akashic memory


The Force is Strong With This One

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adrifternow said:

please feel free to comment

Hi adrifternow,

Could you tell the members of this forum why they should watch that particular video ?

What's in it ?

If you did not do it, what are your comments about it and if you did it, why did you do it ?
Several months ago I saw something about the boy in the video, De Stefano. It's a boy
that says "remember" things of the past as a child (Atlantis, Lemuria and other
Civilizations do not remember), their past lives and things
related to the "hierarchy" of beings in light of different
"dimensions. " He also speaks of the future will be like on Earth, a place
full of indigo children, then gold, etc, etc. , they are soul - which
classified according to their level of vibration and mission in the Creation-going
coming at the right time to help humanity and all that kind of

Is a branch of the New Age, not much more than that. And in no time
boy says If have investigated the accuracy of "their akhasic memories " and
that point may be their lack of discernment.
adrifternow said:
please feel free to comment

Hi adrifternow,
If you type "indigo children" in the search field here in this forum, it will bring up some interesting discussions on that topic.
ive asked laura , ¨¨thank you for answering,so this cristal ,indigo child thing is all disinfo ?¨¨ and she answered ¨¨It's a ruse to hide and/or protect psychopaths.¨¨
i ve found the video on projectcamelot and just wanted to know if this whole thing of the cristal and indigo childs is for real or just BS
Hi adrifternow

adrifternow said:
i ve found the video on projectcamelot and just wanted to know if this whole thing of the cristal and indigo childs is for real or just BS

Perhaps you could share a brief description of the video and what its core message is, and what conclusions and understanding you have reached through watching it? It is hard to say if something is real or not without knowing what the video is about, so perhaps you can help elaborate on that :)
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