Anton Parks and the "Chronicles of the Gírkù"


Jedi Master

Here is a question about a french author, quite popular, which has delivered a lot of informations in his 3 books "Chronicles of the Gírkù" and his is studies about the Pyramid, linguistics, and his translations of sumerian tablets about the "fall of Eden" and Genesis.

Perhaps some of you have read his books. It's very complex. He seems to be connected to a "source" which has similarities to the Cassiopeans. Anton Parks also mentions Laura's work about the Bible in his last book. Anton Parks also worked with Alain Gossens, who was one of the editors of

So after reading his books these last few years, and re-reading them now, I would be of course very interested to know what the C's think of it, what would they say about the percentage of validity of the data ?

Thanks for any thoughts about it.
Aaah, yes, very popular indeed, back in the days of Depicting (some) lizzies as good guys. Anton Parks was more likely inspired by Sitchin's work than anything else. I don't think there's much to be learned here.
Strange, because I don't see Parks very close to Sitchin in his writings (in their styles), even if sometimes the subjects are the same.
In his second book pp 321 to 450, he takes the same tablets that Sitchin uses to show that Sitchin misinterpreted totally the sumerian tablets (VA-243).
He begins his study by saying (roughly translated) :
"Even if the fanatics of the highly praised Zecharia Sitchin burn this book, insult its author, publisher and readers, they will change nothing. Juge by yourselves after reading very carefully the following lines..."
Also, in his last book (Eden), he translates tablets of Nippur and seems to know much better the sumerian langage than Sitchin ! (see by example : _
Polonel said:
Aaah, yes, very popular indeed, back in the days of Depicting (some) lizzies as good guys. Anton Parks was more likely inspired by Sitchin's work than anything else. I don't think there's much to be learned here.

As I recall, the C's pretty much said the same thing, but that the numbers of 'good guys' were too small to really matter. Is this correct? I haven't been able to find the excerpt.

RflctnOfU said:
Polonel said:
Aaah, yes, very popular indeed, back in the days of Depicting (some) lizzies as good guys. Anton Parks was more likely inspired by Sitchin's work than anything else. I don't think there's much to be learned here.

As I recall, the C's pretty much said the same thing, but that the numbers of 'good guys' were too small to really matter. Is this correct? I haven't been able to find the excerpt.


From what I remember, I thought C's said that there were no "lizzies" that were 4D STO; however there are Nordics that are STO as well as STS. The STS Nordics are above the lizzies in the STS hierarchy (C's have said lizzies are slaves/pets of the Nordic STS).
SeekinTruth said:
From what I remember, I thought C's said that there were no "lizzies" that were 4D STO; however there are Nordics that are STO as well as STS. The STS Nordics are above the lizzies in the STS hierarchy (C's have said lizzies are slaves/pets of the Nordic STS).

Wow ! I never read that and "god knows" if i'm reading the transcriptions ... can you or anyone give me some details about that, because I was really convinced that the lizzies were on the top of the food chain ... never read about them being some slaves/pet to something/someone stronger .. :scared:
This might interest you. This is from session 24th October 1995:

A: In this part of your 3rd and 4th density universe, specifically your
"galaxy" it is the region known as Orion that is the one and only
indigenous home of human type beings... reflect on this!
Indigenous home base, not sole locator. What you are most in need
of review of is the accurate profile of "alien" data.

Q: (RC) I thought that humans originated in Lyra and then a war
broke out there and they ended up in Orion.

A: Lyra is not inhabited. There have been homes in all places, but
some were/are transitory, and some are not. Pay attention to Orion!
This is your ancestral home, and your eventual destination.
Here is the absolutely accurately accurate profile of Orion to follow:
This is the most heavily populated region of your Milky Way
galaxy! This is a region that extends across 3rd and 4th density
space for a distance as vast as the distance between your locator
and it. There are 3,444 inhabited "worlds" in this region.

Some are planets as you know them. Some are artificially
constructed planetoids. Some are floating space barges. And some
are "satellites." There are primary homes, traveling stations and
incubator laboratories all in 2nd, 3rd and 4th densities. There are
overseer zones in 5th and 6th densities. Approximately one half is
STO and one half is STS.

Together, along with many other colonies,
located elsewhere, this is called, in translation, Orion Federation.
Orions created grays in 5 varieties, as cybergenetic beings, and
installed them on Zeta Reticuli 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as on 2 planets
orbiting Barnard's Star.

The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density,
and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!!
The name "Orion" is the actual native name, and was brought to earth
directly. Study the legend of the "god" of Orion for parallels.

Q: (L) Are the Orion STS the infamous red-headed Nordic aliens?

A: Yes, and all other humanoid combinations.
Ekios, the wave series is essential reading :)
I couldn't find the transcript on the forum (there seems to be a mix of dates/sessions around 24/25 th september 1999? ) but in Wave 8, ch. 68 following figures:

You might also be interested in Michael Topper's Precis on The Good and The Evil describing the hierarchy.

EDIT: I see Aragorn posted it, so won't post again
EDIT 2: So it must be a typo in wave 8 as Aragorn quotes from 1995
Wait a minute ... there is no 24th October 1995 Transcript here ...,13581.0.html is there any other place where the missing ones are ?
Ekios said:
Wait a minute ... there is no 24th October 1995 Transcript here ...,13581.0.html is there any other place where the missing ones are ?

That quote by Aragorn is actually from Session 24th September 1995 and not 24th October. As you can see from the table, not all the sessions have been cleaned up an published.
Vulcan59 said:
Ekios said:
Wait a minute ... there is no 24th October 1995 Transcript here ...,13581.0.html is there any other place where the missing ones are ?

That quote by Aragorn is actually from Session 24th September 1995 and not 24th October. As you can see from the table, not all the sessions have been cleaned up an published.
Yes I understand that. And so, that passage comes from the Wave, not from the transcriptions published on the forum, am I correct ?

Maybe my issue is that I read the Wave in French in the first place then I read it back "faster" in english (in french we say : j'ai lu en diagonale :halo: )
The session is wrongly quoted in wave book 8 (ch. 68 online) as being from September 24, 1999.
I think maybe Aragorn got his quote from the unedited .exe version, that was around some time ago.
Maybe you only read 'The Wave' and not the rest of the series?
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