Alien Interview

Thanks for the info, it just fit somewhat from what I have read about the reptilians and their need to dominate the human race. I'm still learning a lot and always reading. I have read Bill's critique in the past, but I seem to keep coming back to the theme. It does fit with the reincarnation belief so many have. I have always wondered how we are to grow spiritually if we have to come back to physical form for hundreds of years. It just does not make much sense to me.Grow spiritually, get it? In the spirit, not the physical. Thanks though

hholder said:
Thanks for the info, it just fit somewhat from what I have read about the reptilians and their need to dominate the human race. I'm still learning a lot and always reading. I have read Bill's critique in the past, but I seem to keep coming back to the theme. It does fit with the reincarnation belief so many have. I have always wondered how we are to grow spiritually if we have to come back to physical form for hundreds of years. It just does not make much sense to me.Grow spiritually, get it? In the spirit, not the physical. Thanks though


Are you familiar with any of Laura's works? Such as the Wave series, Adventures with Cassiopaea, or Secret History of the World? The first two you can read for free here.
one said:
Tykes said:
one said:
While a contact with "Aliens" can be true as you say (and maybe it has already ocurred) I don´t think this particular piece can be taken seriously.

Has not crossed your mind that this could be nothing more than disinformation as well as the material on the internet you mentioned ("White Pyramid", "Tibetan Roswell"?)

Have you check this series of excellent videos about UFOs?

If not, I highly recommend you to watch it, it will be worth it. These videos are enlightening and entertaining at the same time, by far the best in it's type.

Yes, I must agree with you, that first part you mentioned, really don't look serious, but I mean that was, as it explained, because they had not have good communication at first. Any way, it seems that this material is not worth to take for real, as most of you said.

Thank you for videos link, I didn't watch that video before, but I read some books with such subject.


Thanks "One" for posting the link to the "Ufos, Aliens Contact" video. Finally a UFO and hyperdimensional reality flick that post an objective point of view. Not all the "UFOs are really demons from hell or another dimension like hell, come to face off with us for the return of Jesus our Savior" kind of documentaries that are being promulgate widely throughout the Net. I dont know if you were the first to post it, but I hadn't seen that flick, so appreciate it!
KnowledgeJunkie2012 said:
one said:
Tykes said:
one said:
While a contact with "Aliens" can be true as you say (and maybe it has already ocurred) I don´t think this particular piece can be taken seriously.

Has not crossed your mind that this could be nothing more than disinformation as well as the material on the internet you mentioned ("White Pyramid", "Tibetan Roswell"?)

Have you check this series of excellent videos about UFOs?

If not, I highly recommend you to watch it, it will be worth it. These videos are enlightening and entertaining at the same time, by far the best in it's type.

Yes, I must agree with you, that first part you mentioned, really don't look serious, but I mean that was, as it explained, because they had not have good communication at first. Any way, it seems that this material is not worth to take for real, as most of you said.

Thank you for videos link, I didn't watch that video before, but I read some books with such subject.


Thanks "One" for posting the link to the "Ufos, Aliens Contact" video. Finally a UFO and hyperdimensional reality flick that post an objective point of view. Not all the "UFOs are really demons from hell or another dimension like hell, come to face off with us for the return of Jesus our Savior" kind of documentaries that are being promulgate widely throughout the Net. I dont know if you were the first to post it, but I hadn't seen that flick, so appreciate it!

this excellent video series is the work of forum members:,22332.0.html
Pashalis said:
KnowledgeJunkie2012 said:
one said:
Tykes said:
one said:
While a contact with "Aliens" can be true as you say (and maybe it has already ocurred) I don´t think this particular piece can be taken seriously.

Has not crossed your mind that this could be nothing more than disinformation as well as the material on the internet you mentioned ("White Pyramid", "Tibetan Roswell"?)

Have you check this series of excellent videos about UFOs?

If not, I highly recommend you to watch it, it will be worth it. These videos are enlightening and entertaining at the same time, by far the best in it's type.

Yes, I must agree with you, that first part you mentioned, really don't look serious, but I mean that was, as it explained, because they had not have good communication at first. Any way, it seems that this material is not worth to take for real, as most of you said.

Thank you for videos link, I didn't watch that video before, but I read some books with such subject.


Thanks "One" for posting the link to the "Ufos, Aliens Contact" video. Finally a UFO and hyperdimensional reality flick that post an objective point of view. Not all the "UFOs are really demons from hell or another dimension like hell, come to face off with us for the return of Jesus our Savior" kind of documentaries that are being promulgate widely throughout the Net. I dont know if you were the first to post it, but I hadn't seen that flick, so appreciate it!

this excellent video series is the work of forum members:,22332.0.html

Well thank you, to the forum for creating and releasing an excellent film of the true nature of our reality. You know it's kind of "sad but true," but this film could impact many more people with the veil over their eyes, because most of our society is so fixated on TV and other devices. A video may be the only way to reach some people, as their are so many who find boredom in reading( which I dont understand). Most of my friends and family will not pick up a book, they have better things to do during their leisure time, and the family members I have that do read, would not dare read such conspiracy theories presented by Laura, Ark and this forum. So if a video is one way to make people question their reality, so be it!!!!
KnowledgeJunkie2012 said:
Sorry guys I accidentally wrote a reply in the quote area. My apologies. :cry:

I have edited your post and moved your reply at the end of the post.

So it should be easier to read what you have written that way. ;)
I have always wondered how we are to grow spiritually if we have to come back to physical form for hundreds of years. It just does not make much sense to me.Grow spiritually, get it? In the spirit, not the physical.

Before I started reading Laura's work...

Such as the Wave series, Adventures with Cassiopaea, or Secret History of the World? The first two you can read for free here.

I used to wonder how it would even be possible to grow spiritually in the course of One Lifetime. One Physical Lifetime (an average of 80 yrs, lets say) on one tiny planet, in one tiny galaxy, in a Universe so vast and unknown. I was in my mid 30's and that didn't leave me much 'time'. I was also in the process of 'loosing my religion', so to speak.

In any event, the concept of 'reincarnation' or 'multiple lifetimes' makes much more sense in terms of spiritual growth to me. I realized that I had just spent close to half of my 'lifetime' being presented with 'spiritual' lessons, over and over again, and was finally coming to the understanding that 'all there is are lessons'. Apparently, I wasn't learning them.

Then came the question: 'What is 'spiritual growth'? And if we are 'Spiritual beings on a Human journey', in the course of Infinity, how much can we really learn in 80 something years? An infinitesimal speck of 'time' in the infinite journey of a spiritual being.

Then I found The Wave series and Secret History of the World. They opened my mind and opened many doors for further study and realization.

So Helen, if like me, you are still learning and reading, I hope you check these out.
anart said:
I'm afraid that I'm not seeing much reason to believe this 'story'. It sounds like more 'yard spinning' for entertainment and distraction purposes - just my take.

Ditto. There are lots of weird things here that tell me not to beleive in it.

Here are some examples.

It comes from the 'first interview'.

QUESTION - "Are you injured?"
QUESTION - "What medical assistance do you require?"
QUESTION - "Do need food or water or other sustenance?"
QUESTION - "Do you have any special environmental needs, such as air temperature, atmospheric chemical content, air pressure, or waste elimination?"
QUESTION - "Does your body or space craft carry any germs or contamination that may be harmful to humans or other Earth life forms?"
[C's have talked about germs/viruses coming from comets.]
QUESTION - "Does your government know you are here?"
QUESTION - "Are others of your kind going to come looking for you?"
[Why would they?]
QUESTION - "What is the weapons capability of your people?"
[That speaks for itself.]


QUESTION - "Can you describe your home world to us?"
[Wealth, ressources and power? Seems pretty STS-ish to me.]


QUESTION - "Do you believe in God?"
[You think? What does this word mean to you anyways?]
QUESTION - "What type of society do you have?"
[Power and control? Again, this is STS garbage.]
QUESTION - "Are there other intelligent life forms besides yourself in the universe?"
[The greatest?]

That's it. I've had enough already.

Even if this person really 'chatted' with an alien, I think that only those examples alone clearly demonstrate that 'it' is in no way close to being STO. Quite the opposite as a matter of fact.

I was really intrigued by this article. I read it over Labor Day. Perhaps I am more gullible then some of you on this forum, but I read it with a minimal amount of skepticism. Of course I believed the Serpo report too :-[

The "doll body" really struck me as interesting and was something that I had not thought about before.
dorkmatter said:
I was really intrigued by this article. I read it over Labor Day. Perhaps I am more gullible then some of you on this forum, but I read it with a minimal amount of skepticism. Of course I believed the Serpo report too :-[

The "doll body" really struck me as interesting and was something that I had not thought about before.

It's really important to read things with as much skepticism as you can muster - even what you find on these pages - otherwise you leave yourself open to all sorts of manipulations. These types of manipulations are much more dangerous than you can likely imagine because at the core of the human experience is the necessity to learn the difference between truth and lies - if you take lies as truth then your progress is all but stopped. You have a brain for a reason - learn to use it before it's too late.
anart said:
dorkmatter said:
I was really intrigued by this article. I read it over Labor Day. Perhaps I am more gullible then some of you on this forum, but I read it with a minimal amount of skepticism. Of course I believed the Serpo report too :-[

The "doll body" really struck me as interesting and was something that I had not thought about before.

It's really important to read things with as much skepticism as you can muster - even what you find on these pages - otherwise you leave yourself open to all sorts of manipulations. These types of manipulations are much more dangerous than you can likely imagine because at the core of the human experience is the necessity to learn the difference between truth and lies - if you take lies as truth then your progress is all but stopped. You have a brain for a reason - learn to use it before it's too late.

Thank you for the advice, anart. I have to agree with you. While I don't believe everything I hear and read, deciphering only one side of the story is not the best course. I don't believe most of what I hear and even what I see on the internet, but The Serpo report and the alien interview seemed to be so much more believable then most stories I have read.

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