Jedi Council Member
Hi SolarMother,
I have vision problems also. Is the pain only in your eyes or is it some type of headache?
I am very sensitive to lights and wear sunglasses like what Gimpy linked to above around bright lights like computers and tvs and it helps greatly to prevent headaches. Also I have been diagnosed with convergence insufficiency which is when the eyes have trouble focusing on the same spot. For example, if you look at a small object on a far away wall and then cover one eye and then the other back and forth, does the object move back and forth or does it stay still? If it moves then you may have this problem. Something that helps with this is vision therapy. Convergence insufficiency is not usually tested for by optometrists or ophthalmologists so it may be something to look into.
I have vision problems also. Is the pain only in your eyes or is it some type of headache?
I am very sensitive to lights and wear sunglasses like what Gimpy linked to above around bright lights like computers and tvs and it helps greatly to prevent headaches. Also I have been diagnosed with convergence insufficiency which is when the eyes have trouble focusing on the same spot. For example, if you look at a small object on a far away wall and then cover one eye and then the other back and forth, does the object move back and forth or does it stay still? If it moves then you may have this problem. Something that helps with this is vision therapy. Convergence insufficiency is not usually tested for by optometrists or ophthalmologists so it may be something to look into.