African Tokoloshe - Superstition or possible alien contact?


The Living Force
This recent article on news24 made me think of the Tokoloshe again:


Tokoloshe 'wired into brain'

Cape Town - Hold the bricks: the concept of the tokoloshe may have its roots in the primordial neurology of the human brain, experts have suggested.

The theory has been put forward by KwaZulu-Natal neurologist Dr Anand Moodley in a letter co-authored by Canadian neuropsychologist Neil Fournier in the latest issue of the SA Medical Journal.

The tokoloshe, in African mythology, is a diminutive human-like creature with a large head and big eyes, often blamed for mischief or evil deeds.

Raising one's bed by placing it on bricks is said to offer protection against it.

Moodley and Fournier said the key to the tokoloshe could lie in a part of the brain called the indusium griseum, two thin strips of grey matter that had no known function in adults.

They said neuroscientists had suggested the indusium griseum could be the "embryonic equivalent", in a foetus, of the hippocampus in the adult brain.

Visual hallucinations

In adults, the hippocampus housed short-term and spatial memory, including a somatotopic or map-like "representation" of the person's body.

The hippocampus was particularly susceptible to overstimulation by the brain's electrical signals.

Stimulation of the indusium griseum in an adult, they said, could therefore conceivably result in a throwback to a self-image of a tiny person stored by the foetus on that part of the brain.

"The outcome would be visual hallucinations of a small humanoid with a large head, big eyes and a small body," they said.

"Temporal lobe epileptics are known to have formed hallucinations that include a human form of varying sizes."

They said it had often been argued that the search for answers to age-old conundrums could not always be found in scientific study, and that beliefs "are just what they are" and should be left alone.

"But this instance does beg the questions: could the tokoloshe be the experience of a stimulated indusium griseum?

"And do we here in Africa have a pre-programmed tokoloshe homunculus [miniature human] waiting to be activated in times of distress, dreamlike states or during a seizure?"


Native Africans are extremely fearful of this little character. Not too sure about Northern Africa, but Southern Africans at least. Most of them raise their beds on bricks, believed to provide some safety from the Tokoloshe.

I'm just thinking out loud, but I'm wondering if this 'superstition' / myth didn't originate from possible alien contact - human-like creature with a large head and big eyes.

And the bed thing could indicate that encounters are mostly associated with night time, when one's asleep ... just guessing ...

It would be interesting to hear what Credo Mutwa has to say about it.
Re: African Tokoloshe - Superstition or possible alien contact




The local monthly newspaper, Vic-Falls News, reports that counsellors at an AIDS workshop have agreed that evil spirits called "tokoloshes" probably spread the HIV virus by sexually abusing women during the night.


STRANGE things are happening in Zimbabwe. In fact, they have always happened except we don’t get to hear all the stories.

I was gripped by the story of the three Hwange women who called in a prophet after what they believe were sexual violations by a sex-crazed tokoloshe.


the “thing” lived on sucking blood

The curious case of the Hwange women / Tokoloshe is brought to court


If we entertain the possibility of alien contact, then, exept for the Hwange women, which sounds 4D, the rest of the experiences happened in 3D, if many of them could see it and even kill it and keep as evidence...

I have often wondered if native Africans aren't more sensitive and aware of the unseen world in general. It would certainly explain a lot. What we call superstition, is reality for them. Have we always been mistaken? And more importantly, how come they have the ability and we don't? Collectively that is. There are exceptions of course.

Imagine this case in a Western court. The accuser would be send for psychiatric evaluation immediately, and the media would dub the case 'satanic' or 'demonic possession' and yet, here it's business as usual...

Maybe all our exposure to strobe lights, wi-fi, GM foods, fluoridated water, noise pollution, vaccinations etc.etc has made us spiritually blinded, and taken our gift away.

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