Barry Chamish's hit piece on editing for Political Ponerology


FOTCM Member
Amazing how Chamish can write with occasional precision and then other times be so completely off target. Although piece is primarily directed against Laura's notes, does anyone else pick up a tone that he's also not so keen towards PP as he is portraying?


by Barry Chamish

A longtime reader sent me a book that he assured me would radically change my political understanding. And he was almost right.

The book is called Political Ponerology written by a self-claimed Polish refugee in America, Andrew Lobaczewski, hereafter referred to as the author. To my initial delight, it is edited by a correspondent of mine for the past 14 years, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, hereafter referred to as the editor.

Ponerology is a term invented by the author and it means the study of the nature of political evil. Abusive editing does not fall into this category, but it should. As we shall see, the editor got hold of the rights to an important work and exploited it to push her own agenda, one which has nothing to do with the book itself.

The author believes that psychopaths are driven by rejection to take over governments and make whole nations and societies evil. We all know, or should know, psychopaths. They are manipulative, mostly men, who totally lack empathy for other people. Though they have learned to appear normal, that is merely a survival tactic. They lie without conscience, have sexual relations without regard for the feelings of their victims, they hurt others because they don’t care about them, they foment division in all human relationships, and they justify complete selfishness because they feel superior to the adjusted world. When caught in misdoing, they put the hurt party on the defensive with false justifications. When they manage to achieve political power they can and do murder without remorse because they don’t feel the pain of humanity. And they will murder for such “crimes” as simply disagreeing with them.

The author claims just .6% of a typical nation is composed of psychopaths but ten times that number, or 6%, have various psychological illnesses that permit them to support, even violently, the psychopath. They become the nouveau riche of the new society, while another 12% are callous or cowardly enough to create the bureaucracy. In short, it takes only 18% of the population to run an evil state.

This sums up the author’s case. The book is a ponderous killer to read, written in the humorless style of most Eastern European literature. It is a thorough, clinical, case by case study of rule by psychopaths. In the editor’s introduction, we get a first example of what will give the work unnecessary tension:

(Imagine) a case where the subject spent his childhood blowing up frogs with firecrackers. It is widely known that George W. Bush did this.

From this humble beginning, look what we get! We begin with a barely comprehensible statement from the author followed by footnote number 38 by the editor:

Even those historians familiar with the genesis and character of the Prussian state, including its ideological subjugation of individuals to the authority of king and emperor, and its tradition of bloody expansionism, intuit that these situations contained some activity of an uncomprehended fatality which eludes an analysis in terms of historic causality. 38

Now don’t you wish you had said that? To which the editor replies:

38. An interesting comparison is the regime of George W. Bush and the Neoconservatives It closely follows the Kaiser in Germany.

Yeah, sure it does. Now watch the editor change the view of the author, who has sheepishly noted that among nations, Jews have the highest rate of schizoids:

The famous writings attributed to the Learned Elders Of Zion begin with a typically schizoidal declaration…We have to remember that 97% of Jews do not manifest this anomaly, and that it also appears among all European nations. 101

To which the editor corrects the author, noting that:

101. The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion is now known to have been a hoaxed attribution to Jews. However, the contents are clearly not hoaxed ideas since a reasonable assessment of the events of the United States over the past fifty years or so gives ample evidence of their application in order to bring about the current Neoconservative administration.

That’s setting the author straight. And it just keeps getting worse.

They initially perform subordinate functions in such a movement and execute the leaders’ orders, especially whenever something needs to be done which inspires revulsion in others. 103

And that little observation sent the editor on a three quarter page diatribe beginning with:

103. Here, we cannot help but think of Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfield, proteges of Neoconservative philosopher, Leo Strauss.

If I was the author, I’d be furious with the editor. She has taken his masterwork and added thoughts outside his worldview. And as we shall see, it only gets more intrusive. She has concluded that Bush Jr. is a frog murdering psychopath. So what does that make his predecessor William Clinton, who used women non-stop and lied about it every time? Or of the
current President who has lied about his entire academic past and very likely, even his birth nation? And on we go:

Millions of people ponder the dilemma of whether such a ruler could not modify his convictions somewhat and relinquish his dream of conquering the world. 107

107. This is especially true in the present day when the leaders and parliaments of many other countries, unhappy with the Bush Neocon administration, think elections in the US will set things right.

And now, the inevitable punchline, Israel:

It appears obvious, that religious systems have also succumbed to ponerologenic processes and manifested the symptoms of a similar disease. 126

126. Not to mention the fact that the Neocon-Bush administration is currently using Christian-Zionism as the ideology by which they mask pathocracy.

The religious idea then becomes both a justification for using force and sadism against non-believers, heretics and sorcerers…

127. As is the case of the US and Israel today.

As if Arab suicide bombers aren’t psychopathic or the belief that Jesus was a Palestinian or that there was an ancient Palestinian nation doesn’t fall into the same disease. Name a Palestinian national leader before Arafat. Strangely, the editor betrays her own knowledge of the broader truth in another footnote:

79. In Muslim cultures, where, if a woman is raped, it is the duty of her male family members to kill her to wipe away the shame from the family name. This act is pathological and criminal.

Whereas, the author does not mention Israel even once. As for religion, he comments mostly on his own, Catholicism.

The Roman Empire contaminated the primary homogenous idea of Christianity…This earthy foreign element infiltrated Christianity depriving it of any healthy support for, and trust in, the necessity of understanding human nature.

Political Ponerology has much to offer and should be read…without the editor’s personal footnotes. We hope a better edition is planned.



I had my own trouble with intrusive editors. I wrote a book called Return Of The Giants:



It was honest journalism that followers of one Zechariah Sitchin wanted to edit and publish. They phoned and wrote non-stop. However, my research and reading of Sitchin established for me that he was mostly a fraud and I refused all offers of publication. I imagine Lobaczewski had little choice and took any offer he could get.

When reading the book, I wondered where I fit in. No, I don’t fit the psychopath mode. A closer description would be: Many people rebel against psychopathic domination and search for some way of liberating themselves from such an influence.

My new book, THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher -

Look on my website. There is an easy Paypal button to donate to my work. I promise a nice gift for anyone who does.

I also have a paid newsgroup. Everyone loves it. Pay what you can afford to get the news no one else is reporting. Just write me.
So, what do you think is eating Barry? Maybe we need to look at his background and history. Strikes me that anybody who can't see the obvious connections drawn in PP must be influenced by those connections.

I looked on SOTT and found three articles by Chamish:

Is Barry Chamish another "Protocol 12 Protege" who is just now, at this most interesting moment in MY life, showing his true colors?
Some nitpicks and corrections:

Ponerology is a term invented by the author and it means the study of the nature of political evil.

Actually, Lobaczewski didn't invent the term, he appropriated it from theology. Lobaczewski invented the term "pathocracy".

As we shall see, the editor got hold of the rights to an important work and exploited it to push her own agenda, one which has nothing to do with the book itself.

Interesting that he singles out Laura, when Henry See also contributed to the editing.

In the editor’s introduction, we get a first example of what will give the work unnecessary tension:

(Imagine) a case where the subject spent his childhood blowing up frogs with firecrackers. It is widely known that George W. Bush did this.

From this humble beginning, look what we get!

Was Chamish a supporter of Bush, or what? If a modern leader shows evidence of psychopathy, it's relevant to the book, especially considering that the book was written in 1984, with the purpose of "waking up the world", and it's application needed a little updating.

38. An interesting comparison is the regime of George W. Bush and the Neoconservatives It closely follows the Kaiser in Germany.

Yeah, sure it does.

What kind of a response is that? That said, perhaps in future editions this can be updated with some examples of how the regimes resembled one another.

Now watch the editor change the view of the author, who has sheepishly noted that among nations, Jews have the highest rate of schizoids:

The famous writings attributed to the Learned Elders Of Zion begin with a typically schizoidal declaration…We have to remember that 97% of Jews do not manifest this anomaly, and that it also appears among all European nations. 101

To which the editor corrects the author, noting that:

101. The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion is now known to have been a hoaxed attribution to Jews. However, the contents are clearly not hoaxed ideas since a reasonable assessment of the events of the United States over the past fifty years or so gives ample evidence of their application in order to bring about the current Neoconservative administration.

That’s setting the author straight. And it just keeps getting worse.

How is that setting the author straight? Lobaczewski mentions the protocols as a shizoidal/pathocratic document, the footnote points out that the ideas therein are obviously used by pathocrats. How is that a contradiction or correction? Is Chamish saying Jews wrote the Protocols??

If I was the author, I’d be furious with the editor. She has taken his masterwork and added thoughts outside his worldview.

Assumption, and evidence that this reaction is caused by Chamish's own discomfort with the parallels. I mean, does he really disagree that the Bush administration was stacked with deviants??

And as we shall see, it only gets more intrusive. She has concluded that Bush Jr. is a frog murdering psychopath. So what does that make his predecessor William Clinton, who used women non-stop and lied about it every time? Or of the current President who has lied about his entire academic past and very likely, even his birth nation?

This is flawed reasoning. Chamish might as well be criticizing Laura and Henry for not mentioning Chinese, Russian, Middle Eastern, Canadian, Vietnamese, etc. psychopathic leaders. Of course, he might be surprised to learn SOTT's view on Clinton, Obama, and many other presidents and world leaders.

Millions of people ponder the dilemma of whether such a ruler could not modify his convictions somewhat and relinquish his dream of conquering the world. 107

107. This is especially true in the present day when the leaders and parliaments of many other countries, unhappy with the Bush Neocon administration, think elections in the US will set things right.

Again, how could he disagree?? This is the administration that ushered in World War III for Yahweh's sake!

And now, the inevitable punchline, Israel:

Ahah! It appears we've found the thorn in Chamish's side. In fact, it's the punchline to his editorial, and shows what's eating him.

As if Arab suicide bombers aren’t psychopathic

Huh?? First of all, the comment wasn't about suicide bombers, so Chamish shouldn't presume to know the editors' opinion on such. Second, it's highly unlikely that a psychopath would become a suicide bomber. Psychopaths are all about self-preservation, not blowing themselves up for some "cause". Psychopaths are more likely to collaborate with an occupying force and subjugate their own people.

or the belief that Jesus was a Palestinian

He was born in Palestine, was he not?

or that there was an ancient Palestinian nation doesn’t fall into the same disease. Name a Palestinian national leader before Arafat.

Strangely, Chamish includes a hidden justification of nationalism in this remark. As if a region needs a "leader" to justify itself.

Strangely, the editor betrays her own knowledge of the broader truth in another footnote:

79. In Muslim cultures, where, if a woman is raped, it is the duty of her male family members to kill her to wipe away the shame from the family name. This act is pathological and criminal.

Whereas, the author does not mention Israel even once.

Perhaps that was because he already got burned once for making the mistake of reading a book about the Jews at his workplace, which got him fired from the only job he could get after the Polish secret police blacklisted him.
Laura said:
So, what do you think is eating Barry? Maybe we need to look at his background and history. Strikes me that anybody who can't see the obvious connections drawn in PP must be influenced by those connections.

I looked on SOTT and found three articles by Chamish:

Is Barry Chamish another "Protocol 12 Protege" who is just now, at this most interesting moment in MY life, showing his true colors?

I personally visited Chamish back in days when he was still interested in UFO research and after publication of his "Who killed Yitzhak Rabin" book. Then he gave an impression of an over-emotional and a bit naive person (easily manipulated, similar to the case of Kaminsky), who doesn't think twice about credibility of documents that were "kindly" left on his doorstep by an anonymous source. But he was the only conspiracy theorist Israel had, and granted, he made some good research on Israeli UFO phenomena, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. It changed when I noticed how his newsletter started to be more and more biased toward the views of radical Jewish settlers. In fact, it made me wonder about his entire theory, since according to the official version, Rabin was killed by a settler.

Yes, he did a very good research and described very well the picture where Israeli leaders are the biggest threat Israeli people have, but all of the information was always used to fit his personal belief, that Jewish settlers are in fact Israeli saviors (not illegal invaders, mind you) and they are the ones that evil Israeli leaders trying to get rid off. See the following, for example:

Barry Chamish is originally from Canada. His upbringing was not Shomer Shabbos, but it was full of Jewish identity, Ahavas Yisroel, and a love for Eretz Yisroel. He left his native country and moved to Eretz Yisroel to serve in the IDF. He felt it was his responsibility. He was not comfortable having other young men defending his land, unless he was doing his part.

In Eretz Yisroel he married and began raising a family. To his disillusionment, he kept encountering corrupt and fraudulent behavior. It bothered him. He wanted things in the Holy Land to be Holy, to be righteous and to be just.

This desire to live safely in Eretz Yisroel – to rid the land of rampant corruption - is the passion that has led Chamish to be the leader in pursuing the truth underlying political sting operations, that benefit a few and are destroying the country. By doing so he has exposed himself to all forms of rejection, marginalization and humiliation. Despite all this, his research is slowly reaching the masses. After the second attempt on his life, and it was a close call, he has returned to America where he continues his efforts to save the Jews in Eretz Yisroel. One of his ten books is called Save Israel.[...]

The Rabin Assassination and the Goldstein ‘Massacre’ are two events highly responsible for initiating and confirming the wide spread attitude that settlers are illegal squatters and are a hindrance to the peace process. This demonization of settlers is an integral part of the establishment of a terrorist state in the heartland of Eretz Yisroel. Passion to get rid of settlers distracts the public from impending dangers.

Uncovering the cover-up stories around these events will uncover corruption in powerful circles in Eretz Yisroel. If public opinion could be awakened, these corrupt circles could brought to stand trial and face justice, and the ‘corruption process’ supporting the Peace Process would be aborted.

Or this:

I am embarking on a speaking tour of North America. The topic of my lectures is: The Dirty War Against The Settlers. Within, I will prove that the ultimate goal the Gaza withdrawal is the dismemberment by pieces of Israel. I will name the foreigners who devised the Roadmap and I will show their end game plan through their own words. They have oft-stated their intentions, they meant every word of their declarations and they are very busy making chaos throughout the Middle East at this very moment. Lebanon and Syria have now joined Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel in the bloody remaking of the Middle East in their image, and that will finally be a Middle East without borders controlled from abroad.

The Gush Katif surrender is stage one in the latest campaign to diminish and eventually eliminate Israel as a sovereign entity. Instead Israel will vanish into a Middle East bloc of nations which will someday meld with the EU, NAFTA etc. into one happy and obedient world parliament. The hard part is getting people to part with their heritage, history and land and agree to this entirely new order. The Gush Katif sellout required an undeclared war against the Jewish residents of Gaza which utilized every psychological trick to wear down a people's will until they give in to a scheme that will spell disaster for them and their nation.

Not sure if his is a conscious agent though. He doesn't appear as one in control of his emotions, so he could easily be manipulated by them. It seems to me that he took your comments personally, perhaps also because deep inside he can recognize in his friends and even in himself behaviors (paranoid or schizoid) described by Lobaczewski. That's why he mentioned that he doesn't think he fits the psychopath description. He cares so deeply (and shell we say blindly and not objectively) for the Israeli image, he was offended that his dear Israel was mentioned.

What is really sad, that he does appear as a caring person, at least for the fate of "his people". And he doesn't realize that a true danger lies in denying the horrible deeds and entire fraudulent nature of an Israeli entity, including illegal settlers.

And by the way, couple of years after our first meeting, I asked him if he would like to reopen UFO research, and he said that he doesn't touch this topic anymore because it damages his political interests and books.
Keit, you have basically written an article about the Chamish piece, so how about putting it together and up on SOTT?
Laura said:
Keit, you have basically written an article about the Chamish piece, so how about putting it together and up on SOTT?

Sure. Will work on it today.
Keit said:
I personally visited Chamish back in days when he was still interested in UFO research and after publication of his "Who killed Yitzhak Rabin" book. Then he gave an impression of an over-emotional and a bit naive person (easily manipulated, similar to the case of Kaminsky), who doesn't think twice about credibility of documents that were "kindly" left on his doorstep by an anonymous source. But he was the only conspiracy theorist Israel had, and granted, he made some good research on Israeli UFO phenomena, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. It changed when I noticed how his newsletter started to be more and more biased toward the views of radical Jewish settlers. In fact, it made me wonder about his entire theory, since according to the official version, Rabin was killed by a settler.

Yes, he did a very good research and described very well the picture where Israeli leaders are the biggest threat Israeli people have, but all of the information was always used to fit his personal belief, that Jewish settlers are in fact Israeli saviors (not illegal invaders, mind you) and they are the ones that evil Israeli leaders trying to get rid off. See the following, for example:

Barry Chamish is originally from Canada. His upbringing was not Shomer Shabbos, but it was full of Jewish identity, Ahavas Yisroel, and a love for Eretz Yisroel. He left his native country and moved to Eretz Yisroel to serve in the IDF. He felt it was his responsibility. He was not comfortable having other young men defending his land, unless he was doing his part.

In Eretz Yisroel he married and began raising a family. To his disillusionment, he kept encountering corrupt and fraudulent behavior. It bothered him. He wanted things in the Holy Land to be Holy, to be righteous and to be just.

This desire to live safely in Eretz Yisroel – to rid the land of rampant corruption - is the passion that has led Chamish to be the leader in pursuing the truth underlying political sting operations, that benefit a few and are destroying the country. By doing so he has exposed himself to all forms of rejection, marginalization and humiliation. Despite all this, his research is slowly reaching the masses. After the second attempt on his life, and it was a close call, he has returned to America where he continues his efforts to save the Jews in Eretz Yisroel. One of his ten books is called Save Israel.[...]

The Rabin Assassination and the Goldstein ‘Massacre’ are two events highly responsible for initiating and confirming the wide spread attitude that settlers are illegal squatters and are a hindrance to the peace process. This demonization of settlers is an integral part of the establishment of a terrorist state in the heartland of Eretz Yisroel. Passion to get rid of settlers distracts the public from impending dangers.

Uncovering the cover-up stories around these events will uncover corruption in powerful circles in Eretz Yisroel. If public opinion could be awakened, these corrupt circles could brought to stand trial and face justice, and the ‘corruption process’ supporting the Peace Process would be aborted.

Or this:

I am embarking on a speaking tour of North America. The topic of my lectures is: The Dirty War Against The Settlers. Within, I will prove that the ultimate goal the Gaza withdrawal is the dismemberment by pieces of Israel. I will name the foreigners who devised the Roadmap and I will show their end game plan through their own words. They have oft-stated their intentions, they meant every word of their declarations and they are very busy making chaos throughout the Middle East at this very moment. Lebanon and Syria have now joined Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel in the bloody remaking of the Middle East in their image, and that will finally be a Middle East without borders controlled from abroad.

The Gush Katif surrender is stage one in the latest campaign to diminish and eventually eliminate Israel as a sovereign entity. Instead Israel will vanish into a Middle East bloc of nations which will someday meld with the EU, NAFTA etc. into one happy and obedient world parliament. The hard part is getting people to part with their heritage, history and land and agree to this entirely new order. The Gush Katif sellout required an undeclared war against the Jewish residents of Gaza which utilized every psychological trick to wear down a people's will until they give in to a scheme that will spell disaster for them and their nation.

Not sure if his is a conscious agent though. He doesn't appear as one in control of his emotions, so he could easily be manipulated by them. It seems to me that he took your comments personally, perhaps also because deep inside he can recognize in his friends and even in himself behaviors (paranoid or schizoid) described by Lobaczewski. That's why he mentioned that he doesn't think he fits the psychopath description. He cares so deeply (and shell we say blindly and not objectively) for the Israeli image, he was offended that his dear Israel was mentioned.

What is really sad, that he does appear as a caring person, at least for the fate of "his people". And he doesn't realize that a true danger lies in denying the horrible deeds and entire fraudulent nature of an Israeli entity, including illegal settlers.

And by the way, couple of years after our first meeting, I asked him if he would like to reopen UFO research, and he said that he doesn't touch this topic anymore because it damages his political interests and books.

Hmm. Is he naive or does he manipulate "facts on the ground" for political games? Is he not aware that the whole anti settler schtick is a ruse by the Isreali pathocrats -- a case in point being the "withdrawal" from Gaza? If he's not a conscious agent for the most quasi religious faction of rabid Zionists (many others are totally secular and only use religion as a political tool) his capacity to reason and analyze must be totally compromised by his "religious" fervor.

Approaching Infinity said:
{...}Interesting that he singles out Laura, when Henry See also contributed to the editing.{...}

Was Chamish a supporter of Bush, or what? If a modern leader shows evidence of psychopathy, it's relevant to the book, especially considering that the book was written in 1984, with the purpose of "waking up the world", and it's application needed a little updating.{...}

What kind of a response is that?{...}

How is that setting the author straight? Lobaczewski mentions the protocols as a shizoidal/pathocratic document, the footnote points out that the ideas therein are obviously used by pathocrats. How is that a contradiction or correction? Is Chamish saying Jews wrote the Protocols??

Assumption, and evidence that this reaction is caused by Chamish's own discomfort with the parallels. I mean, does he really disagree that the Bush administration was stacked with deviants??

And as we shall see, it only gets more intrusive. She has concluded that Bush Jr. is a frog murdering psychopath. So what does that make his predecessor William Clinton, who used women non-stop and lied about it every time? Or of the current President who has lied about his entire academic past and very likely, even his birth nation?

This is flawed reasoning. Chamish might as well be criticizing Laura and Henry for not mentioning Chinese, Russian, Middle Eastern, Canadian, Vietnamese, etc. psychopathic leaders. Of course, he might be surprised to learn SOTT's view on Clinton, Obama, and many other presidents and world leaders.

Millions of people ponder the dilemma of whether such a ruler could not modify his convictions somewhat and relinquish his dream of conquering the world. 107

107. This is especially true in the present day when the leaders and parliaments of many other countries, unhappy with the Bush Neocon administration, think elections in the US will set things right.

Again, how could he disagree?? This is the administration that ushered in World War III for Yahweh's sake!

And now, the inevitable punchline, Israel:

Ahah! It appears we've found the thorn in Chamish's side. In fact, it's the punchline to his editorial, and shows what's eating him.

As if Arab suicide bombers aren’t psychopathic

Huh?? First of all, the comment wasn't about suicide bombers, so Chamish shouldn't presume to know the editors' opinion on such. Second, it's highly unlikely that a psychopath would become a suicide bomber. Psychopaths are all about self-preservation, not blowing themselves up for some "cause". Psychopaths are more likely to collaborate with an occupying force and subjugate their own people.

or the belief that Jesus was a Palestinian

He was born in Palestine, was he not?

or that there was an ancient Palestinian nation doesn’t fall into the same disease. Name a Palestinian national leader before Arafat.

Strangely, Chamish includes a hidden justification of nationalism in this remark. As if a region needs a "leader" to justify itself.

Strangely, the editor betrays her own knowledge of the broader truth in another footnote:

79. In Muslim cultures, where, if a woman is raped, it is the duty of her male family members to kill her to wipe away the shame from the family name. This act is pathological and criminal.

Whereas, the author does not mention Israel even once.

Perhaps that was because he already got burned once for making the mistake of reading a book about the Jews at his workplace, which got him fired from the only job he could get after the Polish secret police blacklisted him.

Approaching Infinity has made some really good points. The parts I bolded really seem to point to something really suspicious about Chamish's thought processes. It reminds me of Chomsky and his "even if 9/11 was an inside job, I don't care, it's not important" rant. If THAT'S not important, then everything else Chomsky's ever pointed out is also "not important." I don't know all this has that controlled opposition, gatekeeper flavor to it. In any case, there is a false dichotomy being created: the illegal settlers vs. the Israeli leaders in the outlook he's presented in the quotes by Keit. Now why would he also object to the exposure of the obvious devious nature of the top officials in the Bush administration? What agenda did that administration work so hard to advance? And by Chamish's logic, name one Israeli leader before Ben-Gurion. It is much easier to show legitimate scholarly evidence of Palestinians on the land for many centuries continuously than Jews in any large number, so he's treading on thin ice and using some familiar tactics, no?

Laura said:
So, what do you think is eating Barry? Maybe we need to look at his background and history. Strikes me that anybody who can't see the obvious connections drawn in PP must be influenced by those connections.

I looked on SOTT and found three articles by Chamish:

Is Barry Chamish another "Protocol 12 Protege" who is just now, at this most interesting moment in MY life, showing his true colors?

That is interesting, isn't it? Could be coincidence, but....

Well, anyway, I look forward to your piece, Keit. Thanks for undertaking it.
The piece is up... ya'll comment away on it on sott!
Chamish said "The Gush Katif surrender is stage one in the latest campaign to diminish and eventually eliminate Israel as a sovereign entity. Instead Israel will vanish into a Middle East bloc of nations which will someday meld with the EU, NAFTA etc. into one happy and obedient world parliament. The hard part is getting people to part with their heritage, history and land and agree to this entirely new order. The Gush Katif sellout required an undeclared war against the Jewish residents of Gaza which utilized every psychological trick to wear down a people's will until they give in to a scheme that will spell disaster for them and their nation. "

If one is inclined to believe there actually has been a Zionist plan for the Mideast, that has been inexorably put into place over many decades, following the framework in both the Babylonian Talmud, as described in practical terms in the Elders of Zion, known now as the New World Order, then the Chamish statement above can be seen as actual disinformation, pivoting on his words "new order", deflecting attention from long-standing Israeli Zionist plans and pointing instead to unnamed foreign influences that created both NAFTA and the EU, resulting in a future scheme he describes, that would be the exact anathema of Zionism. Thus the feared partition into Palestinian and Israeli States would be seen as a necessary step in the future "Mideast Bloc" dystopia, while the preservation of Palestine as part of Israel would be seen as working against the future dystopia, while it is -in reality- the nexus of the present dystopia.
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