Anton Parks and the "Chronicles of the Gírkù"

parallel said:
The session is wrongly quoted in wave book 8 (ch. 68 online) as being from September 24, 1999.
I think maybe Aragorn got his quote from the unedited .exe version, that was around some time ago.
Maybe you only read 'The Wave' and not the rest of the series?
Here this is where I read it :
Ekios said:
Can you guess my next question ? :D
Can you just ask it? instead of inconsiderately using a moderators time with guessing games. Or maybe do some searching/ reading and solve the question.
Hey .. easy :huh:

Vulcan59 said:
Well, there are other avenues to the unpublished transcripts.
Was just wondering what those other avenues could be ... pfouuuuh ... oh well, it's 23h25 here gonna read a bit and "good night".
well godnight Ekios. I didn't connect that line to your question, it's gettting late here too. It's just common sense around here to communicate clearly what we really want to know but have failed to find out on our own. It seemed like you were not aquainted with this work ethic, I could have explained it with more awareness to your beginning strokes though. Bottomline: spoonfeeding does not make us stronger.
Sorry for the mix up, I was a bit hasty posting that quote. The thing is that I have this large text file with all the old sessions(could be from the old Yahoo-group), and it's really convenient when searching for keywords etc, but it appears that it has some errors. In the future I'll be more careful from where I copy the sessions.

Thanks for sorting things out.

ADDED: Just to make sure, I just compared the two versions. Besides the wrong date the texts appears to be identical except for one sentence that is italicized in the Wave-version

ADDED-2: Aha! It seems that the error was in my head; I translated the number 9 indicating the month as being October when it is actually September.
Where Anton Parks loses me is when he starts saying that pre-man, at least before man was engineered by our astronaut overlords, were hermaphrodite in nature. No references, just attestation without the scores of previous evidence building that most of his other statements of fact have gone through. Here's where he starts believing his readers will take what he says without question. That's where you know he's a charlatan.
Welcome to the forum Nabaloo.

Seeing as this is your first post on the forum, we would appreciate it if you would post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us how you found this forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the SOTT page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc.
Aragorn said:
... The thing is that I have this large text file with all the old sessions(could be from the old Yahoo-group), and it's really convenient when searching for keywords etc, but it appears that it has some errors. ...
Yes, that search engine embedded within the file is very useful, would be better if every search term was highlighted and not just the first, but....

One point I always found curious, was the changes that would show up, always very minor such as sometimes names would be posted, abbreviated, lettered etc a little different over the years, when I remembered them with only the letters or otherwise the last time I read through them. It gets your attention, but it's so faint and doesn't change anything other than what happened later when other hands got a hold on them and revealed the names themselves. That could be a question, but I always attributed it to a minor 'glitch in the matrix' affect, little, tiny changes that adjust to changes made elsewhere.... or something like that. :/
Nabaloo said:
Where Anton Parks loses me is when he starts saying that pre-man, at least before man was engineered by our astronaut overlords, were hermaphrodite in nature. No references, just attestation without the scores of previous evidence building that most of his other statements of fact have gone through. Here's where he starts believing his readers will take what he says without question. That's where you know he's a charlatan.

Hi Nabaloo and welcome to the forum,

Your conclusion seems a bit hasty to say the least.

There's a famous speech of Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium which alludes to a similar proposition. You can watch that speech here:

It was brought up in a topic called The Odyssey - Manual of Secret Teachings? in this post and later on again in here as well.

In this last mentioned post there's also a reference to a quote from the C's about hermaprodites from Session 10 December 1994:

Q: (L) In conjunction with DNA changes, is there any similarity between the human race and the idea of transformation relating to populations such as grasshoppers into locusts?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) When grasshoppers turn into locusts, they swarm when their population gets too large.

A: All is part of natural cyclical process.

Q: (L) Was the DNA change that we are experiencing programmed into us so that after so many generations these changes would just sort of kick in?

A: Close.

Q: (L) So, we all selected certain bodies before we incarnated that would be prime for this programming?

A: Are you ready to be hermaphrodites?

Q: (L) Is that what we are going to be?

A: Wait and see.

This particular quote features in several other topics as well, for instance:

Session 12 December 2010 in this post

4th density earth in this post

Do 'other' Cs exist? in this post

Just some food for thought. ;) Please read all quotes in context if possible.

Hope this helps a bit.
"Anton Parks was more likely inspired by Sitchin's work than anything else. I don't think there's much to be learned here."​

That's 99% incorrect... Parks has been mentioning that Sitchin's work had become a fraud once he was talking about the famous Anunnaki coming on Earth to look for gold so they could take it back to their Planet Nibiru. Parks was asking through letters Sitchin to tell me the Sumerian Clay Tablet number so he could translate the text to prouve that Sitchin told the truth but Sitchin never answered him back.

But if I say "99% incorrect" it's because Sitchin didn't translate all the tablets wrongly. And so you gotta give him some credits for few of the parts of his job that he was doing right.

Anyhow, Anton Parks is one if the few that were brave enough to learn Cuneiform and translate all the tablets that he studied right. And this has been proven.
Zehuti said:
"Anton Parks was more likely inspired by Sitchin's work than anything else. I don't think there's much to be learned here."​

That's 99% incorrect... Parks has been mentioning that Sitchin's work had become a fraud once he was talking about the famous Anunnaki coming on Earth to look for gold so they could take it back to their Planet Nibiru. Parks was asking through letters Sitchin to tell me the Sumerian Clay Tablet number so he could translate the text to prouve that Sitchin told the truth but Sitchin never answered him back.

But if I say "99% incorrect" it's because Sitchin didn't translate all the tablets wrongly. And so you gotta give him some credits for few of the parts of his job that he was doing right.

Anyhow, Anton Parks is one if the few that were brave enough to learn Cuneiform and translate all the tablets that he studied right. And this has been proven.

Hi Zehuti and :welcome: to the forum,

Writing about yourself in third person consistently is notoriously difficult, isn't it?

As this is your first post here, I would like to invite you to write a customary short introduction in the Newbies Board. No personal info is required; just how you found us and whether you have read any title of our Recommended Reading List or any books by Laura and similar tidbits if you feel so inclined. You can have a look at how others did this, would you be in doubt about what to write exactly.

If you wouldn't mind to clarify in this thread how and where it has been proven that Anton Parks did learn Cuneiform flawlessly, that would be highly appreciated too. :)
I find Parks interesting enough, he speaks lizards which are superior to us and have trouble staying in our third density. He also says that the first humanity on the earth was black. Parks says that lizards one kept the another people on the planet Mars (maybe the Aryans). He stipulates that there are entities who are superior to lizards, but for a reason of free will, they cannot come to help us, but they keep a watchful eye on the humanity. Its theory on the planet Mulge situated between Mars and Jupiter which exploded further to a conflict, by leaving the moon of Mulge which is going to become destructive comet and after the planet Venus, doesn't seem very distant from what Laura and Sitchin suggests.
Re: Anton Park - Ages of Uras

Hi swws,
You can use the search function and see if there are already discussions on Anton Park novels.
Here is one thread for instance:,27876.0.html
Re: Anton Park - Ages of Uras

Hello swws. Seeing that this is your first post, so I want to welcome you to the forum. We ask that new forum members introduce themselves in the Newbies section. Nothing personal, just a little bit about yourself and how you found the forum. If you are unsure of what to write, take a look at how others on the board have done it.

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