Are Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook connected to the Mossad?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hello, I was reading articles about some secret operations of the Mossed around the world and this one seems an interesting one (although the blog/web site does not seem reliable):

Rewriting History

While researching for my articles I usually check out the BBC, the CNN and the Hebrew media. Not because they can be trusted, but because information appearing there would be hard to deny by the publishers: Walsinghamian governments. Today, I searched for Jonathan Pollard in the BBC, and got an article from May 12, 1998, named Israel admits it spied on USA (probably any cause would be true). The interesting point is that the article featured a picture subtitled “Jonathan Pollard with Israeli communications minister Limor Livnat who visited him in prison.” The picture was gone. Apparently it had turned unpleasant for Limor Livnat and was removed.

It wasn't the first time I found retroactive changes in the BBC (probably tomorrow they'll return the picture to prove me wrong). The most awesome page I saw there was when they redesigned their History page a few years ago; on the otherwise blank page they put a message saying "History is being rewritten, we apologize for the inconvenience"

I was less amused when I turned to Wikipedia and searched for Pollard I got a disambiguation page with several options. Of course Jonathan Pollard wasn't there. Only by clicking on 'People Named Pollard, the most famous Pollard', Jonathan, appeared. Somebody is really working hard to make articles on, and pictures of, Jonathan Pollard hard to find. History is being rewritten in front of our eyes.

This emphasizes the importance of independent websites and of human rights and freedoms.

Nothing is under government control except its will to make us believe so. - Roi Tov

Born in 1984

I care very little about Mark Zuckerberg formal statistics; he was born "at least in spirit" in 1984. On September 2010, he gave an interview to the Oprah Winfrey Show. Among other things he suggested not to talk about politics or religion.

"Politics can be defined as the peaceful solution of conflicts." The only alternative to politics is violence and war. Religion defines ones attitude toward God and his fellow humans. As such religion is the base for our politics. There is no other choice for each one of us to be actively involved in both. Any other claim takes us straight into the criminal hands of the Big Brother; then, every year would become 1984.


Surprisingly, the first two parts of this article are related.

Jonathan Jay Pollard, an American Jew who worked in the Navy, was an Israeli spy. His handler was a senior officer of the Israeli Air Force. Pollard was sentenced to life in prison on one count of espionage on March 4, 1987. The full extent of information he gave to his Israeli bosses was never revealed. Pollard applied for Israeli citizenship 1995; his petition was granted the same year. Benjamin Netanyahu visited him in 2002. Three Israeli Prime Ministers attempted to get him pardoned and failed. In 1998, Israel formally admitted Pollard was spying for Israel.

Ben-ami Kadish is a former U.S. Army mechanical engineer. He pleaded guilty in December 2008 to being an "unregistered agent for Israel", and admitted to disclosing classified U.S. documents to Israel in the 1980s. The American judging him - Judge William H. Pauley III - said: "Why it took the government 23 years to charge Mr. Kadish is shrouded in mystery."

About the same time, Victor Ostrovsky in his book By Way of Deception described the issue of worldwide Jewish-Israeli espionage extensively. The Mossad uses "sayanim," (helpers in Hebrew) or local Jews living in foreign countries as its organizational base. Every Jewish community outside Israel acts as a Fifth Column for the State of Israel. Many Jews act as dormant agents for the State of Israel, systematically attempting to get access to specific technologies or powers designed by their coward handlers, who wait in cozy safe houses far in the backlines. As recently commented, Jews sacrifice their children instead of themselves, they are Bad Shepherds. Pollard answers to this category of patsies.

Jewish criminal activities are directed also toward American citizens. In the past, I commented on the attack on Hedy Epstein, an American Jewish 85 year-old woman, survivor of WWII, who was attacked in Kansas due to her support of Palestine. In Jewish Terror Reaches California, I reported various attacks on Kathleen O'Connor Wong, an American citizens who supports the Free Gaza Movement. I could mention also the many attacks against me and other refugees. Make no mistake, all these are crimes. Most Jews not openly opposing Israeli policies, are financial slaves of the Jewish establishment.

For those still in doubts, it is worth reminding that the Kennedy administration ordered the American Zionist Council “ AIPACs predecessor“ to register as an agent of the Israeli government under the Foreign Agents Registration Act on November 21, 1962. The answer led to the dismantling of the former and the foundation of AIPAC. The same -jezebel-, though now wearing a new dress.

In 1992, AIPAC President David Steiner was forced to resign after he was recorded saying: "I met with (then Bush U.S. Secretary of State) Jim Baker and I cut a deal with him. I got, besides the $3 billion, you know they're looking for the Jewish votes, and I'll tell him whatever he wants to hear ... Besides the $10 billion in loan guarantees which was a fabulous thing, $3 billion in foreign, in military aid, and I got almost a billion dollars in other goodies that people don't even know about."

In 2005, AIPAC policy director Steven Rosen and AIPAC senior Iran analyst Keith Weissman were fired by the organization due to an FBI investigation into whether they passed classified U.S. information received from Franklin to the government of Israel. They were later indicted for illegally conspiring to gather and disclose classified national security information to Israel. In parallel, the US Justice Department announced that Lawrence Anthony Franklin, a U.S. Air Force Reserves colonel working as a DoD analyst at the Pentagon, had been arrested and charged by the FBI with providing classified national defense information to Israel. The criminal complaint identified AIPAC by name and described a meeting in which, Franklin disclosed top-secret information to two AIPAC officials. Franklin pleaded guilty to passing government secrets to Rosen and Weissman and revealed for the first time that he also gave classified information directly to an Israeli government official in Washington. He was sentenced to 151 months in prison and fined.

We have a clear picture: Israel systematically spies on the US. In The Cross of Bethlehem I describe two technologies transfers to Israel, which I saw from very close. The one from America cost me my earthly life; I became a refugee.

Given this background, the life story of Mark Zuckerberg looks slightly different from what mainstream media claims. He was born into a Jewish family; his compromise to Judaism was so big that he had a Bar Mitzvah at the age of 13. Don't laugh at this; this isn't just a familiar event with good food. A Bar Mitzvah is the formal acceptance of Judaism from those born into Jewish families. It isn't a familiar obligation, but an act of choice. Growing up in a Communist Kibbutz, I must tell that only a minority of its kids chose to participate in such a questionable event. Yet, Mark was happy to participate.

That means Mark Zuckerberg was in an excellent position to become a formal sayan of the Mossad. Did he become one? Let's see. He entered Harvard, and violated it s computers, robbing an important database. He belonged to Alpha Epsilon Pi, a Jewish fraternity. Then, Harvard students Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss, and Divya Narendra accused Zuckerberg of intentionally making them believe he would help them build a social network called (later called ConnectU); in such a way, Mark Zuckerberg stole the technology that allowed him to build Facebook.

One could claim that Mossad wanted to get formal access technology. It is useful for monitoring and controlling social networks, as I recently discovered after opening a Facebook account. Spotting Zuckerberg as a cooperative individual wasn't hard. Giving him an informal tip on how to break into Harvard's computers was even easier. Explaining him how to trick out the technology from Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss, and Divya Narendra “non of them would have cooperated with Mossad“ was also easy. Afterwards, the marketing of Facebook against other social media networks was easy due to the Harvard connection, everybody wanted to share the splendor.

Facts speak for themselves: Zuckerberg stole technology in a method not unknown to Mossad. It belongs to the most faithful recruitment base of that organization. Let me ask you, Mr. Zuckerberg: are you Mossad?

There isn't a lot of data in this article but we all know that social media is controlled in many ways, this could make a possible connection between facebook and Mossad.
The article just poses the question in an speculative way, no in-depth analysis or investigation nor suggestive circumstancial evidence. Although the fact that Facebook is a spying machine is not subject to debate. Would it be surprising if he was, I doubt it.
Navigator said:
The article just poses the question in an speculative way, no in-depth analysis or investigation nor suggestive circumstancial evidence. Although the fact that Facebook is a spying machine is not subject to debate. Would it be surprising if he was, I doubt it.

Yes, that is why I i put the tittle with question mark, I remember Israel prime minister making a visit to Apple inc and facebook two years ago while he was on an official tour in EEUU, later after snowdewn List of companies helping the NSA thing went public and later the article of he NSA sharing data with Israel one wonders.. but again this is speculative as you said and brings to think if these personalities (CEOs or famous people) comes to the light with some kind of training or agreement some how at some level :huh:
Here is something interesting and scary

In a way, it pays to offer some personal information for a better experience with online ads, which we all hate so much. However, Facebook Messenger's attempt to collect so much information and take control of our devices is unprecedented and, quite frankly, frightening. The fact that over a 1,000,000,000 people have accepted these terms is an alarming insight into the future of mobile apps and personal security.

If they are receiving financial 'seed capital' from them or any other intel agency directly or indirectly through one of their NGOs, then that question would be answered with a yes.... connected, but never so directly, usually through handlers that specialize in such financial operations... and Wall Street in full of them.
I just realized that i did not properly disable my link. Perhaps a mod can take care of it?
gdpetti said:
If they are receiving financial 'seed capital' from them or any other intel agency directly or indirectly through one of their NGOs, then that question would be answered with a yes.... connected, but never so directly, usually through handlers that specialize in such financial operations... and Wall Street in full of them.

Well I think that is how they work: indirectly. They have executives on the board of directors who are jews and zionist in most important companies around the world.
FB was a DARPA type project. Zerohedge doesn't let you search past 18 months, so I can't find it. The article was essentially how Larry Summers or is it Sumners? assisted then student Zuck into setting up what became FB later. Zuck stole the foundational idea from another student at the school, and had FB later pay compensation when the student later sued the him/company. I don't remember if it was DARPA or the CIA investment arm, but it was a continuation of their previous research project.... so I think it was from the Pentagon.
If they are receiving financial 'seed capital' from them or any other intel agency directly or indirectly through one of their NGOs, then that question would be answered with a yes.... connected, but never so directly, usually through handlers that specialize in such financial operations... and Wall Street in full of them.
A lengthy but good article, osit.

Here is the portion I found somewhat related. The author focuses more on Musk but I feel the same can be said about Zuckerberg and F.B.

The important point is that the planning for these sector take-overs seldom originates with the public face of the operation. Instead, these are often connected parts of a worldwide long-term plan for control of these sectors. I covered some of this in a prior article titled ‘Today’s Jewish Corporate Heroes – Virgin Births All’,[68]
dealing with Google, Facebook and a few others. It is apparent that neither Zuckerberg nor the Google Twins were capable of creating almost instantly a world leader in their respective sectors. To accomplish such a result requires unlimited financing and the application of enormous amounts of financial and political pressure, plus determined planning and intense media support. This applies equally to others like Wikipedia, Amazon, Starbucks, and many others who seemed to come from almost nowhere to being world leaders in a very short time. The process has been the same in all cases, and it certainly applies today to the current “Richest Man in the World”, Elon Musk.

All you have to do is think. Using Elon Musk as an example, the man appeared to come from literally nowhere and yet suddenly “owns” the world’s largest auto manufacturer. Musk at the same time began an aggressive program of launching tens of thousands of communications satellites, and then SpaceX, “Elon Musk’s private spaceflight company”, the maker of the Starship, planning International Space Station missions, no less. Then we have Musk buying Twitter for $44 billion.

In the last 100 years, anyone attempting to create a new auto company and brand has met with disaster, but Musk apparently experienced not a hiccup with the Tesla that is suddenly a world favorite. This would have required perhaps ten years of planning and design, the planning of factories and production, the creation of supply lines, the testing and certification, and so much more, but with Tesla this apparently all occurred overnight in a vacuum. Are we to believe Elon Musk designed the Tesla? There is no evidence Musk has the ability to design even a dipstick, much less an entire car, so how did all this occur and what was the source of the background billions required to bring this project to fruition? Musk played no part in the creation of the Tesla. He just somehow showed up at the end, “owning” the company.

Similarly, the aggressive program of communication satellites that “Elon Musk” has launched; this as well would require many years of planning and design, to say nothing of arranging the launch facilities and obtaining the necessary thousands of paying customers. This again would require years and billions of dollars in financing but, like Bezos’ space flight program, this one suddenly appeared in full bloom, operating, launched, and ready to go. Who did the planning for this? It certainly wasn’t Musk, so who was behind it? And the money for all this came from where? “Musk’s” Tesla has never made a profit, so where would he obtain the billions for a pie-in-the-sky system of tens of thousands of communications satellites? Nothing like this can happen without a decade or more of intensive planning and an enormous investment, and obviously none of that came from Musk.

These would be enough challenge for any man, but then we had “Elon Musk” buying Twitter for $44 billion. How would that happen? We are told that Musk suddenly has wealth of – vaguely – $200 billion, with no detail, but presumably from stock holdings in “his” Tesla. But are we to assume that Musk has an extra $44 billion in loose cash sitting in the bank to purchase Twitter? That’s not possible, and Musk isn’t selling half his interest in Tesla shares to finance it, so what is the source of the money? The media confuse this by providing only a few sound bytes but no detail, and thus we have thoughts loosely in our minds that Musk is very wealthy and could somehow afford to purchase Twitter, but all we need to do is think to realise that is impossible.
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg does one-eighty on META, reevaluating his position on the Freedom of Speech 🤔

Conservatives on social media took a victory lap on Tuesday in response to the news that Meta had ended its controversial fact-checking practices and promised to move toward a system more focused on free speech.

"Meta finally admits to censoring speech…what a great birthday present to wake up to and a huge win for free speech," GOP Sen. Rand Paul posted on X on Tuesday in response to news, first reported by Fox News Digital, that Meta is ending its fact-checking program and lifting restrictions on speech to "restore free expression" across Facebook, Instagram and Meta platforms, admitting its current content moderation practices have "gone too far."

"Jaw dropping—he explicitly says Meta will ‘adopt a system like X has of community notes’ because of the bias/abuse of 3rd party fact checkers," Independent Women's Forum visiting fellow Lyndsey Fifield posted on X in response to Meta’s chief global affairs officer, Joel Kaplan, speaking to Fox News Channel’s "Fox & Friends" Tuesday morning for an exclusive interview to discuss the changes.

"Nature is healing," Fifield said.

"There is absolutely 0 chance this would have happened if Trump didn’t win," Abigail Jackson, communications director for GOP Sen. Josh Hawley, posted on X.

"Here is the full video from Mark Zuckerberg announcing the end of censorship and misinformation policies," Breaking Points co-host Sagaar Enjeti posted on X. "I highly recommend you watch all of it as tonally it is one of the biggest indications of ‘elections have consequences’ I have ever seen."

"Zuck is committed to cleaning house," journalist Jordan Schachtel posted on X. "Question the motives or not, this is a very real commitment and it's good news for speech on the internet. Of course, probably not possible to pull off without Trump winning."

Meta’s third-party fact-checking program was put in place after the 2016 election and had been used to "manage content" and misinformation on its platforms, largely due to "political pressure," executives said, but admitted the system has "gone too far."

Since then, the process has drawn the ire of conservatives who have accused the platform of politically driven censoring while pointing to several examples of content being silenced, including the bombshell New York Post reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which Zuckerberg admitted the Biden White House pressured him to do and later called the move a mistake.


Kaplan said Meta currently uses automated systems, which he said make "too many mistakes" and removes content "that doesn’t even violate our standards." He also said there are certain things Meta will continue to moderate, like posts relating to terrorism, illegal drugs and child sexual exploitation.

Zuckerberg also pointed out in his video message on Tuesday that moderation teams will be moving from California to Texas, where he suggested there will be "less concern about the bias of our teams."

"We’re going to get back to our roots and focus on reducing mistakes, simplifying our policies and restoring free expression on our platforms," Zuckerberg said. "More specifically, we’re going to get rid of fact-checkers and replace them with Community Notes similar to X, starting in the U.S."

Fox News Digital’s Brooke Singman contributed to this report.

The complex systems FB built to "moderate content" have been "making mistakes" censoring "millions of people".

Recent elections are a "cultural tipping point towards prioritizing free speech".

FB is going to get rid of "fact checkers" and replace them with Community Notes, because fact checkers have been too politically biased.

FB is going to simplify content policies and get rid of restrictions on topics like immigration and gender that are out of touch with mainstream discourse.

FB goal to be be more inclusive has been used to shut down opinions and shut out people with different ideas.

FB will make sure people can share their experiences and beliefs.

FB will dramatically reduce the amount of censorship on the platform.

FB will bring back "civic content", i.e. political opinion.

FB will move Trust and Safety and Content Moderation teams from California to Texas.

Most notable. FB will work with Trump to push back on governments around the world that are going after American companies and engaging in censorship.

Zuckerberg explicitly states that the Biden govt. has facilitated this move towards global censorship by going after FB and other US companies, because it emboldened and encouraged other governments around the world to do the same, and go even further.

Interestingly, he doesn't mention that this censorship drive by the US govt. and censorship on FB etc. has been going on for at least 8 years (not just the last 4). That is to say, "the government" was able to put pressure on FB and other SM platforms to censor content under the first Trump admin!

Anyway, time will tell how well FB etc. does in this process of restoring free speech, but the fact that there is a move in that direction really does show that people power at the polls still works. As long as you make it "too big to rig".
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Well, somehow I have a hard time believing in Zuckerberg's sincerity. I don't trust the guy, unless proven otherwise. I would bet on a deliberate move by the PTB. But who knows?

My guess is that he's seeing how much more money can be made, and more data can be gathered/sold, if FB increases free speech, which is popular, resulting in an increase in usership.
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