April Crawford


The Force is Strong With This One
I was doing some research and I stumbled across this website _http://www.aprilcrawford.com/. I searched it on the site and I couldn't find anything, but I was wondering if anyone knew anything about her. Or if possibly the C's had said something about it. I listened to the channeling session on there and some of it sounded alot like things the C's have said. Just wondering.
Hi Trinity,

I did some searching and came across these videos after reading some of the material at the link you provided.

_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1ctJimXu2w (pt1)

_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vvvMnUbhvM&feature=related (pt2)

_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQRomAQkYjU&feature=related (pt3)

There is a fair amount of YCYOR (you create your own reality) message given.

Ex. pt.1 @4:41-4:52, "...if you truly want to evolve out of the current issues or problems that you have or the inability to create your own reality as you would like..."
Ex. pt.2 @2:08-2:17 more of same
Ex. pt.3 @2:30-2:45 "...the provoking of your thought by us will allow you to come to conclusions in this life that perhaps you never would have come to on your own..."

To me, this does not sound much like the C's material. Try searching the forum for "YCYOR".
That is what it seemed like to me, but I just wanted to double check it. I am trying to rule out any possibility of it being disinformation.
Best approach is to assume it is disinformation and do the research. If it is truth, it can stand being examined and questioned.

Gurdjieff always assumed that everyone he met was dogsh*t until they proved otherwise. Not a bad policy.
Laura said:
Best approach is to assume it is disinformation and do the research. If it is truth, it can stand being examined and questioned.

Gurdjieff always assumed that everyone he met was dogsh*t until they proved otherwise. Not a bad policy.
Well that is what I figured, and after examination of some of her (meaning the entities April calls "Veronica") views on things - it appears to me that she agrees with the C's on things. I look at the C's as a source that can be trusted, so for the time being I think that I will accept their stuff on a probationary status. I sometimes feel like I am a little too suspicious, but I feel that I have to be with all the "dogsh*t" that is out there. If you are serious about learning you should take the time to check your sources. lol
Trinity4049 said:
Well that is what I figured, and after examination of some of her (meaning the entities April calls "Veronica") views on things - it appears to me that she agrees with the C's on things. I look at the C's as a source that can be trusted, so for the time being I think that I will accept their stuff on a probationary status.
Hi, perhaps I'm misunderstanding you, but it seems as if you're taking this April Crawford person as objectively truthful on a probationary status?

If that is the case, you seem to have missed what has been pointed out to you - simply that it is always best to assume such sources are disinformation (NOT to be trusted) - until you can prove otherwise - not to accept them until you can prove they shouldn't be 'trusted'.

Considering the heavy 'you create your own reality' flavor indicated by Rhansen, it would be wise to pay more attention to the differences in 'their' work and what you understand about the information presented here, rather than looking for similarities and assuming that a few similarities indicates that they are 'the same'.

Apologies if I've misunderstood your post, but just in case...
TRINITY4049 said:
...after examination of some of her (meaning the entities April calls "Veronica") views on things - it appears to me that she agrees with the C's on things....
After reading through most of the material on her website, I find the above statement surprising. Could you please provide some examples of April/Veronica's "views on things" that " agrees with the C's on things"? I can't claim to have ready EVERYTHING on her site, exhaustively, but thus far I've not seen any correlations. Maybe I've missed something...?
I was merely trying to determine if this source had anything to warrent future resurch and study. I don't like to chase rabbit trails and waste my time. The arguement could be made that there is something to learn from every source, true or not, and I agree with tat. To qoute the C's, All there is is lessons. But I have a very limited ammount of time to study on account of my 6 week old son. So I try to stick with sources that I feel have a chance of being trustable. I was not saying that I trusted this source just that I was willing to give it "probationary status" so I could study it more. I don't accept everything from any source without further investigation. I was merely saying that I had seen some parallels and I wanted to investigate it further. Even if I don't decide that I agree, this source raises some interesting questions. I thought that I had made it clear what my intentions where, I am sorry for any confusion. I will admit that I don't know everything, that I am still learning. I am reading throught the wave series right now as a matter of fact. But I don't know how else to determine what is truth without doing the resaerch.
TRINITY4049 said:
I was merely saying that I had seen some parallels and I wanted to investigate it further.
And I merely asked if you could provide some examples of those "parallels". You began this thread wanting to know if any of us knew anything about this source, that it caught your interest because "some of it sounded alot like things the C's have said". I checked it out, but couldn't perceive any similarities. So, for clarification, I asked if you could provide examples, in case I overlooked something. In response you continue to refer to "parallels" but do not provide examples. How are any of us to comment on the material and your perception of the material without some kind of elaboration on your part?

TRINITY4049 said:
Even if I don't decide that I agree, this source raises some interesting questions.
Could you perhaps elaborate on the "interesting questions" the source raises for you?
And I merely asked if you could provide some examples of those "parallels".

On the website _www.innerwhispers.info there are short video's which I have watched. I will give some examples of what I precieve to be paralells from those. Please bear in mind that I am not neccesarily saying that they are 6D STO.

1. In the video where they talk about their purpose they made the statement that we as 3D humans hold all the "pieces of the puzzle" but we may not have the awareness of how they go together. Which to me seemed to go along with the C's "each individual possesses all of creation within their minds."

2. They also have several referances to YCYOR, for example in the video where they are talking about the sick friend. They talk about taking time to reflect on the good times in her life, on the "life" in her life. Instead of continuing to focus on her illness, thereby feeding more energy into it.

"It does not occur as a result of the "fracturing" of the time frame reference
illusion. It occurs as a result, simply and merely, of your psychic impression imprint of
the experience itself reflecting back into your third density physical reality."

Here, it seems to me, the C's are indicating that what goes on in the mind reflects back onto our third density reality. I know I have read other exampls of this, but I don't have time to search them out for this post. The concept of creating your own reality is a 4D concept, but 3D is all about learning the lessons to be able to progress to 4D.

3. In the section where they where addressing a specific instance of sibling rivalry, they said that the rivalry was because of "recognition on a soul level." The C's talk about many lifetimes and if you read about past life regression in hypnosis it would not be far fetched that the siblings had shared a past life and had some rivalry in it.

4. In the video about family they said that helping people without being asked would not serve the questioner well. (I do not remember exactly what they said would happen.) This seems to agree with the C's views on violation of free will.

These ae some of the paralells that I noticed. My desire was to see if anyone else had researched her.
Iwould also like to point out that there are some discrepincies in the Ra material vs. the C's but they are both sources that can be learned from. ( For further explination of why there are differences in these 6D STO sources see Transient Passengers article on the C's site.)

As to the questions, they spoke briefly about raising children. I have yet to get to anything where the C's talk about child raising. My parter says that it is in there, bt I haven't gotten to it yet. Being that I have a child of my own and a Biblical Christianity based childhood this was of particular interest to me. I will have to go read what the C's have to say about it.
Also, I have yet to reach any conclusions in the area of 'spirit guides' , they talked about them. Another thing I will have to do more research on.

In conclusion, I don't know but there are some seeming paralells that I was wondering about and I was curious to see if anyone knew anything about this source.If I am blatently misinterperiting any of this please let me know, there is a very large quantity of information that I have yet to plow through and it may be that I haven't gotten to that part yet, but I am open to learn. Which is why I posted my origional question. I should have included more information in with my first post, I will in the future. I hope this answers any questions.
My partners brother stumbled across this site, we watched a few of the videos and then debated for some time about whether this was a valid source, what density the source might be, whether it might be STS or STO, and so on. I was just curious to see what you all thought of it, or if you had even heard of it.
In response to Rhanson's statement about the concept of YCYOR not sounding like the C's.

I wanted to address the YCYOR aspect of this discussion. I know that at one point Laura had mentioned that in creating your own reality you create your own prison. The C's had this to say about it.
"Especially when the mind says there is. Remember, most all power necessary for
altering reality and physicality is contained within the belief center of the mind. This is
something you will understand more closely when you reach 4th density reality where
physicality is no longer a prison, but is instead, your home, for you to alter as you
please. In your current state, you have the misinterpretation of believing that reality is
finite and therein lies your difficulty with finite physical existence. We are surprised that
you are still not able to completely grasp this concept. " C's session dated 08-12-95
The Pleadians also talked about it in Bringers of the Dawn. And I personally know, from my own experiences that it is possible to make things happen by focusing on them.
The C's do not make any statements about wether we should or should not do this. But it seems to me that to do so would not be in their nature. They don't violate free will, they tell us the facts and let us come to our own conclusions. Hence their many admonitions to study so we would be able to make informed decisions.
But it would seem to me that being that this is a fourth density concept, and we are incarnation up the ladder so to speak, it would not be a negative thing to start trying to master. Please note thathis last sentence is merely my opinion.
TRINITY4049 said:
The C's had this to say about it.
The C's had a lot more to say about it than that, but the main thing we must remember if we are to understand anything else about what the C's said is - knowledge protects and ignorance endangers, and wishful thinking will get ya every time. And don't forget that according to the C's, the major weakness of 4th denisty STS is their wishful thinking. So by believing reality to be a certain way even 4th density do not make reality comply with those beliefs. So be very careful not to take that quote by the C's as a general affirmation that "we create our reality using the belief center of our mind" - because the devil is, as always, in the details.

TRINITY4049 said:
The Pleadians also talked about it in Bringers of the Dawn. And I personally know, from my own experiences that it is possible to make things happen by focusing on them.
And yet, after billions of people keep focusing on peace - here we are. Another major thing to take away from what the C's have tried to impart to us, is that there is no free lunch in the universe.

TRINITY4049 said:
The C's do not make any statements about wether we should or should not do this.
This has nothing to do with what we should or should not do. As the C's say - all there is is lessons. Figuring out what we should or should not do is our responsibility, always was.

TRINITY4049 said:
But it would seem to me that being that this is a fourth density concept, and we are incarnation up the ladder so to speak, it would not be a negative thing to start trying to master.
Trying to master "4th density concepts" before mastering "3rd density concepts" has proven to be a very bad idea for all the groups that have attempted this. When new agers, for example, take the idea of "we are all one" and try to apply it to their lives, all they end up doing is deluding themselves. Another thing not to try is to pretend there is no time - unless you want to get fired, among other things. Trying to apply higher density concepts to 3rd density just doesn't work, and the only thing that results from it is ignorance and confusion.

TRINITY4049 said:
Please note thathis last sentence is merely my opinion.
Of what value is an opinion? Please read this thread:
TRINITY4049 said:
I wanted to address the YCYOR aspect of this discussion. ...

The C's had this to say about it.
"Especially when the mind says there is. Remember, most all power necessary for
altering reality and physicality is contained within the belief center of the mind. This is
something you will understand more closely when you reach 4th density reality where
physicality is no longer a prison, but is instead, your home, for you to alter as you
It seems to me that the C's are talking about variability of physicality and not creating realities.
I discovered April Crawford quite a while ago. I've used her as an example in some writings as one who believes that she can do "pure" trance channeling, and that her entities speak through her without any distortion whatsoever. Her site says, "virtually zero distortion or 'coloring' by April (because she is not there)." To me, this only suggests a misunderstanding of what distortion is, and the many, many ways it affects channeling. As I recall, she channels a bunch of entities as a business. That is, the "pure channel" stuff is a marketing technique for her $200/hr telephone readings. Though she's now offering half-hour sessions, undoubtedly in response to the new American trend of cutting back on luxury spending!
AdPop said:
I discovered April Crawford quite a while ago. I've used her as an example in some writings as one who believes that she can do "pure" trance channeling, and that her entities speak through her without any distortion whatsoever. Her site says, "virtually zero distortion or 'coloring' by April (because she is not there)." To me, this only suggests a misunderstanding of what distortion is, and the many, many ways it affects channeling. As I recall, she channels a bunch of entities as a business. That is, the "pure channel" stuff is a marketing technique for her $200/hr telephone readings. Though she's now offering half-hour sessions, undoubtedly in response to the new American trend of cutting back on luxury spending!
Thanks, that is very telling of her true motives. I really appreciate the help, I had just discovered this myself but if I hadn't this was the type of information that I needed.
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