Ambres / Sture Johansson

It would certainly be interesting to hear what he has to say about these things, fwiw.

Just recently he started to give instructor courses in these techniques, so they will become more available. The trauma instructor course for example, which requires a sort of ability to "see", you need his approval. Both because you have to be "mature enough" to be able to handle situations that might arise and you have to have experienced it yourself. At the moment I'm taking a course in chakra flow massage, which requires no certain abilities.

The only red flag I got was that it perhaps wasn't challenging enough, and could be read as, "Go back to sleep, everything's okay,"

I agree. Even though the movie can't cover all the things he has said during the years, and he does say every now and then that we have to wake up before it's to late, it is one of the reasons I also need the Laura/C:s. But I think they complement each other. I would say that most of the participants during sessions don't hear these things, the most of them are there to listen to his kind words and feel his warmth and his presence, which is profound. The sessions is normally in the form of a monologue and Q&A, he draws a lot too. One thing I've experienced is that he speaks on several levels and to several people at the same time, sometimes he addresses one person due to a question and sometimes he just speaks right out, even though he is not directing it to someone, but the words are formulated as if they were directed personally. Free will aspect I assume.

Regarding the work, I can't adequately explain his teachings, but he is trying by giving examples of how trapped we are in our perceptions due to social and cultural imprinting, traumas, even experiences, good as well as bad. That we are not thinking, even though we think we are, that we have no free will, not even to tie our own shoestrings. That during our lives we create roles/personalites/programs to be able to handle reality, which is of course necessary, but that it is blocking us from the source. He asks people to question things, even him.

Perhaps he doesn't actually know of the terror of the situation, and can only really comment on a narrow slice of what's going on? That has to be taken as a possibility, osit. If there was an "order of Tarsus", and he left because he felt their message should be taken to a greater audience rather than kept in a small circle of "initiates", then it's conceivable that he never did hear about the bigger picture

My perception is that he certainly does. He even says that the "spiral of evolution" is dislocated and that is one of the reasons he is here. Didn't Gurdieff say that to? He also said in the beginning that he/they are not here to save planet or the environment, but to "save souls".

But this is just my personal reaction here, and I realise (a) he may not have been questioned about larger concerns, (b) he may not be able to comment on such things until he's asked (free will and all that), and (c) what he says, with firm but gentle assurance, is encouraging - and some people are going to need that before anything else; they're frozen otherwise. He does give a larger context for our lives, which is great. But is that context really broad enough?

I think it is A, B, and C. Also, I think every channel has its angel, to complement each other. He mentioned that there are approx. 1-2 million "helpers" at the moment, I don't know the definition of "helpers", maybe it's a broad definition.

Ambres was simply a name given at "initiation" (whatever that refers to)

My word, just meant "in the beginning of his education". I remember that I did a few searches before but nothing interesting showed up, but today I found this:

Look at the map. Funny coincidence?

But he's not a bundle of laughs, though.

It doesn't show in the movie, but he IS. It's actually a lot of laughter in the sessions and courses, but also tears.

Yes, maybe it is my task. We will see, I will talk to Sture about it.

worldbridger said:
Thanks again Ottershrew.

"This is just my personal reaction, but it seemed warm and genuine, for what it was. I was quite moved by it - especially as I've been thinking anyway very much about the boundaries that exist between people. "Ambres" seems to be talking about the Divine Cosmic Mind within a person. Looked at from one point of view, he's not saying anything new, but the sincerity was evident for all that, and quite affecting."

This is exactly why most people, and myself, started to listen to him and still listening to him. Of course, there are a lot of other things, but one of the things he said from the beginning was that we should not put him on a pedestal or deify him, he's been very strict about that. He doesn't want followers, he will ask them in a gentle way to seek other teachers if he notice that people come to him for the "wrong" reasons.

Also, he is one of few, still after 30 years of love & light gurus, books etc, that speaks and teaches about the Work, about to get free from your self-created prison, your roles/programs. He also teaches different techniques for accessing traumas (past or present lives), chakra flow massage, breathing techniques and some other things.

Regarding Sture/Ambres: I talked with Sture about it beeing a another part of his personality and he says that if it's not Ambres, another entity, it's even more amazing because he is just an ordinary guy (carpenter actually), with 7 years of elementary school and dyslectic. For me it doesn't matter, it's the message that counts, the same goes for Laura/the C:s.

The name Ambres was given to him by his teacher in the beginning of his initiation. The reason for that was to facilitate the learning process due to the "thick skull" (teachers words!) he had. :)

Yea, I've also seen different forms reminding of Ambres, I don't know if it was a normal name in "Egypt" or just a fictitious namn serving the purpose I mentioned.

As I mentioned before, I have a transcript/booklet that has been put together "by some guy" to sort of sum up the first years of his teachings. This material is not to be considered as official material and is of course not comprehensive, but it is a sort of basics. But as Ambres has said, "it is not important at this time, but just to give you something".

Since there never has been or will be an organisation around his techings, and since no video or audio tape recording of the sessions is allowed, except for the TV movie and 2 sets of DVD/VHS tapes (in swedish), this is the only written material that is availble.

So, is there is an interest in having this booklet (100 pages A4) translated into english? Of course, I must get permission first.


Thanks Worldbridger for sharing this information on Ambres, very interesting. We just watched the part of the film that's available on YouTube with my wife and we were quite impressed. Since we both have Swedish as our mother tongue (even though we live in Finland), we were able to listen and look for possible 'glitches', but we couldn't find any. This guy seems like the real deal. Ambres' message, from what could be understood from the clips, was not the typical New Age world salad - we particularly found interesting the concept of 'The Rider': the timeless core of the soul that connects (or pierces through) each individual incarnation; it's not the individual who is incarnating, but The Rider. He compared The Rider with a straw that pierces through strawberries, the berries being one lifetime/incarnation.

Based on just those clips it's hard to say how much of 'the cake' this Ambres has (or if s/he is for real), so it would be very interesting to get more information. A translation of those notes would be interesting to read. I could help you with translating some parts of it, if you like.

Btw, have you seen the whole/official documentary? It supposedly has about 70min more material, I'm wondering if I should order this DVD...
Is this guy???

Indeed what interesting coincidence. Is he in britain??? I ask because maybe I misunderstood.
cubbex said:
Is this guy???

Indeed what interesting coincidence. Is he in britain??? I ask because maybe I misunderstood.

Have you watched that clip or read the last two pages of this thread? What is being said is that this guy, Sture, lives in Sweden. He's an ordinary carpenter (or so we are told) who channels an entity called Ambres. This Ambres says he was previously incarnated in Egypt. This may not be the Egypt we know today, but as some have suggested a place in Britain. You can find more about this e.g. in Laura's book 'The Secret History Of The World'.
Hej Aragorn

I agree, no salad there, just meat.

How good is your Swedish? Well, I thought that since you could listen to the Swedish version you could buy the TV movie at and 3 DVD:s (older recording, but still interesting) at and the books at, instead of waiting for me to get permission to translate the books/booklets.

The Rider or Ryttaren is the name he uses to describe the soul, which I think is a good name for the soul. Funny, a lot of people who is in the esoteric/new age community assumes that it is they, the personality, that incarnates. They identify themselves with the soul, because they (they assume) have one. When you think about it, how could they? The ego is a product of upbringing, culture etc., it is created in this life. We don't incarnate, the soul does. Well, I don't now for sure, but it makes sense. :)

I've only managed to watch half of the 6 parts of Ambres - Sture Johansson, and early on the film maker was having great trouble with the gnats whilst filming. this reminded me of don Juan in The Active Side of Infinity where Carlos Castaneda is struggling with his own inner turmoil or ego also being bitten alive, until he lets go and the insects no longer bother him.
So far I have found this a very sensitive film, the natural environment seems to play quite a part, and Sture seems to reflect this environment. Ambres might only have part of the picture but he does seem to speak with an honesty.

Thanks for these thoughts Worldbridger.
The Rider or Ryttaren is the name he uses to describe the soul, which I think is a good name for the soul. Funny, a lot of people who is in the esoteric/new age community assumes that it is they, the personality, that incarnates. They identify themselves with the soul, because they (they assume) have one. When you think about it, how could they? The ego is a product of upbringing, culture etc., it is created in this life. We don't incarnate, the soul does. Well, I don't now for sure, but it makes sense.
Aragorn said:
cubbex said:
Is this guy???

Indeed what interesting coincidence. Is he in britain??? I ask because maybe I misunderstood.

Have you watched that clip or read the last two pages of this thread? What is being said is that this guy, Sture, lives in Sweden. He's an ordinary carpenter (or so we are told) who channels an entity called Ambres. This Ambres says he was previously incarnated in Egypt. This may not be the Egypt we know today, but as some have suggested a place in Britain. You can find more about this e.g. in Laura's book 'The Secret History Of The World'.

Ok :lol: hehe why so aggressive? I was asking to be sure he was, I didn't asked lot of what you wrote on your post. And of course I have read the last two pages of the thread, if you read above in the page of my post asking, is another post from me, so I was following the thread.
:/ gosh
cubbex said:
Is this guy???

Yes, that's him.

Indeed what interesting coincidence. Is he in britain??? I ask because maybe I misunderstood.

Well, to clarify a bit, Ambres claims he was from Egypt. That's obviously a country in north Africa. But Iman Wilkens, in "Where Troy Once Stood" suggests there may have been another Egypt, located in Brittany - hence the correspondence in the names "Carnac" and "Karnak", for instance.

The name "Britain" though, itself, is complicated in reference. The name "Great Britain" seems to have been applied to the island to distinguish it from the "other" Britain, which was Brittany. The link between the two is easier to see in modern French: Brittany = Bretagne, Great Britain = Grand Bretagne.

There seems to have been, at some stage in the application of place-names, just the one Britain, which covered Brittany and the island.
Ottershrew said:
cubbex said:
Is this guy???

Yes, that's him.

Indeed what interesting coincidence. Is he in britain??? I ask because maybe I misunderstood.

Well, to clarify a bit, Ambres claims he was from Egypt. That's obviously a country in north Africa. But Iman Wilkens, in "Where Troy Once Stood" suggests there may have been another Egypt, located in Brittany - hence the correspondence in the names "Carnac" and "Karnak", for instance.

The name "Britain" though, itself, is complicated in reference. The name "Great Britain" seems to have been applied to the island to distinguish it from the "other" Britain, which was Brittany. The link between the two is easier to see in modern French: Brittany = Bretagne, Great Britain = Grand Bretagne.

There seems to have been, at some stage in the application of place-names, just the one Britain, which covered Brittany and the island.
Thanks. That was a helpful answer. Now I understand better the hole context of the story.

The interesting would be if the guy that channels him/her or whatever, is aware of all this. Thanks a lot Ottershrew. I will see the videos.
worldbridger said:
Ottershrew said:
But he's not a bundle of laughs, though.

It doesn't show in the movie, but he IS. It's actually a lot of laughter in the sessions and courses, but also tears.

Yes, maybe it is my task. We will see, I will talk to Sture about it.

Thanks for the extra information, Worldbridger.

With only the documentary film to go on, plus the out-takes mentioned as well (which also seem to be available on Youtube, though I haven't watched all these) it's difficult to get a fair all-round assessment of Ambres. Obviously, it's important to look out for "red flags" while going through all this - but there is this problem of not having all the information. So, yes, being able to read the booklet might be really helpful in coming to a better assessment.

worldbridger said:
I remember that I did a few searches before but nothing interesting showed up, but today I found this:

Look at the map. Funny coincidence?

The name of the town most likely corresponds to a stop (or market) on the Amber Road. Other places nearby connected with this trade are Ambares near Bordeaux, and a whole host of towns with some form of "Bern" in the place-name, e.g. the district of Bearn just north of the Pyrenees.
I've been watching the film by Anders Grönros once again to try and get a better idea about what's really going on - and exactly how useful the things "Ambres" is saying actually are.

I think anyone would agree that a single film won't give the whole picture about someone. Nevertheless, what "Ambres" says in that film can still be analysed.

Sture is a likeable man. He enjoys physical labour, which indicates that he's not a pathological person living with a feeling of entitlement. He also says things which are down-to-earth and self-deprecating. He knows about fraudulent mediumistic practice, and is appalled by it. He doesn't consider himself a "medium" in the traditional sense of that term. At that level, he doesn't seem to be a fraud.

So who is "Ambres"? Several possibilities come to mind:

1. He's a deliberate invention by Sture. This possibility seems unlikely in view of the self-assured way in which "Ambres" speaks to camera for hours at a time, and in view of Sture's general demeanour. But such things can be accomplished by self-hypnosis.

2. He's a discarnate spirit, a "dead dude" who lived in Egypt 3000 years ago. If that's the case though, "Ambres" would have taken over Sture's body in the first instance without Sture agreeing to it: that's an immediate red flag. The C's have indicated that STO entities can only respond if there's been a conscious request. For a discarnate spirit to do this indicates that it's probably STS. Any mention of "Egypt" immediately sets alarm bells ringing, as indicating someone who wants to be taken seriously. If he said he was from Pittsburgh, this would be less compelling for an esoterically-inclined audience. Which brings up another possibility:

3. He's a dead dude who isn't from Egypt, didn't live 3000 years ago, and actually does come from somewhere like Pittsburgh or Stockholm. If so, this also raises alarm bells. Why would he lie?

4. He's an aspect of Sture's own psyche. In this model, Sture has dissociative identity disorder (DID) - not that it's necessarily "disordered" in Sture's case, where he has control over when "Ambres" comes, but not when he goes. To my mind this seems to be the most logical explanation with the information available so far.

5. There's also the possibility that at some early age Sture reacted to some sort of abuse (perhaps just neglect) by dissociation, and it was then that a discarnate spirit made an attachment to him. In a dissociative state now, when accessing some hidden persona within his psyche, Sture also "channels" to some extent this discarnate entity.

With all five of these options, though, it's still completely 3D - and unlikely to be STO in view of the fact that we're all STS at this density level whether alive or dead.

Anyway, this is all very well - but what about what "Ambres" says? This really is the meat of the matter, imo.

The C's say a good many things, not all of which are necessarily attractive. But there's something a whole lot MORE supplied by the C's than there is with "Ambres". "Ambres", on the other hand, says a whole lot of things which - though perhaps true - are not necessarily going anywhere. I found when reviewing the film that "Ambres" would speak in a very measured way, using quite broad terms. This allows or invites the listener to fill in the gaps with their own experiences and perceptions - in other words, to "critically correct" it. That might make it a trap for the gullible - simply because the message seems to be relayed to YOU personally, when in fact that's only because it was YOU who supplied your own personal context to the message.

What "Ambres" says doesn't actually add anything to our knowledge. It's very reminiscent of a whole load of channelled material which is just New Age 101, or "Perennial Philosophy for Beginners". There's nothing, it seems, actually untrue in what he says. Whether it's a discarnate spirit, or an aspect of Sture himself, there's still an element of sincerity - but NOT of knowledge. And this is the key thing here, I think, which seemed to be the most serious flaw of all in what "Ambres" was communicating - it simply didn't go far enough.

edit: typos and corrections for clarity
I'd have to agree with Ottershrew, here. I just watched the footage from Youtube. While admittedly there might be more to the channeled material than what was presented there, what I heard was nothing but New Age word salad. The part about Unconditional Love really stood out in that sense. Everything this entity had to say about love was about warm fuzzy feeling--classic New Age nonsense.

What I was really struck by, though, was how folks seemed really taken in by what was being said when nothing was really being said at all. It's a powerful technique: say things that evoke emotions while baffling the intellect and you can put the listener into a trance fairly quickly. It is an oft used hypnosis induction technique. It's also used in sales and politics quite a lot. As such, it is something everyone here should become acquainted with. For that reason, I'd recommend watching the analyze what is being done.

There have been comments made about how what he said seems true enough, and for the most part I'd agree. I can't agree that that makes him honest, though. There is nothing said that hasn't been said a thousand times already. Not really much of a trick to regurgitate the most popular New Age motifs. They are well documented, after all. Yet read Mein Kampf. You can find a lot in there that you'd find quite agreeable, too--especially if you didn't know where it was coming from. The question of honestly isn't answered by tallying up the number of "true" facts that are stated. The question of honesty is a long-term question that involves looking at intentions and results of actions.

But I think the biggest red flag that should have been raised in everyone's mind right off the bat is this: according to Sture, this entity showed up without him asking for it. Admittedly, there may be aspects of the situation that I don't understand, but the first question that came to mind was this: would any STO entity show up like that unasked? It's an important question. I don't care one lick if this entity is a 3,000 year-old Egyptian or a Walmart manager who was trampled by shoppers in the Christmas rush last year. If it shows up unbidden like that, I'm thinking that it doesn't really think much about violating the free will of another. And if that is the case, it sure ain't STO.

Some may argue that it asked for permission, so it wasn't violating free will. Is that really the case? Some guy who knows nothing about channeling (so he claims) has an entity show up and blow his mind like's a free will violation carefully cloaked in politeness. Also, this entity takes over Sture's consciousness for hours at a time. Sture has absolutely no knowledge and so no control over what is said. Can't imagine where free will fits in to that picture.

In the last analysis, though, my guess would be that Sture has severe dissociative identity disorder, based on the fact that his primary personality completely goes away when he channels. I'd guess that Ambres is a split personality that is just spouting bits of New Age mysticism that it's picked up over the years. In that vein, the first thing that came to mind when I heard the Ambres introductory line "Bless this temple and all inside it" was that it was referring to the temple of the body and blessing all of the alternate personalities residing there. Just a thought.
I agree with you Ottershrew and Burma Jones; nothing new to learn here. It is very reminiscent of the channeling of Iliuka in this thread:


Language, breathing and subjects are almost identical, and Iliuka in my experience was not benevolent beneath the words. Iliuka or Ambres doesn't say anything about what will happen to people living after the principle of unconditional love in a world ruled by psycopaths.
After watching the videos a few times, although I agree that the message seems positive overall, there are a few things that bugged me.

Ambres said:
I bless this temple and all that are inside it
I agree with Burma Jones that this is a curious greeting, and I also wondered what is the temple to which he refers, as it does sound like the body. It reminds me of Laura's exorcism clip where the possessing entity referred to the human as a "time share". The narrator interprets it the present location where the channeling is performed.

Ambres (Sture) said:
I'm way too normal for this...
I don't have the time or energy to ponder philosophical problems...
I noticed throughout the video it was stressed just how "normal" Sture is. It seemed constantly reinforced with video of him working, the narrator saying it, and Sture himself explaining it. After 30 years of Ambres showing up, it is almost like a "story" that Sture has rehearsed for all those years to make an impression. The part where he says mediums are hardly allowed to hug their wives, or dance, or be human, the video shows a quick clip of Sture listening to folk music in a bar, clapping, and being happy. Almost as if to make the viewer think to himself "Wow, look at him dancing and clapping and hugging his wife and being human! He really isn't a typical medium just as he says!".

And in the next instance he says..

Ambres (Sture) said:
To be perfectly honest - if I didn't have my hammer and saw, if I couldn't work with my hands, and if I didn't have hunting, fishing, and nature around me, I don't think that I would've been able to cope
I thought that was an odd thing to say for someone who is presented as being so "simple" and who never thinks of anything but rudimentary every day things. So I don't think he's talking about the terror of the situation, and if not, what is he talking about coping with? To me it sounds like the appearance and constant takeovers by Ambres. Why would Ambres subject someone to suffering like this? It is not conscious suffering.

Ambres said:
... Beloved children...
May be nothing, but he does refer to us as children on a few occasions, and it may be condescending. Is it an excuse to not respect our free will, if he sees us as a parent sees a child. Maybe he just means that we're learning and are largely ignorant of the universe at the moment, but then so is he, but he doesn't say "fellow children" to include himself either.

Ambres (Narrator) said:
Sture has several times woken up, cold and soaked because Ambres has thrown the rain clothes off. He finds they keep him from experiencing the rain.
Doesn't sound very considerate towards Sture. For someone who is supposedly smarter than us "children", Ambres is surprisingly unaware of the discomfort he imposes on Sture, or perhaps just doesn't care.

Ambres said:
Go to your enemy, take him or her in your arms and say what your heart bids you. "I'm sorry. I love you. I aks your forgiveness. I ask your understanding. I didn't know what I was doing." This is not a defeat, but a victory. It is a victory over the ego
This wouldn't work with psychopaths, narcissists, and pathology in general. Perhaps it would work in a hypothetical world where good/normal people are fighting over a misunderstanding or confusion on both sides, but not in a world where you're dealing with psychopaths, narcissists, and powerful beliefs/programs that cannot simply be turned off by being nice to someone.

Ambres said:
I let myself tip over, but nothing happened - I just woke up. But one time when I woke up everyone was looking at me. Everyone was staring at me, and I thought that I'd really slept - I'd snored and disturbed them. So I said: "I'm sorry for snoring". "No, you didn't snore. Someone spoke through you". Simeno had spoken and said that Sture's body would be used to spread a great vision about mankind. I was utterly terrified, afraid. I thought I had lost it. [...] Someone just takes over... What if I can't come back? What if.. What if I die? I'm not allowed access to my own body. What is this?


The meditation class convinces Sture to go into trance again. Even though it feels deranged he attempts it - his inner swing tips over and everything turns black. For Sture it lasts one second, but Simeno has been there for an hour. Meetings are organized with this Simeno. He was present for about a year. He then stepped back and said: "This isn't working. Things have to change. From now on Ambres will take over for me." And Ambres came. Narrator: "Were you not amazed when another one showed up?" That's to put it mildly - amazed, I was. I wasn't exactly happy, instead I saw it as.. I actually felt a little occupied. Simeno from -76 was very dominant, according to those who were around. Ambres who arrived in -77 had a different, much softer approach. But they conveyed the same message. And now someone else was to take over my body...

None of thise bespeaks of respect for free will. Can you imagine if people arranged meetings with the C's and Laura was used simply as a telephone to enable the meetings to take place, with no consideration by the C's nor the people for her time, energy, or choice? And again Sture reminds us that this makes him afraid, he feels occupied, used, and violated. Simeno and Ambres seem to be buddies, and the first one was a little too "dominant" (Not a very STO quality!), so Ambres simply takes over instead and is just more polite when he speaks. And when asked to explain how he justifies it, he says:

Ambres said:
Since I have no body.. I borrow a body from the instrument. I borrow this body to mediate and speak through - that's it. I don't take over the functions of the instrument. I don't ingest. I borrow it for a period of time, no more than three hours at a time. There is a line there, which I ought not to step over. Furthremore, I have a responsibility toward the Instrument. The experience shouldn't be that I violate him, or shut him out of his own life. Throughout the years, an agreement has developed between us - where he trusts me to possess his body and return it to the Instrument. So where is the Instrument while I am here? He is semi-conscious, somewhere between being asleep and awake - unaware of what is going on. I would find the Instrument a disturbing element.

Narrator: "How come you chose this particular instrument?"

Many have asked why I didn't choose someone who knows languages, who has a completely different background than the Instrument. But this instrument is perfect, totally and utterly perfect. He lacks the background for people to say: "Oh, well. He's been in school, naturally he's the one speaking, not good old Ambres". It's actually not "my" knowledge but everyone's knowledge. I'm not giving you anything new. I'm merely restating what's already been said through various teachers and so-called masters.

Sounds like he's desperately trying to rationalize it when he reminds us that he doesn't ingest or "violate" Sture, as if to make the act of stealing someone's body without permission ok as long as you don't abuse it. Nevermind that he does violate it by making Sture shiver form being cold and wet just because Ambres likes the rain.

You can't borrow if you don't ask permission, that's not how borrowing works. Also he said the agreement has developed throughout the years - sounds like stockholm syndrome. Agreements are made BEFORE the activity takes place, not after it's been happening for a while and over time. That's like agreeing that someone can use your car after they've already been taking it without permission for years. And what did he mean by calling the Instrument a "disturbing element"? Does he mean Sture's soul or body? That just seemed like a strange out of place remark, sounds like he isn't very "fond" of Sture's soul or body, or something.

Also, he says HE chose Sture, not that Sture chose the contact. He chose him because Sture is simple and uneducated, but why? It's the opposite of what the C's do - they don't look for ways to prove to people that they are real because that violates free will, so why does Ambre try to make himself more believable by manipulating the circumstances? If people are convinced that Ambres is a spirit they will ascribe authority to his words rather than being critical of the messages and willing to research. So again, I don't see a reason for STO to try to give its messages more authority and superficial believability.

Finally, he himself admitted that he's not saying anything new. Just regurgitating what people have heard a million times already from other new age sources, so we have that right from the horse's mouth.
Burma Jones said:
There have been comments made about how what he said seems true enough, and for the most part I'd agree. I can't agree that that makes him honest, though.

I'm not sure about this even. I haven't watched it all but there's a bit in the second part where he talks about unconditional love and basically says that if a total stranger shows that they "love" you with a word or gesture that you want to embrace the one who proclaimed his love. Is that true?

He also says that as soon as we humanize "the unconditional love" we are no longer in contact with it. That pretty much the opposite of the idea that we hold to that this world NEEDS "love" or spirituality to be "humanized", for it to be made manifest in this world and in that way effect the spiritualisation of matter.

Also the part in part 2 where they put the hood on him, Sture seems to come out of character for a moment and laugh at the fact that they are putting a hood and a hat on him, and then he comes out with the rather trite "spiritual comment "I feel trapped". I mean, what is it to a disincarnate entity if they put a hat on "the instrument"?

The entire slant of the documentary seems rather biased also. The makers seem to really NOT be trying to be objective about it, and only pay lip-service to the idea of an impartial investigative report.

Another choice quotes from "Ambres":

"The purpose of life is for people to turn inwards towards themselves."

"Go to your enemy, take him or her in your arms and say what your heart bids you" (but he then tells you what to say) "I'm sorry, I love you, I ask your forgiveness"

Not very encouraging.

In the 5th part "Ambres" says "I'm not giving you anything new, I'm merely restating what's already been said through various teachers and so-called masters".

I tend to agree with him. Having said all that though, I understand why the whole deal is attractive. Sture is engaging and very down to earth as a person and Ambres gives some nice ideas about death and living each day as if it were your last, in the 6th part.

So my conclusion is that it is one of the less obnoxious new age info sources, but it's still mainly basic new age teachings that have been around for a long time. It's just interesting to see them come from a Swedish carpenter with few apparent airs or graces (at least the documentary makers didn't show us any).

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