Amanita Muscaria a friend or a foe?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The scope of this thread is to explore alleged medical benefits of micro dosing with Amanita Muscaria.

The owners of this forum strongly discourage any use of pharmaco-botanicals for recreational use or “spiritual quests”. Even C’s repeatedly warn against “spiritual” shortcuts through psychedelic plants.

This discussion is for informational and medical research purposes only and if you are considering micro-dosing always consult your physician.


A few years back i was diagnosed with serious health condition, luckily this ended well but i noticed that it has left me tad more obsessed with my health than it is really healthy (pun intended).
It doesn’t come close to full blown OCD but at times I wonder if it is borderline.
When I saw documentary - Change your mind detailing how psylocilbin shows great result in treating obsessive compulsive disorders or tendencies I decided to try this. I made arrangements several times however my inner voice would always stop me.

So i was resolved to tackle this with breath work and regular cold exposure and there was significant improvement. I reaped most benefits physically but psychologically I still think there is a lot of room for improvement.

So one day I meditated with intention to connect with my ancestors and ask for guidance.
I had a vision of beautiful primeval forest with forest floor teaming with Amanita shrooms in different stages of development everywhere.
I rarely have such vivid visions and I thought this is strange. Why i am getting vision of a mushroom that has a name Crazy Shroom in my native language?
Then i forgot all about it until some days after I had a dream about Amanita.

This set me on search and for past few months I have been reading everything and anything about Amanita I could find.
Naturally after my internet searches Facebook offered several Amanita groups and I joined them all.

What i found about this plant ( I am aware fungi are now classified as neither plants or animals but i still like to refer to them as plants) over the last few months is nothing short of fascinating.

I intend to share this information with you in coming days as time permits along with my microdosing journey in real time.
I am also hoping to hear from anyone knowledgeable about amanita.

Of all the books I read so far about it
Microdosing with Amanita by Baba Masha MD is definitely the best.
She is a real medical doctor and this pseudonym is Russian version of Jane Doe or “just any woman out there”.

Here is the interview with Baba Masha which I think is the best introduction to the topic, hope you enjoy it.
It is from the live event feed so you have to fast forward few minutes
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it is always what you do with it, can be used for STS path as well as for the STO, watch yourself. It applies to all substances, technology too although some of them tend to be predominately STS but still, always a window for STO if you are, as the moniker Shakespeare put it: To thine own self be true
good example is weed, you can meditate, repent maybe, or turn on the spiral on carnal,material pleasure STS style. The most STO substance is the LSD but still there's a downside, the energy jet-lag after the consumption that can open windows for STS behaviour. Balance, no shortcuts, I would stress the importance of contemplation, meditation, prayer.
it is always what you do with it, can be used for STS path as well as for the STO, watch yourself. It applies to all substances, technology too although some of them tend to be predominately STS but still, always a window for STO if you are, as the moniker Shakespeare put it: To thine own self be true

A good quote from Shakespeare, and Caesar said something similar. But the fact is that we don't know who we are. So when we are being true to ourselves, who - or what - are we being 'true to'?

Someone could think they're being 'true to themselves' while taking psychedelics, when in reality maybe they're just operating on the basis of a false personality. In my experience, most people who take an external substance for spiritual reasons do so instead of growing their own inner substance. And when this is questioned, they get incredibly defensive.

So be true to yourself, yes - but also, always question yourself. And best to question yourself via a network of knowledgeable people for feedback. Especially when mind-altering substances are involved, because that's easy territory for 4D STS manipulation.

good example is weed, you can meditate, repent maybe, or turn on the spiral on carnal,material pleasure STS style. The most STO substance is the LSD but still there's a downside, the energy jet-lag after the consumption that can open windows for STS behaviour. Balance, no shortcuts, I would stress the importance of contemplation, meditation, prayer.

There's a thread on its negative effects of marijuana. In my opinion, it's been pushed on the population as a sedative and a dissociative, especially in its current high-potency form. I don't see many benefits to smoking marijuana that can't be had in other, more healthy and less risky ways.

As for LSD, the C's have indicated that it's a form of self-imposed abridging of your Free Will and harmful energetically:

Session 23 October 1999

Q: I want to you have lost a fan because he was not happy with what he considered to be "internal inconsistencies" in that you were NOT favorably disposed toward hallucinations produced by substances such as Mescaline and Ayahuasca, but yet you recommend Melatonin because it is a hallucinogen. Then, you said that spiritual powers could not be obtained through chemicals or plant type means, but then said that Melatonin exercises psychic abilities. Could you comment on this?

A: Several comments: First of all, "fan" is short for "fanatic." Secondly, melatonin does not force an alteration in physiological brain chemicals, as do mescaline, peyote, LSD, etc. Accessing the higher levels of psychical awareness through such processes is harmful to the balance levels of the prime chakra. This is because it alters the natural rhythms of psychic development by causing reliance on the part of the subject, thus subjugating the learning process. It is a form of self-imposed abridging of free will. Melatonin simply allows the system to clear obstructions in the brain chemistry naturally, thereby allowing the subject to continue to learn at a natural pace. And, it is by no means unimportant that melatonin is a natural body hormone. The other substances mentioned are, at least in part, synthetic, with the exception of peyote. But even that is not a natural ingredient of the human physiological being. And besides, we have already discussed the importance, or lack thereof, of those who pass judgment upon this exercise, or communication.

Plus, I see the roll-out of LSD to the population at large as being a huge part of the 60's PSYOP. It was mostly introduced to the growing anti Vietnam War movement in order to destroy the domestic resistance to US geopolitical interests and turn the protestors into drooling flower children. Not to mention the mind control experiments.

Anyways, extended use of powerful psychedelics isn't a good idea. The C's have said its okay as a one-time reset in desperate cases.

Session 17 May 2014

(Nicholas) I have a question about Gabor Mate's use of ayahuasca. Seems like he's pretty responsible and he may be onto something that seems to help. I was just curious if what he's doing is viable?

A: He works with fairly desperate cases and situations, including his own. Thus the use of plant substances, as he does, can be likened to desperate measures when nothing else works or when time is of the essence. In some cases, as with using aspirin to break the cycle of pain, such things can be used once to break such a feedback loop and not be needed again. It can be rather like a "reset". But, be aware that true spiritual growth is not achieved this way. But if one simply needs a "reset" to normalize, this sort of thing may be beneficial.

So as for LSD being 'the most STO', sounds to me like you're just trying to justify your use of it by using spiritual language.
it is always what you do with it, can be used for STS path as well as for the STO, watch yourself. It applies to all substances, technology too although some of them tend to be predominately STS but still, always a window for STO if you are, as the moniker Shakespeare put it: To thine own self be true
Do watch the interview linked.
My interest in micro-dosing with Amanita is solely for medical/ psychological benefits.
This should be the main focus of this thread.

Many new age victims jump on Amanita train thinking this is yet another magic mushroom.
Trips don’t happen with careful micro-dosing of Amanita. It seems if you approach Amanita in this way it can be pretty unforgiving.
People who come with these intentions are repeatedly disappointed with Amanita because “nothing happens” (while actually a lot happens if only they knew how to listen) and then they stray from micro to macro doses where all sort of crazy things can surely happen but will address this in detail at later stage.

However since you mentioned this, one common theme emerges in many out of thousands of Baba Masha survey participants reports - over an over again they mention significant increase of empathy which can be interpreted as main foundation of their increased wellbeing. This has certainly got my attention.
thanks, you took what was said, summed up it well with some of your addictions, good sum up. But I still feel, why are you trying to make a conflict where there's none?
@iamthis good one, thank you once again, if you need a reference to other sources than thine own self, you can check the Ra meterial for the LSD. Or you can scroll up, where I was telling that no shortcut can do it for you. Contemplation, meditation, prayer only. Thanks for your input
So one day I meditated with intention to connect with my ancestors and ask for guidance.
I had a vision of beautiful primeval forest with forest floor teaming with Amanita shrooms in different stages of development everywhere.
I rarely have such vivid visions and I thought this is strange. Why i am getting vision of a mushroom that has a name Crazy Shroom in my native language?
Interesting, as I've also recently seen Amanita Muscaria in my meditations a few times. It even came up during a reiki session for both me and the person doing it. I didn't think too much about it, although it led me to research the topic a bit. I'll take a look at the video.

Now I've never felt a need to take psychodelics for some "experience" and I'm aware of what the C:s have said about the subject. Although the topic of microdosing for some health conditions might be interesting to study further.

Also in some cultures fermented or pickled Amanita (without psychoactive compounds) is consumed. I'm wondering if it could have some beneficial effect like some other functional mushrooms?

I'd never heard of them, but after finding that they may help with insomnia/sleep issues, I started reading about them. I have zero interest in any kind of "experience" but the microdosing aspect seemed interesting for other health issues. I joined a Facebook group called Healing with Amanda Muscaria but so far the posts are mostly pictures of members posing with the mushrooms they harvested, asking for mushroom identification, speculating about what kind of trip specific doses can induce, or how others prepare and consume them. Not much talk about healing. :-D I'm probably going to drop out as I'm not interested those other aspects.

I did come across an account somewhere online from (and darn if I can find it again) from a guy who had an opposite experience when trying it for sleep. He said it wired his mind up and it was several weeks before he was able to calm down and sleep good again, and he had to counteract the effects with an antihistamine. Perhaps he took too much. I believe it is supposed to affect GABA receptors. Taking GABA is supposed to be calming, but it has the opposite effect on me (along with all the other sleep herbs) so I'm a bit wary of it now. Have been looking on line to purchase a tincture just to try it out. I do need to read more about it.

The one and only time i tried eating anything "edible" (pot brownies, cause smoking it had no effect), I just felt lightheaded, like I was having an unpleasant low blood sugar episode. Who needs that?? :rolleyes:
I'd never heard of them, but after finding that they may help with insomnia/sleep issues, I started reading about them. I have zero interest in any kind of "experience" but the microdosing aspect seemed interesting for other health issues. I joined a Facebook group called Healing with Amanda Muscaria but so far the posts are mostly pictures of members posing with the mushrooms they harvested, asking for mushroom identification, speculating about what kind of trip specific doses can induce, or how others prepare and consume them. Not much talk about healing. :-D I'm probably going to drop out as I'm not interested those other aspects.

I did come across an account somewhere online from (and darn if I can find it again) from a guy who had an opposite experience when trying it for sleep. He said it wired his mind up and it was several weeks before he was able to calm down and sleep good again, and he had to counteract the effects with an antihistamine. Perhaps he took too much. I believe it is supposed to affect GABA receptors. Taking GABA is supposed to be calming, but it has the opposite effect on me (along with all the other sleep herbs) so I'm a bit wary of it now. Have been looking on line to purchase a tincture just to try it out. I do need to read more about it.

The one and only time i tried eating anything "edible" (pot brownies, cause smoking it had no effect), I just felt lightheaded, like I was having an unpleasant low blood sugar episode. Who needs that?? :rolleyes:
Will delve into pharmacological aspects in next post.
It seems common mistake people do when using it for sleep is they start with too high of a dose. And there is a way how to prepare it for sleep.
Also in some cultures fermented or pickled Amanita (without psychoactive compounds) is consumed. I'm wondering if it could have some beneficial effect like some other functional mushrooms?
In Balkan countries, people often forage for mushrooms in the forest to eat. I learned to identify a few species when I was a child. One of the first lessons was to avoid the beautiful red mushroom with white spots (Amanita muscaria), as it is very poisonous.

In the Amanita family, which grows in the Balkans, only one species is edible, as far as I know. This is Amanita caesarea, also known as Caesar's Mushroom. In the Balkans, it's called the Egg Mushroom (jajčarka) because it resembles a boiled egg when very young.

Over the years, I’ve picked many of these mushrooms, and I can say they are incredibly delicious. However, one must be careful not to confuse them with other similar, poisonous species in the Amanita family.

I was curious, since both mushrooms belong to the same family, might consuming Amanita caesarea have any similar benefits to Amanita muscaria, given that caesarea is safe and non-toxic?
In Balkan countries, people often forage for mushrooms in the forest to eat. I learned to identify a few species when I was a child. One of the first lessons was to avoid the beautiful red mushroom with white spots (Amanita muscaria), as it is very poisonous.

In the Amanita family, which grows in the Balkans, only one species is edible, as far as I know. This is Amanita caesarea, also known as Caesar's Mushroom. In the Balkans, it's called the Egg Mushroom (jajčarka) because it resembles a boiled egg when very young.
cesarea is indeed considered the queen of all mushrooms, however now it is protected in Croatia and Bosnia, and you can get a hefty fine if caught picking.
Over the years, I’ve picked many of these mushrooms, and I can say they are incredibly delicious. However, one must be careful not to confuse them with other similar, poisonous species in the Amanita family.

I was curious, since both mushrooms belong to the same family, might consuming Amanita caesarea have any similar benefits to Amanita muscaria, given that caesarea is safe and non-toxic?
From my understanding so far the medicinal properties of Amanita muscaria are related to unique combination of Ibotenic acid and muscarine and cesarea does not have large quantities of these.
From my viewpoint this woman has her feet on the ground, I've read all of her articles and watched her videos, tried it a few weeks but didn't work for me at the moment. I tried micro-dosing to relax and sleep better.

She cured her severe anxiety and benzo addiction, it is quite a story. She also talks about the chemistry, how to prepare, store, and dosage and other things about history/symbolism and myths.

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