April Crawford

trinity4049 said:
I wanted to address the YCYOR aspect of this discussion. I know that at one point Laura had mentioned that in creating your own reality you create your own prison. The C's had this to say about it.
"Especially when the mind says there is. Remember, most all power necessary for
altering reality and physicality is contained within the belief center of the mind. This is
something you will understand more closely when you reach 4th density reality where
physicality is no longer a prison, but is instead, your home, for you to alter as you
please. In your current state, you have the misinterpretation of believing that reality is
finite and therein lies your difficulty with finite physical existence. We are surprised that
you are still not able to completely grasp this concept. " C's session dated 08-12-95
The devil that is in the details here is the difference between the belief center of the mind and the conscious mind - two very different things.

You see, if you look at the world and say to yourself: Hmmm... I don't like this or that, I think I'll change it by concentrating on something to make it happen... the only message you are sending your subconscious - where the belief center manifests - is "What is going on is NOT okey." And that belief center will be stuck on "things are not okay" and that is what will manifest.

As for what the Cs HAVE advised us, consider this:

A: You see, my dear, when you arrive at 4th density, then you
will see.
Q: (L) Well, how in the heck am I supposed to get there if I
can't "get it?"
A: Who says you have to "get it" before you get there?
Q: (L) Well, that leads back to: what is the wave going to do
to expand this awareness? Because, if the wave is what
"gets you there," what makes this so?
A: No. It is like this: After you have completed all your
lessons in "third grade," where do you go?
Q: (L) So, it is a question of...
A: Answer, please.
Q: (L) You go to fourth grade.
A: Okay, now, do you have to already be in 4th grade in order
to be allowed to go there? Answer.
Q: (L) No. But you have to know all the 3rd density things...
A: Yes. More apropos: you have to have learned all of the
Q: (L) What kind of lessons are we talking about here?
A: Karmic and simple understandings.
Q: (L) What are the key elements of these understandings, and
are they fairly universal?
A: They are universal.
Q: (L) What are they?
A: We cannot tell you that.
Q: (L) Do they have to do with discovering the MEANINGS of
the symbology of 3rd density existence, seeing behind the
veil... and reacting to things according to choice?
Giving each thing or person or event its due?
A: Okay. But you cannot force the issue. When you have
learned, you have learned!
Notice this: our job here is to learn the lessons of this density and we cannot force the issue.

I wrote about this issue in the beginning of Secret History as follows:

Like many of you who have chosen to purchase this book, I am a seeker of what we generally call “spiritual advancement”. And, like many of you, I have been in this seeking mode as long as I can remember—from birth, even. Also, like many of you, in my search for “spiritual truths”, I have encountered the term “Ascension” repeatedly in the course of this Quest. And finally, like many of you, I have come across many definitions of the word, as well as varied purported techniques to accomplish this allegedly desirable objective.

In seeking a concise definition and philosophy behind it, I decided to search the Internet for clues. I typed the word “ascension” along with the word “spiritual” into a popular search engine. It returned 115,000 pages for my edification. This led me to ask: Why, at this present moment in history, is so much attention being focused on this subject?

Well, we all know the answer to that question. It is because of the frightening state of the World in which we live.
One might think that the Laws of Probability would mandate that, without any intelligent input, 50% of the time the events in our world would lead to benefits for mankind. In a strictly mechanical way, life in our world ought to have manifested a sort of “equilibrium”. Factoring in intelligent decisions to do good might bring this average up to about 70%. That would mean that humanity would have advanced over the millennia to a state of existence where good and positive things happen in our lives more often than “negative” or “bad” things. In this way, many of the problems of humanity would have been effectively solved. War and conflict would be a rarity, perhaps 70 percent of the earth’s population would have decent medical care, a comfortable roof over their heads, and sufficient nutritious food so that death by disease or starvation would be almost unheard of. In other words, human society would have “evolved” in some way, on all levels.

The facts are, however, quite different.

More than 840,000,000 people on the Earth suffer from hunger. That’s about three times the population of the entire USA. This is chronic, persistent hunger, which kills 24,000 people every day, or over 8 million human beings each year. Three out of four who die from starvation are younger than five years old. How can “evolved” human beings accept that fact as “normal”?

According to the Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century, during the past 100 years there have been approximately 2 billion deaths (including civilians) resulting from war, tyrannical governments, and man-made famine. When these figures are broken down into deaths caused by Communism vs. Capitalism, they are almost equal, with the figures slightly higher for Capitalism which may surprise some people who believe that the Capitalistic system is the “right” one. “By their fruits you shall know them.”

Turning to mortality statistics that are not related to war and famine, we find that it is a bit difficult to get an actual number because the statistics are nearly always expressed in terms of percentages rather than in hard population numbers. One gets the feeling that the actual count is so frightening that this approach is used for the express purpose of avoiding having to face the facts. One thing we do know is that deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke are the leading cause of death in 31 of the 35 Western Hemisphere countries that report disease related mortality statistics. The highest of these mortality rates are found in the English-speaking Caribbean, USA, Canada, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Mortality rates from these causes are increasing in the Central American and Latin Caribbean regions as they come more and more under the sway of Western capitalism. Again, “By their fruits you shall know them.”

What we are talking about above are the “quiet” statistics, from our present reality. They are quiet because nobody ever makes a big deal about them. The headlines of our newspapers do not trumpet them on the front page where they rightly belong. Even now it is easy to forget that there were 65 million deaths from WW II alone and that deaths from disease and starvation continue as a quiet, steady, drumbeat of increasing mortality behind the blaring headlines of school shootings, sensational murder trials, and little Cuban boys who become the center of international custody disputes.

I don’t think that one single person on this planet will disagree that they want a better life for themselves and their children; and most of them will add that they do not presently have the capacity to make it a reality. Except for a very small minority of very sick people, I don’t think anybody really likes to see misery and suffering, disease and death and despair, in any context. And again we must ask: if these things are so detestable to human beings at large, if so many people are working and thinking and praying to improve the conditions of our world, why isn’t it happening?

Seekers of Spiritual Verity - a large number of whom could be considered “Intelligentsia” - are always aware of these things, and they are asking, “What is the origin of all the misery and suffering? Does it just happen? Do people and only people cause others to suffer? Is it that God is good, but allows bad things to happen?”

“Don’t forget the power of prayer”, we are told by our religious leaders, or “positive thinking”, as the New Age gurus tell us. The only problem is, prayers and positive thinking do not seem to have improved the world very much on the occasions when it is certain that nearly every human being was praying for a certain outcome.
Jesus promised: “If any two of you shall agree and ask... it shall be done”. (Matt 18:19) That’s a promise. What do you want or need? Just ask!

But it doesn’t work and we see it!

Over sixty million people died because God didn’t do what everybody thought he should do. C.S. Lewis struggled with this issue in the latter part of his life. He saw clearly that, before World War II, practically every human being on the planet was praying—to Jesus, God the Father, the Virgin Mary, Allah, Buddha and whoever else you can name or mention, so all the bases were covered—that this terrible thing would not happen. The memory of the previous “Great War” was still fresh in the mind of mankind. They remembered the horrible carnage and vowed, never again!

In the end, after the mightiest cry of prayer in human memory, rising from the earth, almost one-third of the world was uninhabitable and sixty-five million human beings were dead. Are we to think that this was God’s answer to prayer? It certainly doesn’t give us much hope for the “power of positive thinking”.

Think about it.

Throughout history we find one group praying to their god to protect them from the depredations of another group. The other group is praying just as fervently that their depredations will be successful. When one group succeeds in killing another, is that proof that its god is supreme? What then happens if the members of the successful group are then reincarnated into the group that was defeated? This is not a rhetorical question since a very interesting book was written about the great numbers of Jews who died in the holocaust now being reincarnated as Christians. There has also been some suggestion that many Nazis are now being reincarnated as Jews. What then, does such an idea do to the concept of “my god is the only right one”?

I can assure the reader from my own experience as a hypnotherapist, that every single case I have worked with in terms of “past life therapy”, has demonstrated a “string” of “past lives” in such variety of nationality and religious orientation, that it literally makes a joke of anyone stating with absolute certainty, that their beliefs or religious orientation now, are the only right ones. It is evident that those who declaim against another group most vehemently will most certainly find themselves a member of that very group in the next “round” of incarnation.
This begs the question of why people cannot remember the previous lessons in past lives; why the wisdom of the soul is not available to the person. If humans have souls or spirits, why is the knowledge of past karmic cycles not part of a person’s wisdom? The answer to that question is, of course, part of the Quest for Ascension - to reclaim that knowledge, among other things.

The questions about how our beliefs may shape our reality are among the most significant in all of consciousness research. And so it is that many seekers step outside of the “standard religions” and begin to seek the “truth” of the ways and means of Ascension.

As noted, “Ascension” is discussed widely in books, articles, on the Internet, in classes and workshops, and in other media. The general trend of ideas expressed includes the search for the “one thing that will transform your life.” Various “techniques” are advertised which promise to provide stress relief and even the “key to the highest levels of human consciousness”. The shopper in the market of ascension “tools” is told that they can now make a choice to “swiftly and easily free the nervous system from stress, enjoy maximum creativity, clarity and health, experience inner peace, fulfillment and joy”, and of course, change one’s self-limiting beliefs.

Another perspective on “ascension” tells us that ascension is “the way to integrate all portions of your self in a conscious way”. The seeker is told that he or she is a “multi-dimensional being who seeded portions of itself into the physical reality”, and that fully “remembering who you are” is the act of integration and the “removal of the veil of time, identities and separateness in yourself”. What, precisely, the result will be—other than being “healthy, wealthy and wise”—is not clear.

As we read further in the available literature, we discover other ideas. One “expert” on the subject tells us that this thing called “ascension” was only achieved in the past upon dying, and that now people can do it and take their physical body with them. He suggests that spirituality is so advanced in the present age that souls can graduate more quickly. It is as though he is suggesting a “grading curve” has been instituted so that the requirements are lessened. Either that, or he hasn’t been paying much attention to what is going on “out there”.
The evidence of “advanced spirituality“ in our world is severely lacking in spite of the New Age claims that “light workers” can “help bring forth the ascension for the masses before physical death, before totally wearing out the physical body in resistance to evolution. Much more energy can be expended on the positive and much less wasted on the negative”.

Again, we note that objective reality does not support such a claim. If anything, since the inception of the New Age “movement,” if it can be so called, things have gotten a lot worse.

This leads to another point: it seems that we must accept the objective fact that attempts to change the world spiritually, or to regulate large scale events, simply do not work. Yes, there does seem to be evidence that individuals or small groups of individuals can make small changes or produce effects with a limited range of influence. But for some reason, the world as it is, seems to operate based on rules or laws that we do not understand. The fundamental nature of the physical world seems to be antithetical to this “spiritualization”.
One recent work that attempts to provide a scientific explanation for this ability to influence the world, Conscious Acts of Creation, tells us:

This book marks a sharp dividing line between old ways of scientific thought and old experimental protocols, wherein human qualities of consciousness, intention, emotion, mind and spirit cannot significantly affect physical reality, and a new paradigm wherein they can robustly do so!
The book, written by three mainstream scientists, goes on to tell us that:

…utilizing a unique experimental protocol on both inanimate and animate systems, that the human quality of focused intention can be made to act as a true thermodynamic potential and strongly influence experimental measurements for a variety of specific target experiments.
After almost 400 pages of math and speculation and descriptions of experiments we are told:

Under some conditions, it is indeed possible to attach an aspect of human consciousness, a specific intention, to a simple electrical device and have that device, when activated, robustly influence an experiment conducted in its vicinity in complete accord with the attached intention. Thus, if they do it right, humans can influence their environment via specific, sustained intentions. […] Some new field appears to be involved in the information passage that occurs between conditioned locales that are widely separated from each other in physical space. Even with transmitters and receivers located inside electrically grounded Faraday cages, highly correlated patterns of information appeared in the remotely located locales.[…] Although we don’t fully understand them, we now have some new tools with which to probe the deeper structures of the universe and a new adventure is underway for humanity.
It is important to note that the “intenders” of the experiments were long-time practitioners of Siddha Yoga and could thus be considered metaphysically “in tune” to some considerable extent. The question is: What did they accomplish? Based on the descriptions, it sounds pretty earth shaking, right? Well, as noted, after almost 400 pages we find that the most significant result seems to have been changing the pH of a small sample of water.

Yup. That’s it.

Nevertheless, this is important for the simple reason that they managed to scientifically demonstrate a principle, even if the overall result was that it was - most often - an iffy proposition and there didn’t seem to be a lot of control. Most results were “statistical” and this has always been a problem with the “create your own reality” idea. When all the data is examined, what we generally find is that it is six of one, half dozen of the other. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. What the real rules are, nobody seems to know.

While we all might like to think we can transform our world by praying and/or thinking positively, we must remember that there is a great deal of evidence that real transformations of the planet have repeatedly been cataclysmic. A philosophy, which ignores this fact, is courting disaster.

And so we have a clue that the problem may not be as easily solved as the many promoters of the different “methods or techniques of Ascension” would have us believe. The question then becomes: if the process of Ascension is possibly more complex than the many promoters of the various methods offered in our day would have us think, what is the reason for the 115,000 web pages?
You'll have to read the book for the rest.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
TRINITY4049 said:
The Pleadians also talked about it in Bringers of the Dawn. And I personally know, from my own experiences that it is possible to make things happen by focusing on them.
And yet, after billions of people keep focusing on peace - here we are. Another major thing to take away from what the C's have tried to impart to us, is that there is no free lunch in the universe.
I always thought that this little bit about many focusing on peace to be a bit of a fallacy. The reason being is that the intent behind "wanting peace" on an individual level could wholeheartedly be for personal agendas that don't mesh into a coherent "wish" or focus. E.g. "I want peace because my little Johnny will be home and out of harms way, even though he wants to be a hero", or "I want peace so that my husband can come home and keep me comfort and work down at the factory and then we'd also have enough money to redecorate", or "I want peace because I'm scared sh*tless about going to war and don't want my buddies knowing I'm a scared". There's got to be a million self-serving reasons like these amongst the altruistic, and heart-felt ones that come from the deep human (normal) psyche that cares about not hurting others.

But still, it is an incoherent signal overall, chaotic, in essence. With respect to these channeling messages that supposedly tell us how these things work, it would fit their model as to why we haven't seen evidence that it works this way. There's probably never been a clear coherent signal, and if there had been or is now, would we know it? Coherency implies there needs to be more than one. And then that brings us to how many are necessary to be coherent in order to bring form out of the formless? I'm not talking about hive-mind here, but the essence of pure co-linearity, shorn of personal "hooks" and unseen or un-acknowledged agendas, wherever that may lead.

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Another thing not to try is to pretend there is no time - unless you want to get fired, among other things. Trying to apply higher density concepts to 3rd density just doesn't work, and the only thing that results from it is ignorance and confusion.
Coffee through the nose on this one! I saw in my minds eye some New Ager affirming there is no time, sitting in their living room, while the phone rang off the hook, their boss leaving escalating threatening messages in voice mail, the bills coming through the slot and piling up, and "timelessness" being ignored when it was potty time!

There might be no time, but there sure is a 3D preponderance of imposed sequencing, eh?


[post edit for clarification]
Laura wrote:
... if you look at the world and say to yourself: Hmmm... I don't like this or that, I think I'll change it by concentrating on something to make it happen... the only message you are sending your subconscious - where the belief center manifests - is "What is going on is NOT okey." And that belief center will be stuck on "things are not okay" and that is what will manifest.
I was just thinking something similar because I rented a DVD of The Secret and started watching last night. So far it appears to be just a series of snippets of interviews with "experts" on the matter. OK, so it's about the Law of Attraction, and it works 24/7 and has a delayed effect, it works for everyone, all the time, etc. But I was absolutely blown away by a few early observations:
1. The total immersion of all the commentators in subjective "good" and "bad" terminology and the assumption that feeling good is the goal of life and that practically anything that makes you feel "good" is "good."
2. The explanation of what Laura mentions above (focusing on what's not OK attracts it to you), but suggesting that this should be overcome with self-programming that seems like it is designed to put a filter on the mind.
3. The complete, utter, total focus on using the secret for personal, 3D-thinking-oriented, STS, material gain and no mention yet of what this "choice" means on a spiritual level. That is, no repudiation of manipulation and control of things or people as negative.
4. How these things add up to, IMO, avoiding lessons and manipulating your way through life. Though, of course, you can find channeled material that says that "controlling" your world IS the primary lesson of 3D incarnation, as opposed to experiencing it and cognitively making choices for either self-service or universal service.

So, what happens if 10,000 men all convince themselves that they will have a date with the same supermodel in 2009? Are 10,000 different realities being created, populated with people and things that are our playthings? Sure, I guess it's possible that we are "creator gods" and all that, and each person is a god of their own personal universe -- even the C's said none of us would exist if we weren't "dreamed up" by someone else. But, wouldn't these creations of each person still deserve not to be manipulated and controlled?

What's really going on in the belief center when tone-deaf American Idol contestants can be seen exhibiting through-and-through, fire-in-the-eyes conviction that they have marvelous singing ability for which they should be rewarded with stardom and riches? This suggests to me a lot more complexity regarding visualization of an end result (probably regarding specificity and motive), and much more complexity to the subconscious belief center. What's going on there, I don't know.
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