Awaken with JP Sears

Yupo said:
On a more serious note, he has this very good video about being in a relationship with a narcissist.

Very interesting. It seems like when he speaks about "patheticness", at least in some cases he speaks about "covert narcissism" that differs from "overt narcissism" in being "poor me"/"I am insignificant" approach. Here are two articles that talk about it.
It has been a long road to understanding the marriage dynamics of my parents. But this bit about narcissist/victim dance nails it. Divorced in 1972 and still fighting. Mom is still milking pity by being his victim. I wonder now is her sudden blindness isn't also part of the 'pity me' narcissism.
Nico said:
A TedX from JPSears : Saying Yes! to your Weirdness.

He teaches us to embody our weirdness in accepting the inside weird stuffs which make who we are.

Thanks, I actually had written on my computer post it note to post this video, but I passed it off as unimportant and deleted it. The main thing he says is that your weirdness is a part of who you are and it is about self expression.

I pretty much agree with that. And I've noticed I've started to be a bit more of my former quirky self. I almost forgot how to genuinely laugh and enjoy myself. And that helps with all of the crazy things going on in the world. But I don't want all of my former self to come back, just the genuine ability to take appreciate light-hearted things and laugh more.

Anyone agree that being silly or quirky helps with sanity in our world?
I doubt it's intentional, but in this video, Sear is definitely serving as a useful idiot to discourage anyone from believing the human race is asleep and enslaved by 4D STS.

Trump and The Illuminati Rising
Here’s JP, showing up to profoundly illustrate the general experiences of outsourcing ones “Health Management” to mainstream medicine, in my opinion.
Man, JP Sears keeps running straight at the System.
Hopefully he can avoid the gaze of “The Eye of Sauron”.
All I got for him at this point, is...“Stay Gold, Ponyboy”.
Here’s JP, showing up to profoundly illustrate the general experiences of outsourcing ones “Health Management” to mainstream medicine, in my opinion.
The 'doctor' in the video looks like Dr. Bryan Ardis (the Covid 'snake venom' hypothesis guy). :lol:

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