Alleged UFO flimed over Sweden. Real or Fake?


FOTCM Member
First one is the actual footage, the 'UFO' is one the left of the footage and moves across the tree line.

Second one is the author's explanation and claim that it is not fake.

So, real or fake?
Took me three attempts to spot the thing! The way it hides behind the tree's is intersting, and given keel's description of the way UFO's interact intelligently I'd say from that alone it stands a fair chance of being genuine - or that the faker knows how UFO's should react?
I'm going with genuine on this one.
Looks convincing to me. It was hard to spot it until it moved rapidly. Again, computers can do such fantastic things that it is impossible to say.
Im going to give it a "Real" on this.The guy sounds honest.And the thing does head for the trees as they come up over the hill , but knowing they had been seen it shot off.
Away With The Fairys said:
Im going to give it a "Real" on this.The guy sounds honest.And the thing does head for the trees as they come up over the hill , but knowing they had been seen it shot off.

I would say too that it is genuine, also when I was at the beginning more skeptic, but the explanation seemed very natural to me.
I'm going with real. The overall video doesn't seem staged and the way the sun shines off the UFO at one point (as seen in the slow montion part) makes it look real.
The way the object moved was really interesting, it was behind those two pine trees initially, moved backward, then forward coming in front of the other trees, then it went behind that group of trees, only to appear momentarily at the other end. If it is a fake, it's one of the best i have ever seen.

Overall, pretty damn convincing, especially the objects movement, and the guy's initial reaction upon seeing it.

So, real or fake?, i go with very very interesting. :evil: :P
Quite intriguing!
I noticed in 2nd tube (2:50) while explaining and excusing the Suede says: "I can't explain what happened in forest that evening :huh: :huh: :huh: ..." But footage seems to be made in bright light in the middle of sunny day - doesn't it....? Did this incident take place in polar circle?
Yozilla said:
Quite intriguing!
I noticed in 2nd tube (2:50) while explaining and excusing the Suede says: "I can't explain what happened in forest that evening :huh: :huh: :huh: ..." But footage seems to be made in bright light in the middle of sunny day - doesn't it....? Did this incident take place in polar circle?

It's like that there. It's not as if there is some polar circle line and here you have dark and there light. When you going more north the day is longer, or shorter, according to the time of the year. Not that I saw that personally, just learned that previously from TV, books etc :)

I believe that also Sanct Petersburg have white nights, and it is more to the south than Sweden.
RedFox said:
The way it hides behind the tree's is intersting, and given keel's description of the way UFO's interact intelligently I'd say from that alone it stands a fair chance of being genuine

I think so, too. Its behaviour looks really convincing, and I agree with others that the guy sounds honest.
It appears to be the real McCoy. Not that I'm an expert in photoshopping. But the guy who shot it seems truthful in his assertions.
I'm with the others on this one. It looks real to me as well. I know they can do a lot with some of these videos as far as altering them but for a 55 second video? Why bother? And on top of that the guy does sound pretty on the level to me.
With the others too. The scene does not look staged. Quading, pulling a second party by a tow rope, likely some type of a helmet cam; pretty innocent stuff. Actually seeing there actions kind of helped the cause. Interesting camouflaged, low tree flying. Would give it a higher percentage, but anything is possible.
Real McCoy, i believe. It's movement, is conjunction to what i have seen in the year's past in the relation to it's speed. Kind of, like now you see it, now you don't. And it does not look like it is a CGI add on. :whistle:

Just my 5 cents.
I'd say real. The guy's initial reaction and then the explanation sound convincing. Also the UFO itself appears to be moving in a "high strangeness" kind of way.

If a fake, it is very well made!

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