A Disturbance in the Force
I've been researching this topic for well over a month, attempting to find any little piece of information through the masses of misinformation and deceit. I came here to see what SOTT readers may know about this, and if nothing else spread some awareness.
Do you have a mortgage? Everything seemed legit, though ridiculously unfair at such high interest rates, but was it legitimate after all?
Here's what we think happened:
Bank agrees to loan a specific amount with a fixed time period to repay the debt. We sign the loan agreement and receive our check to buy the home we want. We begin paying back that debt plus interest for the next 15-30 years.
Here's what really happens:
Bank agrees to loan a specific amount with a fixed time period to repay the debt. We sign the loan agreement and receive our check to buy the home we want. However, the bank never signs the loan agreement because they never front the money to pay it. Why? because the mortgage note in itself is considered money. How? Because we live in a bankrupt country, and under the law of bankruptcy a mortgage note acts like money. The mortgage note is worth its face value, that is the amount that it claims the bank is lending you. So if you had a $100,000 mortgage, the note itself is worth $100,000 as soon as you put your signature to it.
Let me pause here for a moment. Is any of this true, you may ask yourself? Yes, actually it is. The bank took your mortgage note and deposited it into an account under your name without your authorization or knowledge. They then withdrew the money they deposited into this account, supplied by the mortgage note, without your authorization or knowledge and they had to forge your signature to do it. They cut you a check for that amount and call it the loan. The bank claims the money was theirs all along, which in law is fraudulent conversion (Fraudulent conversion means the action of taking into possession another man’s money or property and converting or using them fraudulently for one’s own use and benefit or for the use and benefit of a third party to whom the property or money does not belong,
This money was used to issue you the check that you used to pay for your home. This money did not come from the bank, nor any third party. It was your money from the moment you signed the mortgage note. They robbed you and had the gall to "lend" it back to you plus interest.
In addition to this, the banks demand that you cannot use the same currency to repay the "loan" (promissary notes or mortgage notes) and expect you to use Federal Reserve Notes, which is our current currency which we recognize bearing dead presidents. Now you are laboring to earn bank currency to pay back the bank that stole your money in the first place and lent it back to you, free of cost to them.
A $100,000 mortgage note then becomes a $100,000 profit to the bank because they paid nothing, which they made when they took your mortgage note and sold it for its face value. THEN they make $100,000 plus interest in addition to this. a $200,000+ profit for a "loan" they never paid a dime into.
Oh, and get this, if you cannot keep current with these "loan" payments, they will use the money they made from your original mortgage note and "buy back" your house in the foreclosure process.
Bankrupt Nation people, changes the laws and changes what seems like common sense into a twisted perversion of law that typically favors the elite. This is why we have inflation, because of the banks. They are creating money out of thin air, with our mortgage notes and other "credit lines" using our signature to do it, and then stealing it away instead of that money paying off what it should have in the first place.
Think about it, people refinance their homes all the time, creating a new contract, creating new money that the banks keep instead of giving to you as they should have, and flooding the economy with more money. Why is the price of everything so high? Why are the richest getting richer and the poorest getting poorer? Because of this... research it if you don't believe me.. research it if you do believe me!! But don't just sit there and with a snarled lip and think this isn't happening...
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke
Here is an addendum for those who feel that the information above is somewhat convoluted:
Okay, let's take a checking account for instance:
You deposit $10,000 into the bank
In their ledger there are two sides... the Asset side and the Liability side. They must always balance out to Zero
The reason for the liability is that you can pull that asset out at any time.
You write a check for $5,000 and it gets removed from the asset and liability sides... you paid for something and no new money was created. Yay, Economy stability...
However, during a mortgage loan (or any loan from a bank) this process changes:
They deposit your personally signed mortgage note of $100,000 creating a $100,000 asset and $100,000 liability. Instead of loaning you against the asset account (the real money), they loan you against the liability account (not real money; it is essentially their credit for your asset that is in your account)
So now they get $100,000 from the asset (your mortgage note) as well as the Principle + Interest payments
when the principle is paid off, the liability is restored back to $100,000 and the account is back to 0, and then it is dissolved. Your money came from "nowhere" and disappeared into "nowhere" leaving the bankers with pockets full of your interest payments when and if you ever get it paid off.
meanwhile they have all this time to use your asset to make money, your principle payments and interest to make money. To cover their tracks, when it's paid off the money disappears back into the ether.
that's why they are all too happy to refinance your home for another 30 years so they can keep making money off of your asset. And if you attempt to defy them and not make payments, they will just take YOUR asset and buy your house to resell. It's a mega-profitable situation for them, paid for by our labor and our credit. It's FRAUD.
FROM WIKIPEDIA > (Financial Accounting) Liability
Money deposited with a bank becomes a liability of the bank, because the bank has an obligation to pay the depositor the money deposited; usually on demand. The money deposited is an asset for the depositor. (The bank will record an ASSET when money is deposited, and their double-entry accounting correspondingly records an equal LIABILITY since the bank doesn't own the ASSET.)
The Mortgage Note is YOUR asset, not the banks. They know this, which is why they open an account in YOUR NAME to deposit the note into. Then, they forge your signature to withdraw the funds to loan to you. Fraudulent Conversion!!! It was your money, your asset, but they lent you their credit instead of your asset, because they cannot lend you your asset because it is not their to lend, it is YOURS!! And it’s illegal for a bank to lend you their credit, they must lend you from their assets.
This about it, there is fraud going on or else every time we deposit $50 into the bank, suddenly there would now be $100 ($50 asset + $50 liability) in the economy.
Which means that when they sell the note to other investors, they are committing fraud as well, because they should only be capable of doing so with your knowledge and permission, but that didn't stop them during the previous step so why should it stop them now?
If this process were reversed, then money would begin pouring back into the economy, into the hands of those who actually work to make a living. If this process were reversed, then banks could not create money out of thin air to loan, they would have to use their own money and actually take a risk… however as it currently stands the bank stands to lose nothing in case of default, since they just use the money you gave them to buy whatever you were attempting to mortgage. It's time to end this “Be our slave or lose everything” prison planet.
Any feedback/input into this is greatly appreciated :)
Do you have a mortgage? Everything seemed legit, though ridiculously unfair at such high interest rates, but was it legitimate after all?
Here's what we think happened:
Bank agrees to loan a specific amount with a fixed time period to repay the debt. We sign the loan agreement and receive our check to buy the home we want. We begin paying back that debt plus interest for the next 15-30 years.
Here's what really happens:
Bank agrees to loan a specific amount with a fixed time period to repay the debt. We sign the loan agreement and receive our check to buy the home we want. However, the bank never signs the loan agreement because they never front the money to pay it. Why? because the mortgage note in itself is considered money. How? Because we live in a bankrupt country, and under the law of bankruptcy a mortgage note acts like money. The mortgage note is worth its face value, that is the amount that it claims the bank is lending you. So if you had a $100,000 mortgage, the note itself is worth $100,000 as soon as you put your signature to it.
Let me pause here for a moment. Is any of this true, you may ask yourself? Yes, actually it is. The bank took your mortgage note and deposited it into an account under your name without your authorization or knowledge. They then withdrew the money they deposited into this account, supplied by the mortgage note, without your authorization or knowledge and they had to forge your signature to do it. They cut you a check for that amount and call it the loan. The bank claims the money was theirs all along, which in law is fraudulent conversion (Fraudulent conversion means the action of taking into possession another man’s money or property and converting or using them fraudulently for one’s own use and benefit or for the use and benefit of a third party to whom the property or money does not belong,
This money was used to issue you the check that you used to pay for your home. This money did not come from the bank, nor any third party. It was your money from the moment you signed the mortgage note. They robbed you and had the gall to "lend" it back to you plus interest.
In addition to this, the banks demand that you cannot use the same currency to repay the "loan" (promissary notes or mortgage notes) and expect you to use Federal Reserve Notes, which is our current currency which we recognize bearing dead presidents. Now you are laboring to earn bank currency to pay back the bank that stole your money in the first place and lent it back to you, free of cost to them.
A $100,000 mortgage note then becomes a $100,000 profit to the bank because they paid nothing, which they made when they took your mortgage note and sold it for its face value. THEN they make $100,000 plus interest in addition to this. a $200,000+ profit for a "loan" they never paid a dime into.
Oh, and get this, if you cannot keep current with these "loan" payments, they will use the money they made from your original mortgage note and "buy back" your house in the foreclosure process.
Bankrupt Nation people, changes the laws and changes what seems like common sense into a twisted perversion of law that typically favors the elite. This is why we have inflation, because of the banks. They are creating money out of thin air, with our mortgage notes and other "credit lines" using our signature to do it, and then stealing it away instead of that money paying off what it should have in the first place.
Think about it, people refinance their homes all the time, creating a new contract, creating new money that the banks keep instead of giving to you as they should have, and flooding the economy with more money. Why is the price of everything so high? Why are the richest getting richer and the poorest getting poorer? Because of this... research it if you don't believe me.. research it if you do believe me!! But don't just sit there and with a snarled lip and think this isn't happening...
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke
Here is an addendum for those who feel that the information above is somewhat convoluted:
Okay, let's take a checking account for instance:
You deposit $10,000 into the bank
In their ledger there are two sides... the Asset side and the Liability side. They must always balance out to Zero
The reason for the liability is that you can pull that asset out at any time.
You write a check for $5,000 and it gets removed from the asset and liability sides... you paid for something and no new money was created. Yay, Economy stability...
However, during a mortgage loan (or any loan from a bank) this process changes:
They deposit your personally signed mortgage note of $100,000 creating a $100,000 asset and $100,000 liability. Instead of loaning you against the asset account (the real money), they loan you against the liability account (not real money; it is essentially their credit for your asset that is in your account)
So now they get $100,000 from the asset (your mortgage note) as well as the Principle + Interest payments
when the principle is paid off, the liability is restored back to $100,000 and the account is back to 0, and then it is dissolved. Your money came from "nowhere" and disappeared into "nowhere" leaving the bankers with pockets full of your interest payments when and if you ever get it paid off.
meanwhile they have all this time to use your asset to make money, your principle payments and interest to make money. To cover their tracks, when it's paid off the money disappears back into the ether.
that's why they are all too happy to refinance your home for another 30 years so they can keep making money off of your asset. And if you attempt to defy them and not make payments, they will just take YOUR asset and buy your house to resell. It's a mega-profitable situation for them, paid for by our labor and our credit. It's FRAUD.
FROM WIKIPEDIA > (Financial Accounting) Liability
Money deposited with a bank becomes a liability of the bank, because the bank has an obligation to pay the depositor the money deposited; usually on demand. The money deposited is an asset for the depositor. (The bank will record an ASSET when money is deposited, and their double-entry accounting correspondingly records an equal LIABILITY since the bank doesn't own the ASSET.)
The Mortgage Note is YOUR asset, not the banks. They know this, which is why they open an account in YOUR NAME to deposit the note into. Then, they forge your signature to withdraw the funds to loan to you. Fraudulent Conversion!!! It was your money, your asset, but they lent you their credit instead of your asset, because they cannot lend you your asset because it is not their to lend, it is YOURS!! And it’s illegal for a bank to lend you their credit, they must lend you from their assets.
This about it, there is fraud going on or else every time we deposit $50 into the bank, suddenly there would now be $100 ($50 asset + $50 liability) in the economy.
Which means that when they sell the note to other investors, they are committing fraud as well, because they should only be capable of doing so with your knowledge and permission, but that didn't stop them during the previous step so why should it stop them now?
If this process were reversed, then money would begin pouring back into the economy, into the hands of those who actually work to make a living. If this process were reversed, then banks could not create money out of thin air to loan, they would have to use their own money and actually take a risk… however as it currently stands the bank stands to lose nothing in case of default, since they just use the money you gave them to buy whatever you were attempting to mortgage. It's time to end this “Be our slave or lose everything” prison planet.
Any feedback/input into this is greatly appreciated :)