Australia: a surprise

E said:
Hi mkrnhr, why did you erase your comment?

:P it was too sharp the mirror thing, I was uncomfortable with it. I just noticed that now that Laura and Ark didn't like the movie we will have a tendency to dislike it and to find many defaults. There is the before and the after of Laura's appreciation, which leads to ask about what kind a program running in this case.

E said:
EDIT: Okay now I'm just confused by your replacement comment...
Just to not leave a void message that would have worried some as a malfunction of the forum :-[
Pinkerton said:
To be fair, she is Australian so I don't know how much she has to "fake" a British accent, or even if that is the accent she was attempting to portray. Maybe she was just speaking with her natural Aussie accent?

If you see the movie you will know what I mean, and man aren't you mistaken, British and Australian accent , biiiig difference. But I heard many times Americans are unable to distinguish between Australians and Brits.

Kidman was attempting posh British accent and she sounded like she was mocking it.

In any case Kidman sounded contrived and fake in better part of the movie. For that matter she looked the same, plastic fantastic ( I kept thinking - what a shame - what Hollywood did to her as i remember how pretty and natural she was in the Dead Calm or Days of the Thunder - at the begining of her career) - but still I give it thumbs up as this movie can be enjoyed as a light entertainment and gripping Hollywood spectacle, at least there is happy ending and the good guys win against all odds.
Hmm I wrote this before seeing Mkrnhr's last comment or the one she deleted. I wnet straight to reply to Pinkerton before reading the rest of the thread.

Since I was the only one commenting after Laura I presume Mkrnh was giving me a "sharp mirror".

I hope my last comment clarifies it. But if it doesn't here it is - in spite Laura's and Ark's dislike for the movie I really enjoyed it and would gladly recommend it as great fun. So no program at all, just being realistic. The fact that I didn't like Kidman's performance, which is where I agreed with Laura didn't diminish my appreciation of the movie.
I am very much aware that movie preferences are highly individual thing and depend on many factors , plus I am definitely not on this forum because I blindly believe everything Ark or Laura say, or because I don't have my own brain to use. Quite contrary.

Maybe that is why you were uncomfortable with your comment. Or maybe I am completely off and you were not referring to my comment at all.
In any case I thought explanation was in order, in case you didn't get it from my last comment.
[quote author=Corto Maltese]
what Hollywood did to her

Or what Tom Cruise did to her ... look at Katie Holmes :O Girl in trouble!

Okay now I have to see this movie! ;)
Ya'll definitely do NOT need for me or Ark to like a movie! I watch a lot of movies (during sauna) that Ark would NEVER sit through and he likes some movies I don't care for at all. For example, yesterday we watched "Judgment at Nuremberg." I thought it was a great movie with excellent dialogue, speeches, etc. It did NOT seem like it was almost 3 hours long at all. But, Ark got bored with it about 1/3 of the way through and wanted to go back to his math.

I watched the entire Forsyte Saga during saunas last year but Ark wanted nothing to do with it. All the girls in the house like it too, but the guys think its boring.

We all loved "Bleak House" (by BBC) including Ark, but he would never have watched it at one sitting. (Way too long!)

The young people in the house liked "Australia" and recommended it to us, but it just wasn't our cup of tea.

I like creature features, Ark doesn't. We both like whodunnits and Perry Mason, though.

Additionally, Ark prefers Bach and Mozart, I prefer Beethoven and Puccini operas. I like Pink Floyd, Ark doesn't really understand why... But he DOES like Bob Seger and we agree on a lot of country/western music. He likes some jazz, I can't stand it. I guess that, between the two of us, we like a broad range of music and movies - much broader than either of us individually and neither of us thinks that the other is "weird" for not liking this, or liking that. Only if it was really, objectively, lousy...
Corto Maltese, I did censure myself because my message could be mistakenly seen as personal. I am happy with you reaction and now I understand better that you're not directly concerned by my remark. Sorry if I hurt you anyway. (BTW, i am "he", not "she")
[quote author=mkrnhr today] (BTW, i am "he", not "she")

Easy to see where the confusion came from though - through your avatar! :lol:

Perhaps Corto Maltese missed your posts where you quite definitely state your gender! ;)
Ya'll definitely do NOT need for me or Ark to like a movie! I watch a lot of movies (during sauna) that Ark would NEVER sit through and he likes some movies I don't care for at all. For example, yesterday we watched "Judgment at Nuremberg." I thought it was a great movie with excellent dialogue, speeches, etc. It did NOT seem like it was almost 3 hours long at all. But, Ark got bored with it about 1/3 of the way through and wanted to go back to his math.

Vive le difference! :D

Hubby will sit through what I find to be intolerably bad sci-fi, just because its sci-fi. I'll sit through what I know is a silly movie for sheer fun, and he'll be rolling his eyes and looking for a laptop. Our tastes in music mesh well, but diverge when it comes to sixties rock, which he plays to death, and opera, which I love and he considers to be the lovelorn calls of alleycats. :rolleyes:

We both love campy horror movies, and animation. He just took me to see the Wolverine movie, because he knows I like the character and Hugh Jackman. If I can't bear to go see a movie, Hubby's encouraged to go with his buddies. (What was so bad I couldn't bear seeing it? Team America World Police.)(Ew)

A small list of movies I've refused to see and will never bother with: Gone with the Wind, It's a wonderful Life, and Grease. Hubby's seen all of those, and is still stunned that I won't watch them just to say I've done it.

He watched all the Battlestar Gallactica shows, which I couldn't stand.

I went through all the Xena: Warrior Princess shows during my P/T, then all the Hercules: Legendary Journeys, and now I'm on Season 5 of the Rockford Files. Hubby will watch the Rockford Files, but ran for his garage shop if he was home for the rest. :D (I've got a system where I ride a recumbent bike slowly through the episodes each day, and the shows were good for pacing.)

Between us we like a real wide range of things. Sometimes we'll go watch something we wouldn't normally see, just to keep from being in a rut. I've been able to find some of the movies discussed on the forum and enjoyed a few. :D
mkrnhr said:
Corto Maltese, I did censure myself because my message could be mistakenly seen as personal. I am happy with you reaction and now I understand better that you're not directly concerned by my remark. Sorry if I hurt you anyway. (BTW, i am "he", not "she")
no offense taken mkrnhr
apologies for gender confusion, in fact bedower is right- I am always very much under the impression of avatar, even if I might have read before that you are a dude ,I am predominantly visual type. I wont make this mistake again that's for sure now. :)
I thought that Australia was pretty good but I don't think I'd watch it twice. I have never really liked Nicole Kidman but thought that she did a fair enough acting job. The little boy was absolutely adorable!!

BTW: Gone with the Wind is one of the BEST movies ever made. I have watched it at least 5 times. Objectively. :P
Corto Maltese said:
no offense taken
No offense at all, gender doesn't matter after all. It is however natural to be mislead as pointed by bedower. I am thinking of changing the avatar but I'm used to this one now :p Will change soon as i find something.
[quote author=Andromeda]
BTW: Gone with the Wind is one of the BEST movies ever made.

"Frankly my dear, I" agree!

[quote author=Gimpy]
Vive le difference!

Gimpy, when you mentioned "It's a Wonderful Life", I thought for a second you meant "Life is Beautiful" and thought Whaa?!?
Gimpy, when you mentioned "It's a Wonderful Life", I thought for a second you meant "Life is Beautiful" and thought Whaa?!?

Only got to see snippets of that one. Had a lot going on when it came out, and kind of forgot about it. :halo: I'm more of a nature/documentary person. I loved the Sigourney Weaver narration of the Planet Earth series.

On the whole, I'm not super picky about movies, I'm just weird about some of the 'classics'. ;) No offense to those who love em.
I second that GWTW is one of the best movies ever made. It is, IMO, perfect in casting, sets, costume, acting, script, etc. And that's from a person who read the book before seeing the movie. We periodically watch it around here just to re-marvel at the perfection. Gimpy, DO watch it at least once. Not to say you did it, but because it is so damn good! There's some intense stuff in there that makes for a good discussion.

One of my favorite movies is "Tombstone." I just LOVE Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday!
[quote author=Laura]
There's some intense stuff in there that makes for a good discussion.


It's also a movie that certain people would experience as a sad ending, and others (like me) as a happy ending (at least eventually, not initially when I was a kid), depending on your vantage point. I guess if you've ever experienced unanswered 'love' you identify strongly with it.

It reminds me of something a father said to his son in Wilbur Smith's Birds of Prey - "Your love is a valuable currency, spend it in the right market." For some reason that sentence just stuck with me.

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