All recent final messages/warnings from the Sessions

Below are three possible work arounds, but all take a number of clicks.
What about quote="url" inside brackets, then pasting the excerpt, and /quote inside brackets at the end?: said:
Session Date: March 1st 2025
A: Reread past warnings. Things are going to get chaotic. Goodbye.

Q: (L) Well, we have thrilling, and we have chaotic.

[Laura reads out loud a compilation of past warnings: All recent final messages/warnings from the Sessions]

What about quote="url" inside brackets, then pasting the excerpt, and /quote inside brackets at the end?:
That is an option too. One could also, using your proposal, change "Laura" to "Laura in", as in:
[QUOTE="Laura in"]
to get:
Laura in said:
Session Date: March 1st 2025
A: Reread past warnings. Things are going to get chaotic. Goodbye.

Q: (L) Well, we have thrilling, and we have chaotic.

[Laura reads out loud a compilation of past warnings: All recent final messages/warnings from the Sessions]

The disadvantage, compared to the default version when quoting a post excerpt, is that there is no active hyperlink, though also that can be worked around: In the above example, on a PC at least, one needs to select the link, right click and open the link in a new tab or a new window, alternatively copy the link and insert it in the address field of a new tab.
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