Back to the past


Jedi Council Member
Last month I dreamed that I was going in the future with a man, and this month I dreamed that I was going in the past.,44852.msg733635.html#msg733635
Here is the dream of this month:

I am with a man, we are moving into a cave.
Before leaving this cave, I understand that I went in the 1970s. I am excited, I find myself in the 1970s. I arrive in a first trade, a restaurant / bar / tobacco, further afield is a second trade, a hotel, to which we can reach by the first trade. I think I confuse the two businesses a bit, but I know they still exist in October 2017, but have changed a lot. When I arrive at the cafe, I see the zinc of a bar counter, young women are leaning on it, and I smiled to see the clothes of that time. I find these women pretty and sexy. But what really interests me, before starting my exploration at this time, is to taste the coffee. The shop is very modest. However, it has magnificent stones of old engravings. They seem to be sarcophagi of an era prior to the Middle Ages or Merovingian. There are at least two of these beautiful period stones. But they are not highlighted at all.
One of the stones is a few inches from the toilet bowl and the other is in a completely crazy place. These stones have an inestimable financial and historical value. In the dream, what intrigues me is that I know that in 2017, these stones belong to the hotel, the second trade. Over time, the hotel bought the stones at the bar. Thanks to these purchases, the hotel has prospered, it has become a Paris luxury hotel.
I wonder how this bar was able to sell and sell these stones of great value, at the hotel?
Maybe the value is a reflection of our own knowledge.
For a great spirit, everything is valuable.
Time makes the value rush.
But I remain intrigued to have made two dreams in one month of interval, one on the future and one on the past.

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