Here at Fossilpower we are a family owned and operated business supplying the Diatomaceous Earth which is 100% pure Fossil Shell Flour and is totally organic. It contains less than 1% of Crystalline Silica and has no additives or been treated with anything.
This is the only Australian Diatomaceous Earths that is equal in quality to Russia, China and USA.
Use Diatomaceous Earth for pest control of cockroaches, silverfish, ants, bedbugs, flies, fleas, caterpillars, termites, Bee hive beetles, grasshoppers and many others. Diatomaceous Earth can be used in and around the home, yard, animal housing, etc
Pets: Our best friends come in all shapes and sizes. Protect them with Diatomaceous Earth.
You can mix the Diatomaceous Earth into your pet’s food to give them the bonus of 15 trace minerals which are lacking in our soils and food today.
Mix well into kibble and wet food.
General guidelines are listed here.
Cats – 1 teaspoon/day
Weaned Kittens – 1/4 teaspoon/ day
Dogs – 50kg + 2 tablespoons/ day
25 - 50kg – 1 tablespoon/ day
under 25kg – 2 teaspoons/ day
Minidogs – 1 teaspoon/ day
For control of aphids, white fly, beetles, caterpillars, mites, leaf hoppers, and others.
Use Diatomaceous Earth inside your home, greenhouse or outdoors on fruits, vegetables, flowers, grains and grass, up to and including day of harvest. For dry application of Diatomaceous Earth use a duster and cover entire plant, apply to both top and bottom of leaf. For young plants, as little as 10 kg per acre may be adequate. For larger plants, 20 kgs per acre is probably sufficient.
Diatomaceous Earth will need reapplication after rain. Applies best when there is dew or after a light rain. It is a long lasting, effective powder.
All livestock, Horses, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Goats, Rabbits, Chickens and others will benefit from the use of Diatomaceous Earth. It is completely safe and nontoxic.
Some of the benefits are; Stimulates basic metabolism, converts feed better, reduces odor and moisture in sheds and stalls, results in better coat and hoof condition, reduces annual vet bills by healthier and stronger animals, better egg production, stronger eggs, and reduces overall animal stress.
Diatomaceous Earth can be mixed right in with the animals feed.
Cows/Horses get 1/2 cup per day,
Sheep/Goats/Hogs get 1/4 cup per day,
For Chickens and other livestock you need to weight them and add 2% to 5% of that weight in Diatomaceous Earth (Fossil Shell Flour) to their food. It is not toxic and you can eat the meat of the livestock at anytime without the worry of toxins in your food.
Your livestock will also get the benefit of over 15 trace minerals that make up Diatomaceous Earth.
Stored Grain:
Just add 3 - 6kgs. of Diatomaceous Earth to each ton of grain as it is conveyed into the storage. When added to grain, Fossil Shell Flour will protect the grain
Can also be applied to the top of feed bins as it will slowliy work its way down through the grain.
Dry Application
Cover the affected area with Fossil Shell Flour at the rate of 1 to 2 kgs. per 200 square metres.
Premise Application
Large Application Areas;
Use any hand application designed for the purpose of discharging powder. If using a small lawn fertilizer spreader, mix equal parts of dry sand with Diatomaceous Earth for even flow. Dust thoroughly the first time and then periodically reapply as needed.
Wet Application - Mix with water at the rate of 1/4 cup per Litre of water. To help keep it in suspension, add one teaspoon of mild detergent and agitate the sprayer now and then while applying.
Diatomaceous Earth
Food Fossil Shell Flour is totally organic and safe.
It contains less than 1% percent of Crystalline Silica (harmful silica).
Some of the uses for Diatomaceous Earth include; household pets, gardens, flower beds, field crops, grain storage, and livestock feeding.
Fossil Shell Flour is Mother Nature's product with no harm to the environment, pets or to people.
Diatomaceous Earth is not an earth, it is the fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by one celled plants called DIATOMS.
Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a wonderful product for those not wanting to use chemicals.
Here at Fossilpower we provide 100% Fossil Shell Flour for both external and internal use of domestic animals, gardening and for the house."