). But the Lizzies are fully, consciously STS. They feel nothing for us but hunger.
Thank-you, it's their nature, Im in their territory as well, or I am completely in their territory, either way, somewhat similar to going to the garbadge dump to feed the bears and get out of my vehicle and start to antagonise them. And yes I love animals.... but I still eat them almost every day.
Argonaut said:
Harold] I've been watching 2 friends act totally possessed in the last year or so and another 2 got really vulguar with me the other night said:
Harold] But in general I am very happy with my behavior said:
Harold] [quote author=Argonaut said:
Are you saying that something may be preventing you from sharing your experience? If so, it's probably best not to push it, osit. But if it's mainly your own discomfort stopping you, just go at your own pace. Nobody here will judge what you reveal, and nobody will judge you if you choose to keep it to yourself. :)
Im saying both there, being stopped through discomfort, the origin of the discomfort is unknown. Even at this moment a big lump in my throat, an image of something around my throat, ringing, ringing and more ringing in my ears, I'm not scared. But I do question my sanity allot, because of stuff just like this.
You may be monitored, but as Shijing said, any of us could be. It's just a fact of life in third density. You don't seem like you have issues with sanity, but I do wonder if it might feel worse than it really is because you focus on it so much? Or maybe even panic (freak out) a bit? I also wonder if there's a connection between the intensity of these events and you trying to "chat" with the Lizzies.
I'm pretty used to it, I notice it comes on every night around 9.30pm or when I'm doing stuff like this(intelligence gathering and sharing), it is happening now and is very loud and seems like more than one. It dosnt bother me in the least, I was and am very excited though, to be discussing it with you and am being a little dramatic for effect, I want you to take me seriously. This is not easy to share but is way better than my last postings.
About my chatting with the lizzies, I am for the most part trying to acknowledge STO influence through prayer and a little dialogue throughout the day. I also acknowledge the animals and plants I am consuming and thank them and welcome them to become part of me in a little way and that their dark end is benefitting me and I see this and am grateful for this knowledge and nourishment. My comments to the lizzies has been more ego and pride, I liken to comments I have made while playing sports or games. I have stopped such comments. Thank-you for the advice.
Argonaut said:
Harold] Holy wow argo said:
Laura said:
I just stopped seeing them as “evil”.
(sorry cant figure out these quotes)ok... its right at that moment... when I stop seeing them as evil, my beliefs are limiting me here.....
Laura wasn't describing a limiting belief; she was talking about a shift in perception. A positive thing. When she "stopped seeing them as 'evil," she realized that the Lizzies do what they do because it's natural for them. Meaning that we don't need to fear them, hate them, or feel anything negative towards them. But we do still need to be wise and vigilant. A hungry predator is natural, but it's nothing to toy around with. At the same time, learning how to outwit the predator is an adventure! It can truly become fun once we really "get it."
yes but my old beliefs were not allowing me to see it as a more natural process, I just saw pure evil. Its not so personal for me anymore, they just are who they are. I consume, yet I dont see myself as pure evil at all. Its wishful thinking to think of a shark as a kitten and for me to be angry with the shark cause it wont conform to my insane thinking is a waste of my time and dangerous for me. A thing is what a thing is.... yes?
Argonaut said:
Harold said:
not fully or completely, but they could either devour me at this juncture or I can defeat them. The best way for me(personally) to do this is to have a practical , tangible way to do it....I think...what do you think?
I think you're right, and gaining (true) knowledge is the practical, tangible way. The goal isn't to defeat the Lizzies, exactly... But taking yourself out of their "food chain" would be a sort of defeat for them. And if we can reach that critical mass when the Wave hits, it will leave them without much of a food source at all, and they'll have to go elsewhere. Which will be a huge defeat! But that said, our goal shouldn't be to act against the Lizzies; it should be to act in favor of our destiny (to paraphrase the C's). Depriving them of a food source is just a "side effect," in a way.
I am in favor of my destiny, but I think I have more to learn on that.
Argonaut said:
Harold said:
Like for example, there is a role that my family loves for me to play.... the black sheep.... society too..... Im the hideous underbelly..... that is discussed in whispers. [snip]
Playing roles is actually an important part of strategic enclosure, as well as external considering. And yes, this can sometimes involve outright lying. Conventional wisdom says that a "good person" always tells the truth, always shares his views openly... and if not, he's a "coward" or "weak." But these ideas are what's called "paramoralisms."
Thank-you very much for the supportive comments there, as I struggle with this.
Argonaut said:
Harold said:
Argonaut said:
[quote author=Harold]
The "your an ascended master" programe was used on me very paitiently and over quite a period of time and with the involvement of many channellers and psychics trying to influence me in this new age church I joined a few years ago. I can only say, in short, that figuring out that one took allot of help, which did not appear to be helpful at the time. Losing my job for example, I think helped me to be away from their influence and see clearly what was happening.
It's good that you recognize this tendency in yourself. From the sound of it, you may have been getting led down the same road as folks like David Icke, David Shayler, and others who were told they were "special" or "chosen" through psychics and channelers. A similar thing happened to me in the past, as well. It seems to be a very common tactic.
What blows my mind about this one is how my day of birth plays into it, and all the astrological stuff, all kinds of events throughout my life etc. etc. Many characters involved....it could have gone either way,
Same goes for David Icke and others who have been led down the "path of destruction." Amazing coincidences, astrological links, "supernatural" events, all kinds of things. We can't blindly trust such "confirmations" - especially when they seem to be pushing us in a certain direction. Forces of STO will not interfere with Free Will; only STS does that. So when "signs and wonders" seem to be manipulating you in some way, it's almost definitely NOT coming from the good guys.
[quote author=Harold]
it seem's like a vey big effort for little ol me.
It can seem that way from our third density perspective, but the Lizzies exist outside of 3D space and time. They can "go" to any place, at any point in history, at their whim. So they have all the "time" in the world to give each person on Earth their full attention.
Yes I see that in my astrology and numerology and around me and so fourth....... so basically stop accepting any old program, look at the situation, take responsibility, choose the program according to my destiny, therefore not accessing the memory file server(our brain maybe?) but the CPU(Divine Cosmic Mind), which the lizzies dont seem to have access to, and create and implement appropriate programs on the fly.... yea? And if Im not running their programs when the Wave hits, then I will not see what their programs want me to see at the time of the collappse but the truth?...yea
cheers! and thank-you
Hi Harold, if you've not read the entire Wave Series in its entirety, I strongly suggest you do so. All of these questions are answered there. In short, STO does not 'play chess' - they don't interfere, they don't manipulate with 'warm fuzzies', they don't implant, they honor Free Will and give all to those who ask (not beg, plead, expect, demand - but sincerely ask). The time it will take you to read the Wave will be well worth it.
Like anart said, reading The Wave series will answer most questions that you have right now, so that would be a wise next step. I will touch on a few things you said, though:

Harold said:
And yes I love animals.... but I still eat them almost every day.

This is totally natural in an STS world. We eat animals, animals eat each other, and even some plants eat animals. And it goes beyond just animals - if we want to avoid killing, then we can't eat plants either! But what we CAN avoid is cruelty. Not eating animals raised on "factory farms," etc. The ideal source of meat would be wild animals that we hunt ourselves, which isn't practical for most of us. But we can still use our better judgement when choosing meat.

Laura wasn't describing a limiting belief; she was talking about a shift in perception. A positive thing. When she "stopped seeing them as 'evil," she realized that the Lizzies do what they do because it's natural for them. Meaning that we don't need to fear them, hate them, or feel anything negative towards them. But we do still need to be wise and vigilant. A hungry predator is natural, but it's nothing to toy around with. At the same time, learning how to outwit the predator is an adventure! It can truly become fun once we really "get it."
yes but my old beliefs were not allowing me to see it as a more natural process, I just saw pure evil. Its not so personal for me anymore, they just are who they are. I consume, yet I dont see myself as pure evil at all. Its wishful thinking to think of a shark as a kitten and for me to be angry with the shark cause it wont conform to my insane thinking is a waste of my time and dangerous for me. A thing is what a thing is.... yes?

Ah, I misunderstood your meaning. :) Yes, what you said here is right on.

Harold said:
so basically stop accepting any old program, look at the situation, take responsibility, choose the program according to my destiny, therefore not accessing the memory file server(our brain maybe?) but the CPU(Divine Cosmic Mind), which the lizzies dont seem to have access to, and create and implement appropriate programs on the fly.... yea?
And if Im not running their programs when the Wave hits, then I will not see what their programs want me to see at the time of the collappse but the truth?...yea

In Fourth Way terms, there's no such thing as a good program. They're all based on mechanical, habitual thinking and behavior. Programs are the opposite of conscious choice. Other than that your description is semi-accurate, except I'd say that the "CPU" would be our real, permanent "I". But achieving this is impossible in our present state. For now all we can do is learn, and do our best to apply what we're learning. Step by step.
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