Australia preparing for war with China

Hi go2, sorry I drifted off.... yes, thanks it does, a bit.

I guess moving toward internal fiat currency blocks, can mean moving to a cashless world (as per the Cs quote above). That is, the two ideas are inclusive.

I found the sentence "With the international account balances settled in gold." of interest and I'm still pondering (world finance stuff isn't really my area; some terms and concepts escape me).

I immediately think of alchemy and the suggestion that PTB have the ability to manufacture gold.

Just ponderings.
I found the sentence "With the international account balances settled in gold." of interest and I'm still pondering (world finance stuff isn't really my area; some terms and concepts escape me).

I immediately think of alchemy and the suggestion that PTB have the ability to manufacture gold.


Paul Mylchreest has done fabulously detailed research into data on the daily trading of gold on the London OTC market. He concludes that 2,134 tonnes of gold are traded each and every day. That is a shocking number because this is 346 times larger than all the gold that is mined in the world each day.

maybe the PTB are planning on making more gold plated tungsten bars?? :evil: :evil:

-- Fake Tungsten Gold Found
wanderer33 said:
I have just finished a blog on a related topic. I have collected a deal of evidence to suggest that the Chinese are using the minerals which we sell them (lots of iron ore and other war industry minerals) to build up their armed forces. In essence Australia is providing the Chinese with the raw materials to threaten us and anyone else they choose.

It is ironic that Robert Menzies was nick named "pig iron Bob" by the left wing in Australia for supplying raw materials to the Japanese which they used to arm themselves and build a large navy. They used to it to effect in WW2 and almost invaded us.

I wonder if sometime down the track, Rudd will be seen as "pig iron Kevin?"

BTW, the Chinese navy is growing rapidly, it will be larger than the US navy in a short period of time. Also the Chinese navy have moved into the Mediterranean Sea. It was invited by Italy. So their naval sphere of influence is quite large.

The only way to effectively threaten Australia is with naval power. We are an island. China is rapidly acquiring the means to threaten us. Make no mistake.
Are you insane?? THe US have 11 Carriers, the Chinese have 1. The general arms build up being conducted by China is so they can reclaim a deterent, since their military has fell behind severely compared to other nations of similiar economic power. They are quite entitled in my view to recover some of their deterence through military build up and not have other nations claim they are preparing for war. Perhaps you think they should be like New Zealand and dismantle their ability to maintain a deterence to other countries who might covet their natural resources?

I suppose it's okay for the US, and their 18000 (compared to China's 4,500 odd) aircraft and their 11 aircraft carriers to posture their military might and to expect China to remain effectively defenceless?
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