Article on the drum beats to war with Iran


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I read this long article by Webster Tarpley on some of the scenarios leading up to a war with Iran. I thought it was well written with loads of information tied up in the article playing with different pieces of the puzzle from military, financial, economic and political aspects.


It is genuinely appalling to realize that we are now back to something resembling the desperate situation of 2002, with Iran as the target this time around. One rule of thumb which many learned during the Bush-Cheney years is that the attack is likely to start during the dark of the moon. This suggests a possible timetable built around August 10, September 8, or October 7 of this year, or perhaps some time later. It may come as an October surprise, as de Borchgrave seems to suggest. We are back once again to the classic predicament of persons of good will in recent decades: get active or get radioactive. So it’s time to get active.

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