The Living Force
I mean, genital mutilation? I'll pass...
It seems that horror movies have taken this odd bend where they don't try to be truly frightening, they're just gross and gore-filled. That's why I don't get the whole Saw thing, they're just dumb, gross, redundent films about some whack job torturing people 'for their own good' - and people go and see them, I think Saw VI is coming out now-ish.
Nemo did you get a chance to read Lasha's article on modern art and how it's been messed with? I mean, when I read the synopsis from imdb I just couldn't get the image of artist's pooh outta ma head.
That's what I'm getting when I feel this movie... it's like someone's mental pooh, all wrapped up in a pretty package and sold to the viewer. Soooo glad I read the synopsis before viewing. I mean....
How is that even... gah, just imagining it is freaking me out. The fact that it was shown at Cannes really proves Lasha's point imho.

It seems that horror movies have taken this odd bend where they don't try to be truly frightening, they're just gross and gore-filled. That's why I don't get the whole Saw thing, they're just dumb, gross, redundent films about some whack job torturing people 'for their own good' - and people go and see them, I think Saw VI is coming out now-ish.
Nemo did you get a chance to read Lasha's article on modern art and how it's been messed with? I mean, when I read the synopsis from imdb I just couldn't get the image of artist's pooh outta ma head.

That's what I'm getting when I feel this movie... it's like someone's mental pooh, all wrapped up in a pretty package and sold to the viewer. Soooo glad I read the synopsis before viewing. I mean....
She attacks her husband mid-coitus in the shed, crushing his genitals with a block of wood. While he is unconscious, She masturbates him until he orgasms, ejaculating blood onto her shirt and face. She then drills a hole through his calf, and bolts a heavy millstone to his leg.