Attacks on Journalists at the G20

SocietyoftheSpectacle said:
Luke , Lauren and Most of the other ALT Right that used the pizzagate MEME to
gather numbers ,
All moved to supporting Trump.
and effectively broke much of the truther movement apart.

They are not independent.

There's a video exposing how dishonest and slanted Lauren is here:

I feel that it's all for show, this Trump vs left. Like others have said, divide and conquer.
SocietyoftheSpectacle said:
Luke , Lauren and Most of the other ALT Right that used the pizzagate MEME to
gather numbers ,
All moved to supporting Trump.
and effectively broke much of the truther movement apart.

They are not independent.

Do you have any evidence of this? Is it really so hard to believe that evidence that the democrats were running a pedophile ring in DC would draw people away from those whose names were attached to it? :rolleyes: Also, the truther movement has been highly fragmented since (literally) day zero. Mossad did 9/11. You'll find hundreds of "truthers" out there who only seem to be able to talk about Saudi Arabia's (or if they're especially ignorant, George W. Bush's) relation to the sinister plot. Is this Lauren Southern or Trump's fault, SocietyoftheSpectacle? It is another intelligence Psy-Op. It was conducted by the same types that were set back in the last election by Trump's ascendancy.

Divide By Zero said:
There's a video exposing how dishonest and slanted Lauren is here:
I feel that it's all for show, this Trump vs left. Like others have said, divide and conquer.

I tried to watch the video, but Thunderf00t is really hard to follow. Not in the sense of its sophistication, but more in the sense of its poor argumentation about what amounts to really trivial points. Funnily enough, LS gave what IMO was a well-reasoned reply to TF's video here: _ At any rate, TF has been accused of misrepresentation of his own here _ and its sequel here _, so I wouldn't take what he says at face value.

There is a much more blatant example of collusion between the intelligence agencies and the Antifa/Black Bloc in Syria, under the flag of the Kurdish YPG.

LGBT brigades in Syria: Western anarcho-leftists get militarized, train with Western-backed Kurdish YPG.

The Western corporate press is now having a field day promoting the latest Western incarnation of destabilization in Syria - the new "anti-ISIS" LGBT brigades. No, this isn't a prank. According to a number of sources, LGBT brigades of fighters in Syria are now joining forces with Western-backed Kurdish fighters in order "fight back against ISIS" for the persecution of homosexuals under jihadist rule as well as attacks on communities outside of terrorist jurisdiction.

Still, while the Western media is hyping the new brigades as an example of empowerment and anti-terrorist heroism, there is much more to the story than meets the eye. In addition, it involves a number of different factions and Western intelligence activity both at home and abroad.

Among the quotes of this video: "this is our Stalingrad". If there is was a Stalingrad in Syria, it was Aleppo. This type of leftism, that makes itself an accessory to imperialism, really needs to take a good look at itself in the mirror.
voyageur said:
voyageur said:
As for Lauren, that's interesting, I did not know she was actually doing this sort of stuff _ Had seen her rant about Muslims while making blanket statements before, and know of whom she works. On the other hand, some things they have done (the Rebel crew) I've thought were examples of asking good questions too. In that respect, they can, as you infer, play to the crown and the divisions therein.

Just wanted to offer what Lauren said in defending her position that day: _

Lauren Southern On Stopping Refugees and Getting Detained

Whatever the case as things tend to get proportioned, to one extent or another - whatever the true underline motive of exposures she is trying to ultimately make; and she is pointing out a few obvious things on sovereignty (not that there is any true sovereignty), this is bound to create a further rift, and of course peoples lives are at stake. There is, though, much going on behind the scenes as anyone following Libya knows of Gaddafi's warning, and the EU paying off Turkey to keep refugees there and then the mass release to the EU, the rest is history. However, plenty of people and their families have been caught in the political crossfire. I'm not so sure that Lauren has ever mentioned the fact that a lot of homes in other countries were obliterated and peoples lives amputated from communities that once thrived in their own way.

As for antifa, here she is again in NYC _ during a counter protest.

As luc said:

With regards to the Black block and such, this clearly smells like an epic psy-op. Kind of like Jihadi mercenaries, just with a different ideology. Divide and conquer at its best, and it works like a charm!

My thinking is much in line with Luc's, that there was some type of "epic psy-op" game going on with the protests and activity outside of G20 meetings?

Lauren Southern and Luke might have been used as part of that psy-op, as a diversionary tactic, as well as Antifa? The reason I suspect that - is a report of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (a Democrat) traveling to Germany to join a protest against President Trump, even though Blasio was set to attend the funeral of a New York police officer killed the day before?

Add to that, Obama has been "shadowing Trump" where ever he goes, including showing up at G20 in Germany. Articles to that effect were Posted here:,43576.1140.html

Neither Blasio or Obama have invitations to the official G20 meetings - so what are they doing there? Could this have something to do with the Journalists being targeted - to run interference, so Obama's and Blasio's activities won't be monitored or filmed?

Considering the latest developments in Washington, with Congress passing more sanctions aimed at Russia but hurting the EU Countries including Germany and France, what part does Obama play in this? The way I see it, Thump has been forced in "a no-win" situation? If he veto's the new sanctions, he's in trouble and if he signs the Bill, he's still screwed?

'Trump to Suffer Personal Defeat' if Congress Overcomes His Veto of Sanctions
Saw this on RT yesterday:

Over 80% of Germans see ‘growing problem’ with political extremism – poll

Some 81 percent of Germans think their country has a growing problem with political extremism, a recent survey by YouGov and Statista found. Only 12 percent of respondents said political extremism isn’t much of a problem. The lion’s share of respondents - 78 percent - believe that German authorities have lost control of the problem.
Three in every five Germans (61 percent) have thrown their weight behind the idea of enhancing the struggle against all kinds of extremism, from the far left and the far right, the survey showed. At least 46 percent of respondents believe that radical political parties should be banned.
Almost as many, 43 percent, believe that enhanced CCTV surveillance would be a good way to tackle political extremism.
About two in five people (41 percent) want left-wing centers (like Hamburg’s Rote Flora) to be shut down and a stronger police presence at political rallies, the survey revealed.
Germany's police crime statistics report revealed in late April that at least 3,372 cases of politically or ideologically motivated crimes by foreigners were recorded in 2016 - up 66 percent compared to 2015, Focus reported.
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