Anonymous Planning Massive UFO Prank

Giray Khan the Brave said:
I have a feeling that such a large de-centralised and distributed source of power will definitely have a significant role to play in the changes to come (or maybe it's just me).

It's not just you <BHG>
Bitcoin Update

Jakesully said:
In retaliation for the attacks on Julian Assange, they commenced DDoS attacks on websites of credit card companies and banking institutions. And now I've read that some of them are trying to form a new currency called the "Bitcoin".

The Bitcoin Triples Again
by Jack Hough
Friday, June 10, 2011
Provided by SmartMoney

The world's fastest-gaining currency has tripled in price again. Last week, SmartMoney reported that the Bitcoin had exploded from an exchange rate near zero to more than $10 in about a year, making it one of the top-returning assets of any kind. On Wednesday the currency topped $30.


For some early adopters, Bitcoins have turned from a hobby into a windfall., the main exchange for users swapping Bitcoins for dollars and other currencies, charges buyers and sellers a fee of 0.65% for its brokerage service. (The name stands for Magic the Gathering Online Exchange, but the Bitcoin dabbler who bought the domain didn't bother to change it.) As recently as a few months ago, the site generated just pennies a day in income. By Wednesday it was making more than $40,000 a day.


The largest Bitcoin account holder -- who is, of course, anonymous -- has 297,000 units of the start-up currency, according to Donald Norman, a spokesman for the The Bitcoin Consultancy, which offers advisory services for institutions interested in Bitcoin transactions. At $31 per Bitcoin, that's equivalent to $9.2 million.
*Bold emphasis mine

A magical gathering of cash (without banks) -- who is, of course, anonymous. :pirate:
Painted birds? (reference to Gurdjieff selling fake birds to further his cause)

James Henry said:
A magical gathering of cash (without banks) -- who is, of course, anonymous.

Their are serious doubts about the anonymity of users who purchase good using bitcoin. An article by Gawker discussing the use of bitcoins to purchase illegal goods - - from a website named Silk Road has a comment at the end by one of the bitcoin developers which states

Jeff Garzik, a member of the Bitcoin core development team, says in an email that bitcoin is not as anonymous as the denizens of Silk Road would like to believe. He explains that because all Bitcoin transactions are recorded in a public log, though the identities of all the parties are anonymous, law enforcement could use sophisticated network analysis techniques to parse the transaction flow and track down individual Bitcoin users.

"Attempting major illicit transactions with bitcoin, given existing statistical analysis techniques deployed in the field by law enforcement, is pretty damned dumb," he says.

So you have this, on top of the fact that it should be common knowledge that the idea of anonymity/privacy on the Net from law enforcement agencies has long ago eroded, if they should be so motivated.
Hi Heimdallr,

Heimdallr said:
Their are serious doubts about the anonymity of users who purchase good using bitcoin.
So you have this, on top of the fact that it should be common knowledge that the idea of anonymity/privacy on the Net from law enforcement agencies has long ago eroded, if they should be so motivated.

Agree, I personally have never looked at the internet as private since its nature is an externally distributed network.

I am not sure how you are using the quote of mine in your context. :/

If you are using it because you believe I was implying users of Bitcoin are anonymous--I was not. Sorry I did not make that clear, if this is the case. I was not talking about anonymous users of the client side. I intended to connect the dots of the 'quantum quirks' (where I bold-ed) of the article, revealing that the group known as Anonymous was possibly harvesting cash through owning large amounts of the rising priced Bitcoins and/or by transaction fees. Since they can not use established PTB banks, they magically (virtually) create their own cashflow.

I hope that was more clear. :huh: :D

If still not clear or you interpreted or intended it differently, please let me know.

So I've been following this Anonymous Victory group on Facebook, and of late I've been making note of a marked ramping up of "Anonymous" actions, from the recent hack by Lulz Security of a US Senate website, to a now apparent DDoS of Turkey government websites, and an apparent hack of the IMF.


Bloomberg is claiming the hack was an act of a foreign government, but at this point, especially given the allegations against DSK, it's not beyond the realm of belief to rule out a false flag by the US Government or an inside job. There are also rumors that Hillary Clinton may seek a position as head of the IMF once Obama's term ends.

Notably, Anonymous has released a video claiming responsibility.


They're also going after the Federal Reserve.


There was also an "Operation India" page removed from Facebook a few days ago.

It's as if the entire Internet is rising up. Revolution is certainly in the air, and I wonder if it has anything to do with the solar flare and CME last week.

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