Bacon Muffins


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Bacon muffins

For 6 large or 12 small muffins

Dry ingredients:

125 g almond flour
50 g sunflower seeds
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon creme of tartar

Wet ingredients:

1 large or 2 small onions
180 g of bacon
3 tablespoons of animal fat (lard, duck fat, butter - whichever you like best)
3 large or 4-5 small eggs

Preheat the oven to 200C.

In a frying pan, sauté the onions and the bacon in the animal fat. Once the fat is hot, turn down stove, otherwise it will burn before it's actually cooked. When done, leave to cool down a bit.

Combine the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Add wet ingredients and stir with a spoon (you don't really need a mixer for this, the ingredients combine quickly anyways).

Should the batter turn out too runny, just add some more almond flour until the consistency is right.

Fill muffin tin with batter and bake for about 20 minutes.

PS: If you can't tolerate almonds, you can substitute other nuts. If you can't tolerate onions, you can just leave them out, the recipe still works.
Finduilas495 said:
Bacon muffins

50 g sunflower seeds

PS: If you can't tolerate almonds, you can substitute other nuts. If you can't tolerate onions, you can just leave them out, the recipe still works.

That's a deliciouis recipe and thank you for sharing Finduilas495.

And if we can't tolerate sunflower seeds, can we just leave them out or do we have to replace them by another seed?
Hi Gandalf,

In my hazelnut version, I left the sunflower seeds out too. But if there are any other seeds you like and can tolerate (pumpkin maybe?) I'm sure that would be nice too!
Thanks Finduilas495! Could you also post the recipe for your delicious paté, please? :P That was super yummy!

There already is a thread for paté recipes, where you can add yours.

Thank you!
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