Alex Jones Killed In New Report Linking Him To Obama, Bloomberg And STRATFOR

Don Genaro

Jedi Council Member
Here's an interesting one...

So is this the real function of Alex Jones - as a spellbinder. Given that he's been getting a lot of mainstream coverage recently, this article suggests that the purpose is to create more homegrown terrorists, amongst them, conspiracy theorists...

SWITZERLAND, Zürich — Based on recent news and events, it now appears that nationally syndicated radio host Alex Jones is working in concert with the Zionist run Obama administration to set-up his own audience of 3 million gun-owning Americans for future acts of domestic terror. Although there are already 10 good reasons why Jones should be tried and hung for treason, this one definitely takes the cake.

Jones himself admitted as much on his June 16, 2013, radio program when he declared, “They wanna blow something up and blame it on us so they can then have an all-out war on us”. Jones’ ominous statement is partially correct except that HE himself will attempt to provocateur an all-out war against the Obama administration in the aftermath of domestic terror attacks which will no doubt be blamed on his listeners.

Alex Jones Terror Trending
As evidenced by recent Alex Jones headlines, there is a concerted effort to both attack and promote Alex Jones by all facets of Zionist media in both the U.S. and Europe. If Jones was not part of the intelligence establishment he would not be constantly featured in Forbes, Salon, Bloomberg, LA Times, Huffington Post, Drudge Report and Media Matters. Nor would Jones be routinely talked about on Fox News, MSNBC and “The View” by television and radio hosts such as Barbara Walters, Rachel Maddow, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck if there wasn’t a larger agenda at play. Publically demonizing Jones while simultaneously cross promoting him is part of a coordinated media effort to make Jones a household name just prior to domestic terror attacks blamed on his listeners who are increasingly being portrayed as mentally unstable, violent and prone to terrorism.

Interesting idea...
Don Genaro said:
Interesting idea...

Yes it is.

I think many here, including me, suspected that this could be exactly the purpose of Alex Jones...

The outline of what David Chase Taylor is proposing about Alex Jones and his possible purpose, especially in light of the recent growing mainstream media attention on him, surely supports this idea...
Yes, very interesting.

If Alex Jones is conscious of of his purpose as the pied piper I wonder if he's considered the very real possibility that he will be murdered -- just to give the situation an air of credibility -- by the PTB after all this goes down?
Edit: Down below is the result of speaking before reading the link. I apologize for this inconsiderate action; I was hoping to provide some insight from my understanding of the character's behaviour on video. The article goes way deeper and I now have very interesting material to read.

I doubt he's an enlisted actor, simply because of the authenticity of his fury. He's not that intelligent and has a low level of consciousness, so it's quite easy to see the gears running in his head, see the triggers in his environment or even in his own dialectic that pump him up towards it.

If he were an actor, he's way better than Hollywood ever offered; his acting would be on par, if not better, than Obama's.

Seen from the Power vs. Force map of consciousness, we could say Alex Jones is stuck way down in the realm of destructive perception. His awareness focuses on themes of Guilt and Fear, as well as the resultant Anger. Courage is the highest level I've seen him operate from, and then only as a very rare good-vibe motivation speech.

I've never seen him move on to further levels, such as Acceptance which would allow him to disengage his fight-or-flight paradigm and start harnessing Reason. That is most probably why he stays stuck in self-destructive levels of consciousness, and thus playing the part of a low-level attractor in the complex chaotic field of consciousness, it is to the benefit of the control system to redirect as much attention to him and thus away from real sources of revolution.

If my thesis is correct, great good would happen if he took up meditation. No way that'll happen, I can see from here the anger exploding at the suggestion to accept reality as it is (nobody would have time to complete the sentence to add, "as the first step to be able to act on it")

Disclaimer: I don't know him too well, but after following his program and videos for a year (in the early phases of my geopolitical awakening) I got a pretty clear image, before moving on to healthier, more literate pastures :)
UnitedGnosis said:
I doubt he's an enlisted actor, simply because of the authenticity of his fury. He's not that intelligent and has a low level of consciousness, so it's quite easy to see the gears running in his head, see the triggers in his environment or even in his own dialectic that pump him up towards it.

I agree. That beforeitsnews article is reading too much into the patterns and is unnecessarily 'conspiracizing'.
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