advice/assistance please


A Disturbance in the Force

I am a "newbie" and Joe from your organization suggested that I post this here. Have not been able to manage introductions yet,. Some is explained herein.

A friend suggested that I take a look at your material because she thought some of your experiences similar to what she knows of my own. I have only had the opportunity read a small amount of your voluminous information but am writing to inquire if you or your sources an shed any light on my current situation and perhaps provide any advice/assistance to ameliorate it. I cannot go into great detail right now because I am really weary after a long day o struggling to take care of bare necessities and accomplish whatever else I can at the moment. Quite something for someone about whom it had been said did everything well and with ease and used to run around the world and think nothing of it! By the way, I have long been drawn to Cassiopaea ever since my father used to point it out to me when I would take his hand, take him outside and ask him to show me the stars as a young child. A fact pointed out to me by a Sufi with whom I spent a great deal of time in Egypt many years ago, who told me that I am one also, among other things. Way too much to go into now and there are many matters about which I have never spoken but the things which transpired remain some of the most extraordinary in a not very ordinary life.

I was informed by someone when living in another location about 15 years ago, that I had been "targeted." I did not know what that meant at the time, nor did I experience any obvious interference except perhaps for my phone being monitored, a few other things which may relate. Not so here. I am now in Brick, NJ, a place I said that I would not live but due to a long story have for longer than I care to have.When first here, I was approached in a restaurant y a civilian employee of the DOD, who told me that the government would kill me if I had evidence of experimentation eing done here. Too much happened subsequently to go into now.

My immediate concern is to find a way to stop the 24/7 negative entity/energy attack which has been going on for too many years now and to recover from the consequences. It is definitely inter-dimensional, involves nasty visuals or dark swirling energy (things have morphed over time),with eyes closed, small black figures and balls which fly around my head and eyes,hissing, unnatural energy flowing through my body, nasty stuff falling all over me and more. Some is visible to others and I do have footage of some anomalous things. I have lost my teeth because of this and functioning has become so difficult that I no longer get out, especially in the last 2 years. Prior to this, I was always very clear, had a sterling reputation, had genius qualities in multiple directions according to some, had some glorious spiritual experiences and others were (some tell me they still are) healed around me and at a distance, some of which I am aware of, sometimes not. I have been attacked in the past but always managed to clear things. This has defied all efforts by myself and others. I know that I have been irradiated and microwaved in the past and a Colonel at the Pentagon told me that he was aware of the electro-magnetic bombardment.. As I said, there is way too much to go into right now.ut my life has really been a living hell for way too long. I do try to maintain a sense of humor and use whatever techniques I can and continue to search for a solution.

There appears to be or have been black magic, negative ET and HAARP,perhaps other technologies involved. Some say I am being held hostage by Tall Grays, some astral attack, one that I am caught in the lower 4th dimension. All seem to apply and more. I am truly hoping that you may have some insights and solutions. Some things I was aware of in advance but never expected anything this deleterious to go on for so long. Everything takes enormous concentration and effort. I am a professional person with credentials in multiple disciplines, not given to hallucinations, fantasies or as my friend says, a lot of New Age mumbo jumbo.

Would really appreciate hearing from you ASAP. Looking forward to reading more of your material.


Mod edit: fixed text formatting
Hi Claire, Welcome to the forum. Not sure where to start in replying to your problems. Have you removed Aspartame (also known as Nutrasweet) from your diet? That will give you a better chance of coping with whatever exactly is going on.
Hi Clare, welcome to the forum.

Mal7 makes a good point, diet would definitely be one place to look for anything that could be making matters worse.

It is difficult to say ‘oh yeah you need to do such-and-so’ in order to fix things. The principle ‘knowledge protects’ often used here on the forum, applies proportionally to the degree that we are able to gather knowledge (of things that are true - the truth). Which suggests an ongoing process of study and networking as the way as the way to increase our level of protection, so maybe hang around and discuss/work on things bit by bit, as I’m not sure there’s an instant fix-all. First we have to try and discover whether what we think we know is actually the truth, or if we are believing in lies and so opening ourselves to attack, see? E

Examining our beliefs, gathering knowledge and networking takes time, but it’s worth it. Knowledge protects.

Laura said:
Q: (L) Are there any rituals that can be performed to provide protection for one against intrusion by the Lizzies.

A: Rituals are self-defeating.

Q: (L) Are there any technological means we can use?

A: The only defense needed is knowledge. Knowledge defends you against every possible form of harm in existence. The more knowledge you have, the less fear you have, the less pain you have, the less stress you feel, the less anguish you feel, and the less danger you experience of any form or sort. Think of this very carefully now for this is very important: Where is there any limitation in the concept behind the word "knowledge"? Being that there is no limitation, what is the value of that word? Infinite. Can you conceive of how that one concept, that one meaning frees you from all limitation? Use your sixth sense to conceive of how the word, the term, the meaning of knowledge can provide with all that you could possibly ever need. If you think carefully you will begin to see glimpses of how this is true in its greatest possible form.

Q: (L) Does this include knowledge learned from books?

A: This includes all possible meanings of the concept of the word. Can you think of how it would be that simply with one term, this one word can carry so much meaning? We sense that you are not completely aware. You can have glimpses of illumination and illumination comes from knowledge. If you strive perpetually to gain and gather knowledge, you provide yourself with protection from every possible negative occurrence that could ever happen. Do you know why this is? The more knowledge you have, the more awareness you have as to how to protect yourself. Eventually this awareness becomes so powerful and so all encompassing that you do not even have to perform tasks or rituals, if you prefer, to protect yourself. The protection simply comes naturally with the awareness.

Q: (L) Does knowledge have a substance or an existence apart from its possession or its acceptance?

A: Knowledge has all substance. It goes to the core of all existence.

Q: (L) So acquiring knowledge includes adding substance to one's being?

A: Indeed. It includes adding everything to one's being that is desirable. And also, when you keep invoking the light, as you do, truly understand that the light is knowledge. That is the knowledge which is at the core of all existence. And being at the core of all existence it provides protection from every form of negativity in existence. Light is everything and everything is knowledge and knowledge is everything. You are doing extremely well in acquiring of knowledge. Now all you need is the faith and realization that acquiring of knowledge is all you need.

Q: (L) I just want to be sure that the source that I am acquiring the knowledge from is not a deceptive source.

A: If you simply have faith, no knowledge that you could possibly acquire could possibly be false because there is no such thing. Anyone or anything that tries to give you false knowledge, false information, will fail. The very material substance that the knowledge takes on, since it is at the root of all existence, will protect you from absorption of false information which is not knowledge. There is no need to fear the absorption of false information when you are simply openly seeking to acquire knowledge. And knowledge forms the protection -- all the protection you could ever need.

Q: (L) There are an awful lot of people who are being open and trusting and having faith who are getting zapped and knocked on their rears.

A: No. That is simply your perception. What you are failing to perceive is that these people are not really gathering knowledge. These people are stuck at some point in their pathway to progress and they are undergoing a hidden manifestation of what is referred to in your terms as obsession. Obsession is not knowledge, obsession is stagnation. So, when one becomes obsessed, one actually closes off the absorption and the growth and the progress of soul development which comes with the gaining of true knowledge. For when one becomes obsessed one deteriorates the protection therefore one is open to problems, to tragedies, to all sorts of difficulties. Therefore one experiences same.
Alada's quote offers a great starting point to consider how knowledge protects, I'd like to third the suggestion however regarding the role of diet in relation to these types of experiences. As I understand it, it seems that diet could be related in two ways with these attacks:

- either they are a product of some severe body/brain imbalance (you did mentioned that you lost your teeth) which could be improved with the proper diet

- or you are really being attacked by entities of sorts (and I am using the term very loosely, based on the information you provided), in which case a proper diet can help you change your body's frequency vibration so that such stuff is no longer attracted to you.

Either way, or whatever way I haven't thought of yet, a dietary change can only help.

So, how is your diet like? What foods do you eat on a consistent basis? When you lost your teeth, did you see any specialist about it? If yes, what did they say was the cause of it?

Another angle to your problem, from the knowledge protects perspective, have you had a chance to read the book High Strangeness? Along with the Wave (online and in a series of 8 printed books) deal with these experiences in depth, and provide a lot of protection as sources of knowledge.

In any event, after you provide the information about the diet, we'll be able to give you more advice regarding that area as well. In case you are experiencing a lot of stress due to your circumstances, I would recommend the EE program as a place to start from, if you are not familiar with it already.
I’m a little confused, if you don’t believe in mumbo jumbo, why spend so much time with a Sufi, a mentalist, can tell you things that nobody else could know about you, though a mentalist is usually honest, in that it’s all just part of a show, so maybe put a halt to thinking about him, for a while.

Having thought nothing about travelling the world, it’s possible that you contracted some exotic virus or some other rather unpleasant bug, that may have ultimately effected your brain function, did you go to a specialist clinic to get checked out.

If you want to try and initiate the cessation of the experience, try and put a halt, to the thinking about the Sufi or some guy who said something to you, or what seems related, its possible that you were targeted, it doesn’t take much, for a sadistic little group or individual/entity, to set anybody up for a fall, most of the work one will do yourself, your own energies against yourself, osit, though it could just happen by accident, in a series of unrelated events, even perhaps meant for somebody else, its something you could sort out later after writing it down, so you wont be ruminating about it, keeping the whole thing alive, put it away till later, when you have some knowledge, some health back, you can through some shapes at it, and who knows…

Just trying to help, take it easy on your self and the best of luck to you, Clare… welcome to the forum.
Hi Claire:
Yes, the amount of material here is voluminous! Definitely need to read the Wave series-there are times discussing spirit attachments etc, but if I may, suggest a few directions because of the military/restaurant component in your story...
Perhaps when you get a handle on what specific aspects have triggered all of this, or you discuss this further here from the beginning, a Hypnotherapist to find any forgotten memories or even programming would be beneficial.

Then there's the Dr Karla Turner info, discussed here...,1558.0.html?PHPSESSID=931f164794f53cd22723db9eb3a992e1
and here on the net...

In a more practical nature, the Cassiopaeans have mentioned 100% silk is a defense against Electromagnetic beaming, Low Pulse etc. So, bedding, pajamas or there is a silk sleeping bag insert which could be used-search this site about that or check out Amazon. Be creative with clothing as I do not know if you are a male or!

And as an aside, my father was a pilot in the Second World war and he too used to show me the star constellations at night, including Cassiopaea.

Sounds like you have having a nasty time, so hopefully this forum and it's resources will be helpful to you.

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