An eye-opening day


Dagobah Resident
Hi everyone,

I’ve had a couple of interesting experiences recently, thought I’d share them with you and see if anyone had any thoughts on these matters.

I have to start out by saying that the last few months have been difficult for me in terms of the Work. Financial strain has made efforts with my diet rather sporadic but I’m still trying to do what I can. But financial strain has a very nasty effect on my stress level which affects my motivation as well, so I haven’t been doing the breathing. I understand that the breathing is what will help with the stress, but there it is. And to top it off I haven’t been posting much for the same reasons, so you could say that I’m getting a little frustrated and disappointed with myself.

The one thing I have been doing is keeping on with my reading. At the moment I am re-reading the Wave series, more slowly, and I’ve been getting a lot more out of it than I did the first time through. I just finished Book 2 so I have the subjects of spirit release therapy and Reiki on my mind, and I’ve decided that I would like to do both.

I did a little research on the internet for SRT and found this:
“Symptoms of spirit attachment can include:
• An inner voice that constantly criticizes you
• A variety of changing physical maladies with no obvious cause
• Irrational fear, anger, sadness or guilt or
• Suicidal tendencies.”

It dawned on me that I have experienced the first item on the list, on and off, as far back as I can remember. It was much more frequent when I was younger but I still hear it now and again. For some reason I have always associated it with being hungry, tired or both.

It’s kind of like hearing a voice through a thick wall. I can’t make out the words but I can easily hear the tone of voice, and that would best be described as criticizing, disparaging and hurtful. I try to shut it out but that’s quite impossible so I have to go to sleep for it to go away. The last time I heard it was some time in the last 6 or 8 months.

I know how it makes me feel when I am aware of it, so I’m wondering whether it is present even when I am NOT aware of it, and if it is still having an effect on me without me knowing it. My guess is that it is, and that could explain a few things. Having been raised in a narcissistic family left me with a low sense of self-worth to begin with. Add “the voice” to the mix and there’s no telling how much of an effect it could be having.

Then there is the Reiki. My first thought was that I would like to have a session for the healing benefits it provides, mainly the mental and psychic. And then I thought it would be interesting to find out anything I could about my energy – what blockages I have, where they manifest on my body – that kind of thing. Also, because I’m learning all sorts of things about our energy, I would like to have some kind of “hands-on” experience with it.

Then I realized that if I were to learn how to DO Reiki, I might be able to help my wife with her health problems. I followed Laura’s advice about reading Dr. Murphree’s Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia, and I got my wife the Essential Therapeutics Jumpstart Pack. It helped her quite a bit, particularly with her migraines, but there are still other things that keep coming up and I would really like to be able to help her. If I were to do this she could receive regular Reiki treatments for free, and I could be getting regular practice.

The thing is, I wondered if it would be best to do the SRT first in order to be “clean”, before getting the first attunement. So I decided to look into both.

The only person I have found in the area that does SRT, so far, is apparently the leading expert in the field of hypnotherapy in the whole country. So he charges 95$ for the initial meeting, and 195$ per session after that. And you have to pay for the first two sessions in advance. I can’t afford that.

But if the name coincidences have any bearing here, well, he and I share the same first name (alternate spelling), and his last name is Knight…but I still can’t afford him.

I got the idea of finding an esoteric bookshop in town, thinking they may have pamphlets or business cards of different types of practitioners – any kind of information that may help me in my search. So on a Saturday afternoon I stepped into a place called The Magical Blend, a place that, inside, looked right out of a Harry Potter film. There were lots of books on magic, potions, herbs, trinkets, even wands – the whole nine yards. The girl I spoke to had never heard of SRT, but that wasn’t too surprising since she said that her area of expertise was some kind of ritual magic. When I described it to her she said that it didn’t sound like a good idea because a) some of our spirit attachments are there to help us and b) one should not look to anger any of them.

Needless to say, I didn’t get any of the information I was hoping for but the trip was not a complete loss. I had had my first experience speaking with ‘New Agers” and got to witness first hand some of the exact things that Laura has described in her books. Although I was quite nervous walking in there, I realized that I was pretty well prepared for the situation in that I could detect baloney without being sucked in by anything. Also, while I was browsing around, I found a nice fat bag of ground goldenseal root to add to my detoxing.

Later that day my wife and I went to visit her sister and her husband. I had never spoken to him about anything “esoteric” before but I recounted the day’s visit to the shop. This let into a discussion about reincarnation, karma and whatnot, and he started talking.

First he tells me how he definitely believes in reincarnation and then starts describing a recurring dream he used to have as a kid. He was walking with his parents in an amusement park by the sea. Looking up he would see that the two people he was with were not at all his present parents, but he knew them as his parents anyway. Everyone was dressed in styles from the 20’s or 30’s, and he could give details like I’ve never heard from a dream before.

Next he tells me about the time he had an outer body experience, floating above his bed looking down at himself. And then it gets weird.

Not two weeks after the outer body experience he said he woke up in bed, completely paralyzed, unable to speak, and a voice was talking to him from right beside the bed. And it wasn’t some detached voice, it was coming from someone right there in the room with him. The voice said, “Don’t be afraid of me. I’m not going to hurt you. I’ve just come to see you. Don’t worry.” What was beside the bed was not the form of a person but just a kind of glowing light. After a minute or two the light faded away and he could move again. He was so unbelievably terrified all through the experience that he let out a blood-curdling scream that brought his wife running from downstairs.

He spoke about it to a colleague at work who seemed to be interested in odd things. He told him it was probably “one of your angels”. But what he said to me was that, being the one who experienced the event, he was quite sure there was nothing angelic about it, and that it was more likely some kind of alien/UFO experience. I had to agree with him.

What a day! Even though I have been somewhat stagnant in what I feel are the most important things I should be doing (diet, breathing), I think because I was still actively “doing” something productive, it led me into one of the most interesting, revealing days I’ve had in a long time. As a result, I have been inspired to get back on the diet (lentils and rice , ultra shake, rice cereal, green tea). I begin my breathing again tomorrow.

I found a Reiki Master in my area via the internet, a member of the Reiki Association. I’ve scheduled a session with him this Friday. I figure I’ll get to meet him, find out what Reiki is like and hopefully this will help me to decide if he’s the right person to be giving me the first attunement.

But I still haven’t found an affordable hypnotherapist.

I do not know if this will help or not, but you may want to try and find out if there are hypnotheapy classes available in your area and leave your anme for the students. I worked with a lady several years ago that was taking classes and towards the end she needed people to work on to practice and we did sessions with her after work.

Maybe the class itself could use subjects to work on also. You perhaps could get reduced rates like they offer at massage schools for the students to work on.

Just an idea.
Hi Mocachapeau,

The first thing I would recommend you do is to get back on the ee. EE doesn't just help with stress relief, but also (as I understand it and have experienced) spirit release. If I remember correctly, spirit attachments can also form from physical/health issues. If this is also the case, then straightening out your diet further should help with the voices you are experiencing. The ones I experience have lessened to a good extent.

In order for ee to do its best work, it needs a healthy environment. To get spirit release therapy while not cleaning out our mind and body would defeat the issue I think as the toxic environment that allows for the spirit to stay is still present. In short, what will probably happen is that one spirit will release, but another (of similar frequency) will take it's place.

For the spirit to stay gone, the frequency of the individual needs to be at a level where it is no longer comfortable for it to make a home for itself.

As for reiki, while I would not discourage you from pursuing this, I would caution you to be very discerning of who you allow to attune you. I think there is at least one thread on this forum that discusses reiki you haven't seen it yet. I'm not sure if you've decided to go with this Knight person, but for me the name coincidence sends up flags.
Hello Mocachapeau

I too am considering having SRT and am am going to try and post about my experiences and why I may explore this avenue sometime in the next few days. Just wanted to say that if you haven't already, it's well worth listening to the SOTT Podcasts on the topic of SRT where Laura and co discuss the issue in depth. They include some tape recordings of sessions Laura carried out on clients under hypnosis.

They're informative, fascinating and the subject is explored with great humour. Here are the large downloads:

If you need small downloads, or a streaming version you can go here :)
Hi mocachapeau !

[quote author=mocachapeau]What a day! Even though I have been somewhat stagnant in what I feel are the most important things I should be doing (diet, breathing), I think because I was still actively “doing” something productive, it led me into one of the most interesting, revealing days I’ve had in a long time. As a result, I have been inspired to get back on the diet (lentils and rice , ultra shake, rice cereal, green tea). I begin my breathing again tomorrow.[/quote]

Good to hear that !

As far as spririt attachment, I think you can apply what Laura once said on value of dealing with physical issues: "Deal with the physiology and then see what's left."

It's a powerful and motivational message that makes good sense.

Truth seeker gave you very good and practical advice.

For a person, who experienced all 4 of the symptoms you have provided, I can tell you from first hand experience, once you stick to the diet & EE, these things will start to diminish. It's interesting to observe, when on occasion I violate self through improper diet, these things start manifest themselves again.

Reiki, hypnotherapist might provide temporary relief, but if door remains open it's a matter of time, before another entity or spirit will attempt to try it.
EmeraldHope said:

I do not know if this will help or not, but you may want to try and find out if there are hypnotheapy classes available in your area and leave your anme for the students. I worked with a lady several years ago that was taking classes and towards the end she needed people to work on to practice and we did sessions with her after work.

That's a great suggestion. Once I've gotten back on track with the breathing and diet for at least a month or two I'll look into that. Thanks.

truth seeker said:
Hi Mocachapeau,

The first thing I would recommend you do is to get back on the ee. EE doesn't just help with stress relief, but also (as I understand it and have experienced) spirit release. If I remember correctly, spirit attachments can also form from physical/health issues. If this is also the case, then straightening out your diet further should help with the voices you are experiencing. The ones I experience have lessened to a good extent.

In order for ee to do its best work, it needs a healthy environment. To get spirit release therapy while not cleaning out our mind and body would defeat the issue I think as the toxic environment that allows for the spirit to stay is still present. In short, what will probably happen is that one spirit will release, but another (of similar frequency) will take it's place.

I think I am going to follow that advice to the letter. It seems logical, and it would also seem that the most important thing I need to face at the moment is my own lack of self-discipline. As I said above, I will get myself on track for at least a couple of months before I consider the SRT.

truth seeker said:
As for reiki, while I would not discourage you from pursuing this, I would caution you to be very discerning of who you allow to attune you. I think there is at least one thread on this forum that discusses reiki you haven't seen it yet. I'm not sure if you've decided to go with this Knight person, but for me the name coincidence sends up flags.

I did read the thread on choosing a Reiki Master. The way I read it, it was really only specific about the Diane Stein lineage, the altered or reversed symbols and not letting anyone do your attunement that you feel uncomfortable with. Other than that, it pretty much said what you said which is to be discerning. I figured the only way to find out if I feel comfortable with someone is to meet and talk with them. And I also figured that the only way to do that would be to schedule a session and try and judge this person for myself.

I searched the Association for people in my area and ended up choosing one. This is his web site: _

Am I going about this the wrong way? Is there a specific right way?

EDIT: Spelling
m said:
Am I going about this the wrong way? Is there a specific right way?

This I'm not sure of. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can chime in. I recommended using discernment because it would be what I would suggest for anyone seeing any practitioner. I also found the coincidence interesting, but perhaps I'm off on that.
mocachapeau, since you say that you have lost motivation to do EE, diet and the Work on yourself, I can't help but wonder if you are not looking for the easy way out?

agni said:
For a person, who experienced all 4 of the symptoms you have provided, I can tell you from first hand experience, once you stick to the diet & EE, these things will start to diminish. It's interesting to observe, when on occasion I violate self through improper diet, these things start manifest themselves again.

You may want to think about this. You may also want to think about what truth seeker said about raising you FRV to keep these attachments away. This is very good advice.

truth seeker said:
This I'm not sure of. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can chime in. I recommended using discernment because it would be what I would suggest for anyone seeing any practitioner. I also found the coincidence interesting, but perhaps I'm off on that.

I agree that discernment is necessary (in virtually anything), and I think I have learned a little bit in that area since I discovered the Work. How much I have learned and how good I am at it, I question all the time. I just don't know. But you're right to recommend that, or remind people of that.

If the coincidence you are talking about is the man named Knight, that was the hypnotherapist, not the Reiki Master. But, oddly enough, the last name of the Reiki Master I found is exactly my first name with a 'd' added to the end. But that is not why I chose him. It was the no-nonsense approach of his website.

All the others were very new-agey, and the practitioners all dressed the part. His site had a simple description of what he did, detailed lineages of each of his teachers, and he wasn't trying to sell any new-age ideas, as far as I could tell. He outlined his training and experience without trying to make himself look like some kind of guru, and in the one picture I saw of him he was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt - no Hindu garb or whatnot. I got a good feeling about him. Of course, I will have my BS meter turned WAY up when I go to see him.

agni said:
As far as spririt attachment, I think you can apply what Laura once said on value of dealing with physical issues: "Deal with the physiology and then see what's left."

It would seem that EE and diet are pretty much the key to it all. I already know how beneficial they are, but I just keep learning about more and more ways in which this is true.

Nienna Eluch said:
mocachapeau, since you say that you have lost motivation to do EE, diet and the Work on yourself, I can't help but wonder if you are not looking for the easy way out?

I have asked myself the same question. But what I have concluded is that I do not see these things as substitutes for EE and diet. Spirit release therapy interests me simply for the idea that if I know I am clean, then I know that whatever attitudes, behaviour, emotions, etc. I display are truly my own. But I am beginning to see that dedicated EE and diet could make this therapy unnecessary.

But I am still interested in learning Reiki, for the reasons I gave above. I am particularly interested in being able to help my wife with her health issues. I don't think she's ever going to get interested in the EE, or making more than a minimal change to her diet. Heck, she won't even use a fluoride-free toothpaste unless it's all that's left in the house. But she has expressed interest in receiving Reiki, so maybe this might help her to see that the answers to her ailments do not necessarily lie at the doctor's office.
mocachapeau said:
Nienna Eluch said:
mocachapeau, since you say that you have lost motivation to do EE, diet and the Work on yourself, I can't help but wonder if you are not looking for the easy way out?

I have asked myself the same question. But what I have concluded is that I do not see these things as substitutes for EE and diet. Spirit release therapy interests me simply for the idea that if I know I am clean, then I know that whatever attitudes, behaviour, emotions, etc. I display are truly my own. But I am beginning to see that dedicated EE and diet could make this therapy unnecessary.

May I ask which "I" concluded ? :)

Me too can't help to wonder about what Nienna Eluch said. Reasons - I recognize my own patterns in what you write. I was thinking to consider SRT and to tell you the truth, now that I look back, I admit and realize it was me thinking for easy way to fix things, while not doing any work on self. By no means I am claiming same applies to your situation though.

If I would take closer to heart what anart once said: "You can't think about the way you think with the way you think" paralleled with Mme Jean de Salzmann saying we constantly lie to ourselves. I would probably question much more my motivation and drive why I would consider SRT and Reiki on to do list before I do fully try options I am aware of and right in front of my long pinokio nose. Answer to that is simple, my machine wanted (and still wants) to eat fruits of labour, without doing any kind of realistic actual work on self.

See, while SRT and Reiki could be valid to do things, if I question own objective understanding of it, all I can say that for now it remains an area of yet not learned, understood or proven out (on personal level at least). Now that I think about these methods, I can't help to recall a story of an "Evil Magician" . Idea of a sheep living in own la-la land does not quite fit. While smart @$$ escape is possible, realistically I think it's reasonable to be aware of the threat, learn as much as possible about immediate environment, learn how to dig or train self to jump the fence. I would try and approach available scenarios first, where I can put my own sheep hoofs on and reasonably take tasks I am capable of carrying out, before trying anything else.

[quote author=mocachapeau]
But I am still interested in learning Reiki, for the reasons I gave above. I am particularly interested in being able to help my wife with her health issues. I don't think she's ever going to get interested in the EE, or making more than a minimal change to her diet. Heck, she won't even use a fluoride-free toothpaste unless it's all that's left in the house. But she has expressed interest in receiving Reiki, so maybe this might help her to see that the answers to her ailments do not necessarily lie at the doctor's office.

Interesting you brought it up. Answers do not necessarily lie in the doctor's office, but they do not necessarily lie in reiki either. While I see your drive in helping your wife as empathetic and caring in nature, I can't help to wonder further about "easy way out", she is basically asking for one, are you sure you are not on the quest of getting one ? Are you sure it's helping her instead of prolonging her illusion a la "evil magician" story style ? But hey, little I know :)

you said
I have to start out by saying that the last few months have been difficult for me in terms of the Work

I'm curious what activities the Work consists of for you. Do you just mean EE & diet or are you talking about other practices such as self-observation.

about finance you said:
Financial strain has made efforts with my diet rather sporadic but I’m still trying to do what I can. But financial strain has a very nasty effect on my stress level which affects my motivation as well

maybe your first priority should be in working at your finances. Or oppositely, you may want to consider that your financial situation should not be able dictate your mood and stress levels. maybe your financial problem is not a big deal looked at from another angle. maybe there is luxuries you could give up to improve your diet. I don't know.

It does like someone mentioned appear you are looking for any easy way out. You have placed your hopes in Reiki and Spirit release therapy. These things cost money I just wonder if they would put you farther into a hole financially.

At the same time I'm not sure what is an "easy way out". Learning Reiki seems fascinating to me. And part of your reasoning is that you want to help your wife.

Since you have turned away from E.E I'm just curious how often you did it? I would guess that you didn't think it was helping you. perhaps you did not experience any results. I recently just got re-energized to do EE because I realized since 8 months ago when I first watched it online, it was much different. Now, Laura explains and demonstrates the breathing in general. I gave it up because I wasn't getting results. I'm thinking at the moment, if the cassiopaean's are my "teacher" that I need to have "faith" and do the E.E program.

Lastly, I think its fantastic you were able to connect with your sisters husband in such a way! :) your conversation sounded interesting.
I am always to afraid to bring up such topics except will people I know well.

I also think breaking up your routine and visiting the New Age store was good. Who knows what possibilities will open up. I think my opinion on Reiki and spirit releasement therapy, is that it can't hurt to try either of these things. At the same time you need to think critically (who doesn't).

I'm not sure what to make about the coincidences with the names. At the very least your research on spirit releasement will probably beneficial whether you decide to go through with it or not.

good luck. I'm happy for you :). hope it gets better.
moca said:
If the coincidence you are talking about is the man named Knight, that was the hypnotherapist, not the Reiki Master.

Thanks much for the clarification. :)

I was also thinking along the lines of what Nienna and others said regarding taking the easy way out. While I won't discourage you from doing SRT, I do think it's a good idea to wait a bit as you've said.

If you're having trouble sticking with ee now, you may have trouble sticking with it later. This is just to say that if you get SRT, there will be nothing in place to ensure that it takes and will find yourself in the same situation - the only thing having changed is that you have less money. So definitely see if you can stay with ee regularly and then consider SRT.
Hi everyone,

The first thing I have to say is that this post is going to have to be the short answer to the your comments because it is imperative that I go to bed. I've been staying up late the last few nights reading and posting and getting up at six to go to work, so I'm really exhausted. But I will come back to this on the weekend.

I agree with all of you that nothing is more important than my diet and the EE. I've already been back on the diet for a few days now and am noticing the effects, particularly the regularity that is already cleaning my system. I haven't got to the breathing yet, but that is only because of time constraints - my son has soccer Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and he's got an extra game tomorrow night. But I will be starting Saturday.

If I decide to learn Reiki it will be because I think it would be a good experience, hopefully a helpful learning experience, and because it generally interests me. But I am determined not to let anything get me off track with what is most important. It must not replace anything.

And I am not even going to think about SRT unless, after a number of months of steady EE, I am still having major problems with "the voice", or anything related.

I have never given up self-observation. I don't even think I can anymore because it has become quite ingrained. I have watched the slipping in my self-discipline and certain old behaviours cropping up, and I have tried to understand what the causes have been. I have certainly not ignored any of that and just let it go.

But all through that I have always been telling myself that it must be priority number one to get back to the EE and diet. So I think that I must make it a fixed part of my weekly routine before I think of doing anything else.

Thanks to all of you for your comments. They have really got me thinking about my possible motivations, and helped me to keep my attention on what's most important.

I gotta go to bed!
wetroof said:
I'm curious what activities the Work consists of for you. Do you just mean EE & diet or are you talking about other practices such as self-observation.

Hi Wetproof,

The other parts of the Work I try to keep at are self-observation, self-remembering and reading from the list of recommended books. It has really only been the EE and the diet that has been difficult because in addition to any problems with motivation and self-discipline, there are the usual problems of money, time and space. It was the relatively recent financial strain that acted as the "last straw" that, shall we say, put me in a funk.

wetroof said:
maybe your first priority should be in working at your finances. Or oppositely, you may want to consider that your financial situation should not be able dictate your mood and stress levels.

That's a good way to put it. I know it doesn't cost me anything to breathe, and it's the breathing more than anything else that can regulate my mood and stress levels. I think I just have been reacting to what was beginning to feel like an enormous undertaking. By this I mean success at fitting it all into my weekly schedule. One of the things I have planned to do is use my lunch hour for breathing exercises. At the moment I use it to take a nap because I stay up too late. Even if I can't fit in the whole program, at least I'll be doing part of it, daily. And to do this I must be in bed by 10pm which would also be a positive thing. Then I can do the whole program on the weekend.

wetroof said:
Since you have turned away from E.E I'm just curious how often you did it? I would guess that you didn't think it was helping you. perhaps you did not experience any results. I recently just got re-energized to do EE because I realized since 8 months ago when I first watched it online, it was much different. Now, Laura explains and demonstrates the breathing in general. I gave it up because I wasn't getting results. I'm thinking at the moment, if the cassiopaean's are my "teacher" that I need to have "faith" and do the E.E program.

I did the EE for several months, at least once a week, often twice. I did get some results, particularly in relation to my mood. And now that it has been a few months without, I'm noticing that there were some positive physical effects, as well. I am going to check out the new version, as you suggest. New discoveries and new ways of understanding things can be quite inspiring. But regardless, the breathing starts over again TODAY.

It's funny how these things work, though. I had planned to do the breathing program this morning before I got going on the day's chores, but my brother-in-law called late last night to tell me that there was a death in the family of the friend that was to drive them to the airport this morning. So I was up at the crack of dawn to give them a lift which threw my entire plan out of whack.

agni said:
Me too can't help to wonder about what Nienna Eluch said. Reasons - I recognize my own patterns in what you write. I was thinking to consider SRT and to tell you the truth, now that I look back, I admit and realize it was me thinking for easy way to fix things, while not doing any work on self. By no means I am claiming same applies to your situation though.

Hi Agni,
Honestly, I don't think it was really that. I was simply thinking about it as an experience with energy, and also something that could be interesting and useful to learn. Although I won't say that I'm 100% sure about that. I am giving the idea a lot of thought. What I do know is what I wrote in my last post:

mocachapeau said:
But all through that I have always been telling myself that it must be priority number one to get back to the EE and diet.

I never entertained the idea that EE and diet were something I could let go of, or replace with something easier. Besides, as a member of the Fellowship I recognize that those things play a pretty important part in our statement of principles, and I plan on honoring that to the best of my ability. I will encounter rough spots, but I need to move past them, learn from them and keep on with the Work.

agni said:
Interesting you brought it up. Answers do not necessarily lie in the doctor's office, but they do not necessarily lie in reiki either. While I see your drive in helping your wife as empathetic and caring in nature, I can't help to wonder further about "easy way out", she is basically asking for one, are you sure you are not on the quest of getting one ? Are you sure it's helping her instead of prolonging her illusion a la "evil magician" story style ? But hey, little I know :)

Good question.
My wife's situation is rather particular. I am trying to discern whether she is finding it difficult to get moving on any of the solutions that she has been presented with due to lack of vitality and energy, whether she wants to fix things without actually putting in any effort, or whether somewhere inside she doesn't actually want to fix it at all. To be fair, I am trying to follow the advice that Laura once gave me which is to try and eliminate the first possibility before assuming anything about the second and third.

When I got her the Essential Therapeutics treatment from the Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia book, what happened was rather interesting. During the first week of the treatment I was asking regularly if she had remembered to take her pills. Eventually she told me to stop reminding her - yes she was taking them - that kind of thing. Not angrily but maybe slightly annoyed. So I let it alone.

Two weeks after the day she should have been finished I asked her if she was done with the pills. She said almost, she still had a couple left to take. Dumping out the contents of the barrel, she counted that she still had eleven days of pills to take out of the 30 day treatment. I just suggested that she might consider putting in a concerted effort to take them eleven days in a row in order to get the maximum benefit, but I didn't "monitor" it after that. Also, throughout the treatment she decided that she wasn't going to take the 5-HTP pills because she was already taking something to help her sleep - Ativan. I explained clearly what was important about those pills with regards to her constant fatigue, but she made up her mind not to take them. After all she has gone through over the past five years you would think that she might want to put in a bit more effort at curing her ailments, no?

Since the beginning of the treatment (February) she has not had a single migraine, even after trips to the dentist - a very positive result. But not surprisingly she is still overly tired all the time, usually coming home from work at 4pm and sleeping until at least 6pm.

Recently, after having severed herself from the anti-depressants the doctor has prescribed for her, she had a bout of feeling down and decided to renew them.

She also went through a spell about a month ago where she had a lot of pain due to a nasty case of inflammation of the sinuses. I believe this was related to her frequent trips to the dentist, coupled with the high concentration fluoride rinse that they have had her using since the beginning of her operations in December (they're saving the few teeth she has left and replacing her false ones). But her experience with the doctors was so horrible that one of them actually spoke to her in such a way as to imply that she might be making it all up (the pain, the noises in her ears, the dizziness). I don't understand why she doesn't want to turn to alternative solutions, especially when she knows that the only treatment that has really helped her with any of it, in the last five years, was something I learned about from SOTT.

I think you can see why I am wondering what is going on with her, what her motivations are. What I was wondering was if some Reiki might give her the energy boost she needs to get her started on something that could help her get her health back. Once it becomes a part of her routine she wouldn't need the Reiki anymore, she would have her health. My hope would be that she would start the EE, and that we could do it together. I have bookmarked the French version for her on the computer, but I can't force her to watch it, of course. I'm not sure she WILL watch it, if only because she will have to read the subtitles. She only watches things in French, and she doesn't like reading.

Maybe it's not the right solution, but in the circumstances I think it's worth trying.
A brief update!

I went for a Reiki session and it was an amazing experience. I had been suffering from some horrible tension in the neck for several months, and when I came out of there it was gone! And although it has returned a bit, it really is only a bit, it has been weeks, and it's not getting any worse.

I believe I chose the Reiki master pretty well. There is nothing "New Age" about him at all. In fact all of that stuff really turns him off. He is actually a scientist - an engineer. He is also studying hypnotherapy under Delores Cannon. I know that Ms. Cannon's interpretation of the UFO phenomenon is a little off, shall we say, but what was important to me was that he is well aware of it. His knowledge of our reality is based more on a scientific point of view than any kind of "love and light" mumbo jumbo, and he is pretty open minded.

He had heard of Diane Stein. He had read one of her books and referred to it as total crap, saying that the only reason to read it was to see a good example of how people can make up all kinds of lies in order to make them appear knowledgeable.

The James Deacon website was one that was recommended to him at the beginning of his studies for its accuracy, and that he still keeps it as a reference.

I decided not to set up any attunement, at least for now. Instead I have been concentrating on creating a daily routine for the EE, and that's been going quite well. I do the three stage breathing every day and the POTS meditation almost every night. The only thing left to do is to get the full program in twice a week - it's a little sporadic at the moment. That is going to take a little work because it will entail my kids learning to respect their bedtimes, religiously. But I think it's doable.

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