Andrea Rossi's eCat - is it possible that this is for real?

rawtruth said:
Hmmm…First I get a summary dismissal and wholly inadequate response from Laura, which actually goes toward making my point concerning SOTT’s promotion of 9/11 fraudsters and its snubbing of Dr. Judy Wood’s evidence demonstrating the use of free energy technologies at the WTC on 9/11.

Ok, I'll warn you once again. Making outrageous assumptions on faulty evidence about and/or suggesting that 'promotes fraudsters' is not going to win you any friends. More to the point, it will send a clear message that you do not think much of our work and web sites and, as such, we will no longer wish to facilitate your compulsive need to repeatedly make your beliefs known to us.

rawtruth said:
Now I get this childish outburst addressing the outing of the 9/11 perps and the public’s cognitive dissonance concerning the 9/11 events—topics which I did not discuss or even mention!

You brought up this topic in reference to Wood's research, which directly involves 9/11. There is nothing childish about the point I made to you. Clearly you are peeing your pants over Wood's research and are up in arms about the fact that has not published more or her work. I would simply suggest that you get over yourself, at least for a moment.

rawtruth said:
I will say, in regard to the public’s cognitive dissonance, that my 82-year-old mother, who accesses only conventional media and taught 2nd grade for 28 years, asked to borrow my loaner copy of Where Did the Towers Go? and kept it for weeks while she read it. She was able to follow Dr. Wood's exposition of the evidence quite well and found it convincing as well as shocking and, although I can’t say exactly how it has changed her view of the world, she no longer listens to Rush Limbaugh (previously a favorite) and has given money to and supports Ron Paul for President! :)

Now there's an example of a childish response to my point that this particular horse has bolted. Most of the people on the planet still believe in the Islamic terrorist myth, and your response is that your grandmother doesn't any more because she read Judy Woods book.

rawtruth said:
I don’t believe I mentioned trying to “prove” anything to the general public. My questions were raised with respect to the SOTT readership, which, I daresay, is barely a tiny fraction of the public at large.

So your comment that
once key information concerning such discoveries begins to proliferate on the internet, it would be difficult for even the predators to contain, once it is copied to thousands or millions of PCs across the planet."
could in no way be understood as meaning that you expected a lot of people to gain access to and adopt as truth, such ground breaking information? I'm referring here to the words "once it is copied to thousands or millions of PCs across the planet."

rawtruth said:
Why do the questions I raised lead you to assume that I’m missing your supposed “big picture” concerning the public’s beliefs about 9/11?

Because they clearly are. And not just about 9/11.

rawtruth said:
I was active in the so-called 9/11 “truth” movement for several years, and I can assure you I’m quite aware of the brainwashed American public’s infantile obeisance to the government’s suicidal Muslim fantasy.

Yet you think that equally radical truths such as 'free energy' could "copied to thousands or millions of PCs across the planet" to the extent that "the predators couldn't contain it". Apparently you didn't learn much from your time in the 9/11 truth movement.

rawtruth said:
What I questioned is SOTT’s failure to recognize the foremost scientific body of evidence as to what actually happened during the most significant event of this century. That failure has resulted in SOTT’s promotion of the Jones/Gage thermite distraction and other fraudsters as well as its ignorant dismissal and lack of coverage of new energy technologies.

There you go, you see? Making wild assumptions again. We recognised Wood's work. We even bought the book. And we often carry stories on "new energy technologies".

rawtruth said:
Far from being a “tar baby and a red herring,” those technologies are proven by the evidence assembled by Dr. Wood to have been deployed on 9/11 at the WTC and, probably, at the Pentagon and Oklahoma City and other places as well.

Which would suggest that they are used by a very select group of people. Which in turn would suggest that the chances of them being made available to the public are slim. Your naivety is actually comical. I mean, electric cars and even decent public transport in the USA were squashed years ago by big oil companies, and almost no one knows it, and yet you think that knowledge of technologies that would, not simply reduce energy costs to the consumer, but provide the people with free energy forever would be allowed to spread to millions of computers around the world and thereby break the 'predators' control over us. If you don't see the logical fallacy in what you are saying then there's little anyone can do to help you.

rawtruth said:
THAT is the “big picture” that SOTT seems to be missing, which IMHO evinces a critical lack of discernment and regard for a subject with vast implications for the “brighter” future for humanity which SOTT claims as its primary goal.

The only one showing a critical lack of discernment here pal, not to mention a lack of manners, is you.

rawtruth said:
Those who have educated themselves in these matters (without SOTT’s help) are aware that there is a long history of such technologies going back to the work of Tesla and even further, to that of Michael Farraday in the 19th century.

Indeed, and where are these technologies? Why have they not 'leaked out'? Sounds to me like someone is determined to keep them secret. Someone with the power to take down the WTC towers with exotic weapons unimagined even by mainstream science. Are you getting anything here? Even a little?
rawtruth said:
But should we avoid a direct hit and an e-Cat generator were available, no worries! We'll be good to go and able to rebuild and able to help out our neighbors as well.


Rossi Cautioned About Dangers of 1MW Plant

Jed Rothwell of the Vortex-l mailing list and administrator of the cold fusion library at has cautioned Andrea Rossi about the potential dangers and other problems concerning his 1MW plant, which is scheduled to begin testing on October 28. I think his comments reflect concerns echoed by many across numerous forums over the last couple of weeks. We would all like to see undeniable proof of the cold fusion and its embodiment in the e-Cat but I share the reservations expressed by Mr. Rothwell and others.

“I think Rossi is saying that the demonstration will be the first time he turns on all units in the big reactor. In my opinion, the chances of it working the first time are between zero and none, in my opinion. That is not to say it cannot work, but only that an untested machine of such complexity is bound to have problems. This is not the Chicago Pile-1. That was much simpler and it was well understood theoretically.

I told Rossi that I think the machine may be very dangerous, that I do not think he has permission from the government to turn it on, and that it would take a team of expert engineers months to turn this on, gradually working their way up from running 1 reactor to 2, 3 and so on. I urged him not to do this test, because it is dangerous, foolhardy, and has no scientific significance at all. It proves nothing that a kilowatt-scale test does not prove.

He did not respond to me, but I suspect he had me in mind on some of his remarks here about “lecturers of calorimetry and engineering.” For the record, in my opinion telling someone they should insert an SD card into a SD-capable meter does not rise to the level of “lecturing” about calorimetry or engineering. It is more like what you would tell a 7th grade student in a science class. The fact that he did not do this is a strong indication that he is not qualified to test a novel, untried, 1 MW nuclear reactor. He says some other unnamed “customer’s consultant” will do the test. There is not enough time between now and the end of the month for a consultant to design a reasonable test that meets minimum requirements for safety and calorimetry. Unless this consultant has been working on the project for months, and has spend hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars preparing, this consultant is not qualified to do this, and in my opinion the authorities should not allow it.
Steam production at 1 MW is terribly dangerous. A steam explosion from that could easily flatten a building and kill dozens of people.”

Like many here I have watched Rossi’s answers to questions over some time, and even given his imperfect English I think that he is something of a master at ‘politicians answers’ – appearing to answer a question, but in fact referring to something else in a way that leaves the reader to infer exactly what he wants inferred. So I’m wondering if some of his recent replies are of this ilk – to be specific, whether his references to water/steam recycling, the ‘dissipators’ etc. may actually refer to a second unit which, because it will be delivered with the part we have seen, could therefore be considered to be a part of the plant. We are left with the inference that the reactor unit will produce steam, apparently confirmed by the recent test of a ‘module’ taken from it being used to generate steam. But perhaps this is not the case.

The main problem with the idea that the 1 MW unit will be run as a huge boiler is the size of the two ‘output’ pipes, which seem too small to handle the steam that a megawatt of power would produce. I understand that calculations show that steam speed in the pipes would be supersonic, and apart from anything else this would produce a back pressure on the e-cat modules which could run to several atmospheres – something they are clearly not designed to handle. Many people have raised concerns about the safety of such an arrangement.

Rossi also seems to be pretty urgent getting his product in the marketplace. And the way he dangerously goes about testing his products says a lot, in my opinion.

So ya, good luck.

rawtruth said:
To my mind this is still a worthwhile goal to strive for, while we're in "wait" mode regarding whether humanity's collective spiritual strength is sufficient to deal with our intra-species predators and face our upcoming tests, whatever they may be.

I don't know about you, but I'm not in "wait" mode, and occupied with fantasies about possible future outcomes. I try to contribute as much as I can myself, so I'd rather ''Do'' than ''wait''.
Perceval said:
rawtruth said:
I will say, in regard to the public’s cognitive dissonance, that my 82-year-old mother, who accesses only conventional media and taught 2nd grade for 28 years, asked to borrow my loaner copy of Where Did the Towers Go? and kept it for weeks while she read it. She was able to follow Dr. Wood's exposition of the evidence quite well and found it convincing as well as shocking and, although I can’t say exactly how it has changed her view of the world, she no longer listens to Rush Limbaugh (previously a favorite) and has given money to and supports Ron Paul for President! :)

Now there's an example of a childish response to my point that this particular horse has bolted. Most of the people on the planet still believe in the Islamic terrorist myth, and your response is that your grandmother doesn't any more because she read Judy Woods book.

So you're another who believes Ron Paul being prez will change America's fortunes.

rawtruth, you really really need to start grasping the bigger picture.
rawtruth, the big picture you are obviously missing is that such technologies will NOT be allowed to be marketed to the general public. You even said as much yourself when you mentioned them going back to Tesla and Faraday. These have NEVER been allowed to become generally known and the benefits accrued to humanity at large.

Likewise your insistence that Judy Woods research, discoveries, and evidence proves that these technologies exist. Nobody is saying they don't exist, you see. These and likely many other exotic technologies exist but are very tightly controlled by the PTB. And are used as a WEAPON against humanity, NOT to help their needs. The secret governments and their secret technologies are quite likely a couple of hundred years ahead of what mainstream science knows about -- and what's widely reported on by the media.

Even the whole scarcity of "fossil fuels" -- which are NOT fossil fuels -- are a big scam. There's no shortage of hydrocarbons on the planet for the foreseeable future. Even with these there does NOT need to be the kind of unequal distribution of wealth and benefits of currently available technologies. But that's what we have, and have had for a long time. THAT'S the big picture you're missing.

Obviously, anybody who gets even slightly close to bringing free energy technologies to the mass market will be taken care of -- it will be stopped by any means possible. And the means at the disposal of the controllers are VAST! Just like anyone who gets close to discovering and publishing a Unified Field Theory that's available in the public domain. Because that would open up so many possibilities for humanity and free them from their current condition, including free energy and beyond, that the controllers will do anything to insure that does NOT happen.
Rawtruth, the answer to your question as to why we have not researched "free energy" devices or the use of such technology on 9/11 to the extent that you would like, is that, unlike you, we do not believe that such information will ever be allowed to reach the masses of humanity and transform their lives. There are however other areas that people can focus on to great effect in this area.
Once we are on the weird thread: what about:

Date: 10-11-2009

Dear Shareholders,

The Development of The Quantum computer project. I am pleased to announce that,
Steriwave Group has appointed Prof Waldyr Alves Rodrigues Jr. as the QC Project
Director for Steriwave UK-Brazil QC Plc Quantum computer development. With P rof
Rodrigues, Unicamp and Wernher von Braun Center will be joining the effort in the
said development.

The Noetic institute-AIAS QC project under Prof R Amoroso will run independently
to the Russian Argentine team under Prof Diego Rapoport, and the Brazilian - Italian -Ukrainian team, under the directives of Prof Rodrigues.

Financial partners have been invited to invest some $7.5Million toward the projects. It
is hoped that by the second week in Dec 2009 the 3 prospectus will be ready for
presentation to the Funding parties.

And then:

STERIWAVE PLC. Business Development Announcement: Steriwave Group Acquisition of Nuclear Technology
Posted 04-12-2010. Protected Document For Details Please Contact:

As for "Prof Rodrigues" - I even wrote a scientific paper with him - see references in Wikipedia: Einstein–Cartan–Evans theory. But "Brazilian - Italian -Ukrainian team" and "MINITUARISED NUCLEAR BATTERIES NO RADIATION" - that sounds interesting, and I would like to know more on the subject....
Rawtruth, I would suggest that you create your own website where you can publish those things YOU think are important. Please allow us to focus on what WE think is important.

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