Any Memories From the Day of Days? - 9-11, 20 Years on

I dont completely understand the question. When I had gotten to the barracks there was much confusion. We got in formation several times over to make sure they accounted for everyone. Later we ran constatina wire all around the barracks and they left to people on each side of the barracks as guards.
Over the course of the week things changed drastically, we would guard the entrance gate of the base, had to run sticks with mirrors under cars and inspect them. We would work 10 hours and then go home for four and return to do 10 hours again.
I always think about how we had a late call that morning. From what I remember we never had that before?

Thanks, that's what I was asking, what happened after you got to barracks. It sure is interesting that that morning was the only time you had a late call.
Thanks, that's what I was asking

Thanks, that's what I was asking, what happened after you got to barracks. It sure is interesting that that morning was the only time you had a late call.
A little more context if it means anything they told us close to the end of the day before to be into work later.
There are some coincedences that probably don't mean much. For example we were going to deploy to Ft. Irwin which is located in the desert. Of course the deployment was cancelled.
Another weird thing that isn't really objective, but my first day checking into the unit in alaska was september 11, 2000
I was 10, it was an otherwise normal day in 5th grade, and then the school went into lockdown that morning, with lunches being delivered to classrooms and nobody allowed out for too long. No idea anything was going on, aside from a strange letter to take home. Saw it on repeat on the TV after school. I could never quite get the logical jump from "smoldering hole in side of building" to "collapsing skyscraper" at the time, still scratching my head over how they never really answered what happened to WTC7. It wasn't until I saw the Pentagon Strike video and got into the 9/11 truth content in 2006 that it all started to click, and it wasn't until I was at a gay club in Orlando the night of the Pulse shooting that I fully understood why people lost their minds over 9/11.
I was at my desk in a tech company office when I saw a notice on the Web. I ran into the recreation room and turned on the TV, which soon drew a crowd. One co-worker, a military veteran, said, "We're going to war over this."

I was already a truth seeker, having had a close-up UFO experience many years prior, but the 9/11 event was also a strong, new catalyst, especially with regard to political realities, and within a couple of years I joined this group -- maybe it was less time than that, as I had already been reading the sessions, etc.
Even now I cannot understand why people had to lose their minds over 9/11. Can you kindly explain to a non american?
I think is was shock, we were as the matrix stated "living in a dream world". We never imagined or anticipated such a thing happening. To us here in the ignorant USA it was out of no where.
Authority figures did there usual thing, but everything lead us to believe life was great. I imagine all the things before this happened have created the circumstances were in today. Many people are sleeping and dreaming the days before 9-11 will return, meanwhile authority figures are creating chaos more than ever and people are just living there lives hoping for the good old days to return.
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I think is was shock, we were as the matrix stated "living in a dream world". We never imagined or anticipated such a thing happening. To us here in the ignorant USA it was out of no where.
Authority figures did there usual thing, but everything lead us to believe life was great. I imagine all the things before this happened have created the circumstances were in today. Many people are sleeping and dreaming the days before 9-11 will return, meanwhile authority figures are creating chaos more than ever and people are just living there lives hoping for the good old days to return.
This may be conjecture. However when Trump won the presidency all kinds of insecirities crept up on authority figures. The were losing there authoritarian control.
All that happenrd since i'm sure you can see
I think is was shock, we were as the matrix stated "living in a dream world". We never imagined or anticipated such a thing happening. To us here in the ignorant USA it was out of no where.
Authority figures did there usual thing, but everything lead us to believe life was great. I imagine all the things before this happened have created the circumstances were in today. Many people are sleeping and dreaming the days before 9-11 will return, meanwhile authority figures are creating chaos more than ever and people are just living there lives hoping for the good old days to return.
Thank you for explaining, Ryan, so, the 9/11 produced a fear aftershock at personal level?
I can remember that day clearly too
in Australia it was morning when the news came
getting the kids , 11 and 6 , ready for the 7km trip to catch the schoolbus
weirdy I had turned on the TV that morning , not the radio as usual
those days there was no breakfast tv only cartoons for kids before school
only 2 channels on the little 12V tv channel cartoons no time in the corner
some action movie ...other channel ...they are playing it too ????

my first thought was why is there violent HOLLYWOOD action movies on NOW ?

then it clicked

my next thought was

they ' ve gone and started WW3
I am glad now that my poor mother(born 1920) had passed peacefully 2 years earlier , the stress of seeing it all happen again would have killed her now

I had stopped believing in , what we now call main stream media , long before that and love a good conspiracy theory
I was a nexus reader back then and basically computer illiterate but I knew I had to over come that handicap and learn if I wanted to know more about 9/11 ,crop circles and the like which led me in turn to Laura's work and the Cs
Thank you for explaining, Ryan, so, the 9/11 produced a fear aftershock at personal level?

The towers collapsing was pretty dramatic, although I think most of the enduring shock etc. was created by the media's response to it. Talk about hysterical! But as Ryan said, Americans were living in a bubble very much detached from reality.
Thank you Michael for sharing!
I´ve got goosebumps when reading your story...

I also remember that day.
Exactly 20 years ago I was exactly 20 years old and for the first time crazy in love and started a real relationship with my current partner only a few months back.
Just a month ago, I also signed in a high school in my town, thinking if I finally found a right school for me.
I was young, full of dreams and hopes, with my mind firmly placed in 7th heaven.

On 9/11 I remember I was at home, ironing and watching TV.
I don´t remember what was actually watching on TV but it was stopped due to emergency broadcast - the NYC twin tower was hit by a terrorists.

I switched to a news cannel (don´t recall which one was it; CNN, BBC or some other) and was watching a reporter speaking about the terrorist attack with the twins in the background, one twin with a mayor hole and smoking.
As I was watching it, I saw a second plane crashing in the second twin.
I called my boyfriend and told him what I just saw.
He smiled and said something like: "Yeah right, terrorists,..." or something along those lines.
I thought that was a bizarre thing to say, but I didn´t comment on it. After all, to me he was the most perfect being in all the universe, also almost 8 years older than me - so he must be right.

I generally felt weird; what just happened, how did that happen, why did that happen,...

Then started all the theories of the attack and more and more the whole thing made less and less sense to me.
I didn´t know then about SOTT, the Cs, etc...
Then my boyfriend showed me the debunking video Pentagon Strike. Years later, after seeing the SOTT video, I believe that the video my boyfriend showed me back then was in fact SOTT video.
Anyway, when I saw the video, I was 100% sure the whole official narrative was fake.
What is more, the people I hang out with, thought the same: 9/11 was an inside job.
To me it felt like the whole world sees trough deception - all except from Americans.
It was totally bizarre.
That was first time I encountered such a slip in reality, such a division in what people see/believe.

I thought, but why would they (American government) do such a thing? It was puzzling, but, as I had more important things on my mind (my new found love, my new high school, etc.), I´ve shoveled it all under the rug thinking "who cares what people thousands of miles on the other side of the world think and do", so I´ve kept going on my marry way, but with a kid of a feeling that something is not right, that something has changed. I could see that and feel that in the news and new laws that came after the event.

Years later (2006 or 2007) I started to follow alternative sites, found the C´s and SOTT and realized the depth of this event...

So when I think about this now, in terms of COVID business, it hit me just as I´m writing - no wonder people just don´t care to do anything about COVID!
I´ve been there!!!
I shoveled the whole 9/11 business the same way - "it happens to other people" mentality...
Jeez, if COVID came 20 years ago, I´d probably think about getting the vaccine - just so I can go out and party!!!
Indeed, although it didn't come with this particular angle, or narrative I'm sure.

YT removed this video of the tower collapsing because:

Hi Joe Quinn,​
We wanted to let you know our team reviewed your content, and we think it violates our violent criminal organizations policy. We know you may not have realized this was a violation of our policies, so we're not applying a strike to your channel. However, we have removed the following content from YouTube:​
Video: Tower collapse
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The bizarrely adorned exterior steel casing (later I learned installed to safeguard the buildings from threat of demolition by a wandering plane… the mere idea of such a thing…!) seemed to stretch up to eternity, like so many bony claws with never ending finger nails, an implacable, unending monument to raw power and intent. I lay there in something close to a reverie for perhaps 15 minutes; no passers-by seemed to care or think this act in any way out of the ordinary. Hey, it’s New York after all!
I don't have an interesting 'where were you on 9/11?' story, and was taken in by it for about 4 months, but I do want to add to your description of the WTC architecture by pointing out something 'quirky' about its conceptual origins:

The 'Twin Towers' were designed by Minoru Yamasaki, a Japanese-American architect who had previously designed Dhahran International Airport (now known as King Abdulaziz Air Base) in Saudi Arabia.

The latter came first, so he incorporated some of the airport's 'Islamic forms' into the Towers - most notably, a modernist take on the pointed arches of mosques. The construction firm behind the Saudi airport was Bin Laden Group.

Twin Towers_Saudi airport.jpg
It wasn't until I saw the Pentagon Strike video and got into the 9/11 truth content in 2006 that it all started to click, and it wasn't until I was at a gay club in Orlando the night of the Pulse shooting that I fully understood why people lost their minds over 9/11.
For those unfamiliar with the case, here is the Wiki about the shooting and two Sott article with links to others: Moscow shooter linked with same British security company as 2016 Orlando nightclub shooter --, New details reveal that Orlando nightclub shooter's father was an FBI informant --

@cinnamon if you were that close in space and time, I would definitely excuse you for having felt like you did. Now, if one takes your response and moved it back in time to 9/11, it is an open question how many people had a similar reason?
Anyway, when I saw the video, I was 100% sure the whole official narrative was fake.
What is more, the people I hang out with, thought the same: 9/11 was an inside job.
To me it felt like the whole world sees trough deception - all except from Americans.
It was totally bizarre.
That was first time I encountered such a slip in reality, such a division in what people see/believe.

It was the same for me.. At the time, it seemed like most people I knew could see through it.. the reality (whatever that might be) was so obviously not how it was being talked about on TV, it was totally normal for people to think there was something weird going on.. So I found it super bizarre when I noticed a few years ago that most people, even those SAME friends who used to talk about this stuff, were now making fun of "9/11 truthers" "tinfoil hats" etc, rolling their eyes if it was ever brought up... like, what happened, were they just worn down and programmed by the years of steady lies in the media and somehow forgot?

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