And every ISLAND fled away, and the MOUNTAINS were not found...



And every ISLAND fled away, and the MOUNTAINS were not found...

This is a line out of the 16th chapter of the book of Revelation in the New Testament, which is supposed to provide readers with clues about the End Times that we are allegedly living in.

Logic would have it that an island can't "flee away," so I had to think that this description was figurative of something that was NOT (in reality) an island.

I have recently read a book that, among other things, explains exactly how an "island" can flee away, and how the "mountains" that are presently somewhere will not be found where they presently are.

Here is the profound explanation found on page 166 of the book:

"The prophets figuratively characterized those who put themselves above others as “mountains.” Those who isolate themselves from the rest of the world, believing they are more righteous than others, are expressed as “islands.”

If "mountains" are figurative depictions of men, and "islands" are also, then those great "earthquakes" it talks about taking place in the End Times are probably NOT literally earthquakes either.

It says:

"And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great."

It goes on to say:

"Because of the truths that are being revealed (which start with these truths being unfolded at this time throughout the pages of this book), every house built upon a sandy foundation shall fall. This is because the very foundations upon which the people of the world have built, are shaken by the truth so powerful, that it creates “so mighty an earthquake, and so great.” (page 374)

Just understanding that these few things were written figuratively, and are in no way intended to be interpreted as literal, is the first step to becoming free....

I like free things. :0)

Here is where to have a look at the book. (It's also free.)

[link to]

Free from the lies of religious and political leaders mainly. The book speaks of them:

"Revelation 9:3 And there came out of the smoke locusts and they went out upon the earth; and unto them was given power, and their power was in their tails, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

These “locusts” are the kings, presidents, popes, priests, general authorities, worldly leaders, and any other humans who control the actions of their followers and subjects, either by teaching or by command. They are “given power” by those who follow (“tail”) them whether by devotion or decree. A tail always follows the commands of the creature, and in the case of “scorpions,” it has a devastating sting. With the power given them, and their proficiency in manipulating those who follow or who are otherwise compelled to execute their commands, these leaders have caused incredible sorrows and torments upon the earth by using their “tails” to hurt and torment others."

Also, what you speak of, the "Matrix," I am not familiar with, but what you write of speaks much of what I believe. Also from the book:

"Depression and anxiety follow the pressures and stress of existence, and have become a worldwide problem. The cause of this emotional state is the deprivation of happiness and peace that all people seek, but cannot find, in a world of constant wars and rumors of wars, political, economic, and religious slavery in order to survive, abject poverty, and the effects of crime. Legal and illegal drugs, both natural and synthetic, become the refuge of both young and old, rich and poor, bond and free, relieving them of a never-ending “torment” that only ends upon death. The “locusts/scorpions” (the world’s leaders, teachers, and guides), though they torment the people, do not want their “tail” (followers) dead, otherwise their kingdoms, income, and power would come to naught.

...With the technology that exits today, there is absolutely no reason why there should not be enough free food, clothing, shelter, and health care for every human being upon the earth. Instead of serving the lusts and desires of human nature, which are “idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and wood,” we should be serving a God who can “see, hear, and walk.” If we knew God, we would know what He has commanded us to do: Do unto others, what you would have them do unto you. If we lived by this Law, there would be neither inequality or poverty on the earth today."

This I believe.
babyruth said:
Free from the lies of religious and political leaders mainly. The book speaks of them:
Have you considered that the bible could be full of lies as well, and that all this serving God and obeying his commands could be lies?
we should be serving a God who can “see, hear, and walk.”
...and possibly can wag his pointy tail, if it’s the biblical God.

If we knew God, we would know what He has commanded us to do:
Which God does this book refer to? Why would any loveing God need to command? and how can someone be free if they are being commanded to do things?

Do unto others, what you would have them do unto you. If we lived by this Law, there would be neither inequality or poverty on the earth today."
How would you get psychopaths to agree to do this? It suggests that they go against every fiber of their very being.
babyruth said:

...With the technology that exits today, there is absolutely no reason why there should not be enough free food, clothing, shelter, and health care for every human being upon the earth. Instead of serving the lusts and desires of human nature, which are “idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and wood,” we should be serving a God who can “see, hear, and walk.” If we knew God, we would know what He has commanded us to do: Do unto others, what you would have them do unto you. If we lived by this Law, there would be neither inequality or poverty on the earth today."

This I believe.
Ah, but the problem is, what to do about those who will not live by this "law". It's all fine and good in theory, but in practice it falls flat on its face.

The whole system we live under is designed BY them FOR them (psychopaths and drones), and I would imagine this would include the censoring of any available information that might increase our knowledge.

Seeing as how the PTB try their best to suppress information that would wake us up, why do you suppose the Bible has never been suppressed?

Just some thoughts.

P.S. IMHO, a TRUE god would not expect us to "serve" him, or be "commanded" by him. This matches more to the definition of a despot than a god.
I find it an interresting interpretation of the apocalypse text myth. In my very humble opinion, there is no problem to seak for symbols or so in those kinds of sources if one has the right attitude of skepticism and detachement. As any sources, the so-called "holy books" are earthly objects, and they contain both truths and lies, maybe a majority of lies unfortunately. One can analyse those kind of writings, but must keep in mind that lies are concealed beneath apparent truths in order to be more convincing. One of the most dangerous issue for our freedom may be believing. In fact, before being free from self, from subjectivity, and also from PTB in some aspect, one could also try to be free from anything regarded as god. Is it not? On an other side, being free from believing the scriptures as being sources of "suprem truths" as we have been programmed to, one can possibly undestand better the contains of this "holly" texts and therefore becoming more free (from them eventually). These are just my point of view, what do you think about it babyruth? :)
just friendly.
anart said:
babyruth said:
This I believe.
Have you considered becoming free of your beliefs? Just wondering.

"If you need five lives to accomplish what you WANT, let this be the first of those five. And then, without any "time obligation" or "should stressing" - start it. First step first. And ENJOY it. And LOVE yourself - take care of yourself. This is the only thing that the Universe (God?) wants from you, I think." Arkadiusz Jadczyk
I was involved very deeply with an organized church for over 35 years. This 666 book along with one other one set me free from many, if not most of my previous "beliefs."

Common sense tells me that we all believe something---whether we are atheist, believe in this God or that God or another God.

What are your beliefs?

I also like your signature--I believe we have all had many lives, and I am now personally pursuing what I WANT to do and thoroughly ENJOYING it. I do love myself, and am working on loving others as myself, although I am not very good at it sometimes. :)
babyruth said:
I was involved very deeply with an organized church for over 35 years. This 666 book along with one other one set me free from many, if not most of my previous "beliefs."

Common sense tells me that we all believe something---whether we are atheist, believe in this God or that God or another God.
Perhaps this article - about 'The book of Q and Christian Origins' - will help 'set you free' even more.

babyruth said:
What are your beliefs?

I also like your signature--I believe we have all had many lives, and I am now personally pursuing what I WANT to do and thoroughly ENJOYING it. I do love myself, and am working on loving others as myself, although I am not very good at it sometimes. :)
Well, since you like my signature, perhaps the signature of the man who I am quoting will help you understand why I work very hard to not have any 'beliefs'.

Ark's signature said:
And so, let me repeat: who wants to believe - let them believe. But I do not want to believe, I want to know." (An old philosopher in "The lost future" by K. Borun and A. Trepka, SF novel - in Polish)
Beliefs are transitory - they are illusion - what we are seeking here is knowledge - the objective truth that exists whether anyone 'believes' in it or not.
Peam said:
Have you considered that the bible could be full of lies as well, and that all this serving God and obeying his commands could be lies?
Yes, I agree that the bible has many precepts of men in it. For example, "the books of the New Testament were not selected, edited, and collated until hundreds of years after the death of Jesus. John the Beloved was still alive then, and in disguise, visited those responsible for its canonization. His writings were profound. They gave the editors a different view of Jesus’ ministry than that which had been passed down from one generation to the next. John also delivered his manuscript for his Revelation to the editors, knowing they would never comprehend its meaning because of the symbolic and metaphorical way in which it was written. In this way, John maintained the integrity of the manuscript for hundreds of years."

"To truly understand Revelation, we must recognize and acknowledge that with our fleshly desires, WE have created the beast—the monetary system that perpetuates and assures inequality, poverty, and human misery. We have its mark in our right hands and in our foreheads. We worship its image, we possess the number of its name, and we have created the hell from whence it came."

...and possibly can wag his pointy tail, if it’s the biblical God.
The God I believe in is not the biblical God. Those people, along with others in different times and eras, gave the people what they wanted, not the truth:

"The easiest way to understand what John has presented, both figuratively and symbolically in his writings, is to have the secrets and mysteries of God explained. This knowledge and understanding has been revealed throughout time to true prophets of God; but each has been laid under a strict command to only reveal those things allowed and relevant to his particular day and age."

"It is important to keep in mind that the Israelites were not living the Higher Law of God, which is to do unto others what you would want done unto you, but were given a lower law of strict ordinances and sacrifices to keep their minds focused on something rather than their desires to worship the 'golden calf.'"

Which God does this book refer to? Why would any loveing God need to command? and how can someone be free if they are being commanded to do things?
This book refers to the God that only "commands" us to love others as ourselves--the higher "law."

"Everything we are taught from the time we enter the world encourages us to protect our own interests, which include our immediate loved ones, who are only our “loved ones” because they are part of our interests. When someone we might have once loved takes his or her interests somewhere else, our selfish natures are no longer fulfilled by their existence; therefore, we lose our love, and could care less what happens to them. Likewise, we are concerned for our loved ones with much more interest than we are for our neighbors, and others whom we do not love, or with whom we have not shared an interest in our mortal experience. This is the natural course of the flesh, and is diametrically opposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ."

babyruth said:
Do unto others, what you would have them do unto you.
How would you get psychopaths to agree to do this? It suggests that they go against every fiber of their very being.
I am not very familiar with psychopaths and how they act. Do you mean by this question that by their anti-social behavior, they would be opposed to treating others with respect?

Quotes above are from the book:

mudrabbit said:
babyruth said:

...With the technology that exits today, there is absolutely no reason why there should not be enough free food, clothing, shelter, and health care for every human being upon the earth. ...we should ... Do unto others, what you would have them do unto you. If we lived by this Law, there would be neither inequality or poverty on the earth today."
Ah, but the problem is, what to do about those who will not live by this "law". It's all fine and good in theory, but in practice it falls flat on its face.

The whole system we live under is designed BY them FOR them (psychopaths and drones), and I would imagine this would include the censoring of any available information that might increase our knowledge.
Hi Peg,

I agree that the system we live under is not one that serves the best interests of ALL, but instead serves a very select few; and I do think they definately censor information. In fact, I bet once they figure out what this book is, and the truth it tells about politics, religion, and world affairs, they might want to censor and suppress it too.

This is the 2nd post on this thread that has referred to "psychopaths." I am new to this site and am not exactly sure what you are referring to by this word. Can you explain?

As for those who do not live "the law" I have spoken of, are we not to "love our enemies?" We must realize we have created the "hell on earth," and we will have to be the ones to get ourselves out of it.

Section 9 of the book explains perfectly the answer to your question. Here's a little:

"If we cannot do it for ourselves, the only hope is that a wise one [whom many see as Christ] who lives on another planet where peace and happiness is the norm (and who has much more wisdom, power, and knowledge than us), will come to this earth and save us from ourselves. This will be done by establishing supreme law and order based on the proven universal principle: Value others as you value yourself."

Seeing as how the PTB try their best to suppress information that would wake us up, why do you suppose the Bible has never been suppressed?
I think if the PTB tried to suppress the Bible at this point, they would have anarchy on their hands--however, much of the Bible is fallible, and I think many more people are beginning to see that for themselves.

P.S. IMHO, a TRUE god would not expect us to "serve" him, or be "commanded" by him. This matches more to the definition of a despot than a god.
I absolutely agree with you about the TRUE god. He does NOT expect us to "serve" him, or be "commanded" by him. He is OUR servant. I did not know this for 35 years, but now understand differently. Here are some quotes from the book:

...His joy is dependent on helping others experience happiness. For this reason, John never refers to one in authority as a leader, but always as a "servant."

...A righteous Creator cannot violate the very purpose for which He exists—to provide happiness for His creations.

...[our] Creator does not get angry as we prefer to think, or have been taught by false leaders and teachers.

...God does not create beings just to leave them in circumstances that would force them to experience suffering and torment without an end, as humans now do upon this earth—only a sadistic Creator would do this. We were created to experience the ultimate balance of nature—happiness.

I highly recommend that any seeker of truth read this book.

It's free on this website:
anart said:
Perhaps this article - about 'The book of Q and Christian Origins' - will help 'set you free' even more.
Thanks, I will take a look at the article.

Beliefs are transitory - they are illusion - what we are seeking here is knowledge - the objective truth that exists whether anyone 'believes' in it or not.
I believe this book contains knowledge and the truth, not transitory beliefs. My human weakness is using the wrong terms I guess, when I refer to "beliefs."

It is about common sense, not illusions.

From the Preface:

"Sections One through Nine present a philosophical and logical view of the human condition. Besides the title of each Section and its last paragraph, no religious connotation or explanation is given by the author. The purpose for this is to give a different perspective of the meaning behind the Biblical New Testament book of Revelation.

Some readers have no experience in scriptural text, and can easily become bored and disinterested in reading comments and quotes with which they are not familiar or comfortable. Furthermore, to many people, the Bible is a compilation of religious hopes and dreams which have little to do with the reality of everyday life; written, they believe, by men who lived long ago in another culture and time inconsistent with their own.

The author of Revelation, the man recognized as John the Beloved, understands the human condition better than any other person alive upon the earth. Sections One through Nine give his personal perspective in contemporary prose. These have been written so that there is no confusion of what John intended the reader to understand in reading his words. His esoteric and figurative expressions used throughout the book of Revelation tend to confuse a reader when not read in context with what was understood in the culture and time period in which it was written."

It is one of the most amazing books I have ever read, and I just wanted to share it.

babyruth said:
"To truly understand Revelation, we must recognize and acknowledge that with our fleshly desires, WE have created the beast—the monetary system that perpetuates and assures inequality, poverty, and human misery.
I am not very familiar with psychopaths and how they act.
Most people are not familiar with psychopaths. They are unaware of the fact that psychopaths are the "beast" described above. Psychopaths created the political, monetary and social systems that perpetuate inequality, poverty and human misery. And psychopaths blame normal people, the 94% majority of the human species, by claiming that they've done it to themselves.

Beliefs like the one you've quoted above are created by psychopaths and forced on the rest of us to keep us enslaved and looking for solutions in all the wrong places. If you want to free yourself from such beliefs it would be helpful to read up on the topic.
nf3 said:
Most people are not familiar with psychopaths. They are unaware of the fact that psychopaths are the "beast" described above. Psychopaths created the political, monetary and social systems that perpetuate inequality, poverty and human misery. And psychopaths blame normal people, the 94% majority of the human species, by claiming that they've done it to themselves.

Beliefs like the one you've quoted above are created by psychopaths and forced on the rest of us to keep us enslaved and looking for solutions in all the wrong places. If you want to free yourself from such beliefs it would be helpful to read up on the topic.
It's funny you sould mention this, since the book talks about the same thing, but with different terms. Here is an excerpt that came to mind:

Under the auspices and power of but a few wise ones, the survival of the majority hangs precariously thin by a small thread .... One end of the thread is held by a small percentage of human beings. At the other dangles the masses, who unknowingly are bound by a delicate link, which if severed, would precipitate their downfall or their liberation.

...There are more than six billion human beings upon the earth at this time. Less than one percent (sixty million) of these hold the rest in chains of slavery and inequality from which there is no escape. The promise of becoming one of the elite—one of this blessed one percent, assures the efficacy of the rationale for the chains—work hard enough in the fields of slavery, and one day, you might become a master.

...For every one person who can claim success in reaching the standard of accepted self-awareness and prosperity, ninety-nine others suffer from the means used to achieve this prosperity without the ability to attain it for themselves. In the race to be counted of worth in a world of values and standards set to benefit those who set them, no notice is given to the devastating effects of the contest.

...Though modern owners do not outwardly display their employees as personal human property, the slave trade has transformed itself into a shared commodity of the corporations and wealthy of the world. Within the commercial organizations that buy and sell goods, make products, and provide services, there exists a proprietary implication that if a slave refuses to work for one business, in order to remain alive, the rebellious runaway must submit to another. By running away from one plantation, the need to eat, and be clothed and housed necessitates the acceptance of another."
It is one of the most amazing books I have ever read, and I just wanted to share it.
In fact it seems to be the only reason you signed up here. And a google search for 'babyruth' shows that this forum is likely just one of many. Spam is a violation of the rules, which I'm assuming you did not bother to read.
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