Antarctic Peninsula has accumulated significant extra ice


The Living Force
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New paper finds Antarctic Peninsula has accumulated significant extra ice since 1850

A paper published today in Geophysical Research Letters finds the Antarctic Peninsula has experienced a "significant accumulation" of "up to 45 meters of extra ice thickness over the past 155 years." This finding is contrary to the alarmist claims of the highly-flawed study published by RealClimate's Dr. Eric Steig, which alleged that the Antarctic Peninsula is rapidly warming. The finding is particularly surprising since the "significant accumulation" of ice has occurred since the end of the Little Ice Age in ~ 1850.

Increased ice loading in the Antarctic Peninsula since the 1850s and its effect on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment

The 'warming' experienced in many places charges the atmosphere with humidity (evaporation) so it's no surprise that some places will either experience more rain/snow falls and/or growth in ice.

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