The Living Force
SeekingtheTruth said:Last Monday night I was reading one of the replies posted by Laura (I can't seem to find it at the moment) where she had a session with the C's about the percentage of people who actually think in the U.S. (12% according to the C's). (snip)Well that night I had a dream where I was walking along the side of this paved road. I decided to look down at one of the street drains with a metal grill covering its entrance. Inside of this drain I saw an Owl standing alone and without looking at me it escaped from the drains entrance and began to walk ahead of me accompanied by a squirrel.
In our culture the owl has been associated with wisdom and learning - this is probably a recent historical refection of the fact that the only people who would be up studying or reading at night (when there is no natural light), would have to be truly dedicated to task of obtaining learning or knowledge. What does studying and learning have to do with thinking? Well, perhaps there is a link? :D
In your dream its interesting to note that your 'owl' managed to walk out of it's subterrainian metal grilled street drain, so it seems that what ever it represents is no longer confined to that space and is free to 'move'.... with the squirrel of course.
Here is some occult symbols for the owl. As you can see, there is quite a variation within cultures.
And here is one about the squirrel. Cute little guys, aren't they?
I find it interesting that the owl 'morphed' into an eagle. Apparently you needed the owl before you 'got' the eagle. The eagle is also a prominent symbol for the USA.
and this from here:
Connect to Great Spirit, Healing through Renewal, Visions and Dreams, and Freedom of our Spirit.
Eagle is a symbol for the USA, representing our love of freedom and independence. Many cultures over the world have used the symbol of an eagle to show their bravery and courage. But why is the Eagle so powerful to us? Of all the creatures on Earth, Eagles show us our ability to soar in our spirit. This predatory bird has sharp eyes and strong talons. It uses it's 8 - 10 foot wing span to circle in the air to search for food. It's ability to fly higher then most birds shows us it's connection to the heavens above. Many Native stories tell of the dieing eagle flying to the sun to be burned and falling to Earth in clean water to be reborn. This act of being reborn shows us our own need to let go of old ideas and wounds and to start life in a new way. Eagle also shows us to fly for our dreams and visions and that our hearts will always be free. Call for the Eagle spirit to uplift your life. Let Eagle guide you to your dreams and let go of the outcome. Eagle will help you fly high into Great Spirit's loving arms.
Joy in our Work, Cleverness, and Spring Cleaning
Squirrels have learned to share the human urban world. They can quickly adapt to any environment and learn how to get food even from the most guarded bird feeder. Squirrel magik teaches us to be resourceful within our lives. To try every angle to obtain our desire. Squirrel also teaches us that even the most simplest of work can be done in joy. As they search for food and mates they still have fun teasing the neighborhood cat and to try your new crocus bulbs. As Spring approaches they also remind us to clean out unwanted debris from last year (past relationships) and make room for new life.