Beautiful Art: architecture, paintings, sculptures, etc

Cette statue a été installée en 1982 et se dresse dans la zone de Tabán près du jardin des philosophes. Il représente le Prince Buda et la Princesse Pest qui tendent la main pour embrasser le Danube en les séparant. Les deux moitiés de Budapest se sont unifiées en 1873.

This statue was installed in 1982 and stands in the Tabán area near the Garden of the Philosophers.
It depicts Prince Buda and Princess Pest reaching out to embrace the Danube separating them.
The two halves of Budapest united in 1873.


Art takes many forms and mediums. I thought this was so interesting just to mention it. I personally would love to live in a town that possesses such talents!

From ore to art: How a tiny factory town became the capital of Russian street art (please read entire article, so fascinating what a small town can do to become a real attraction for tourism)

The small town is dubbed the ‘capital of Russian street art’ thanks to the Vyksa festival, attracting artists from far and wide

1690033843873.png1690033875480.png1690033911818.pngJust a few of those amazing creations!
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Comment peindre une hotte de dentelle transparente ..
Quel artiste !!
Louisa Barbarina Mansel, Lovely Lady Vernon (1732-1786)
Par Thomas Gainsborough RA (Sudbury 1727 - Londres 1788)

How to paint a transparent lace hood ..
What an artist!!
Louisa Barbarina Mansel, Lovely Lady Vernon (1732-1786)
By Thomas Gainsborough RA (Sudbury 1727 - London 1788)

Gothic Cathedral

Leonardo da Vinci's Laboratory
Detailed drawings, show good choice for subject matter.
Polish Artist Marlena Kostrzewska, has a very personal and strong drawing style, with a large range from, very light to very dark. There are examples of interior spaces, Modern and Gothic Architecture, Machines like the Subway Trains and Street Cars (Tram) and a recreation of Bilbo Baggins' home.
I'm always amazed at some of the imagination people have. Just to create this picture, someone had to recognize the shapes, the textures and how it could possibly be held together in a likable abstract creation. Notice the white/blond hair texture and form of that stone hair. Adorable and so human like!

Je suis ébahie envers cette interprétation des formes par des petits cailloux. Pour créer cette image, l'artiste a due démontrer une grande vision et imagination mariant les formes ainsi que les textures de ce médium en forme abstract que l'on peut reconnaître aisément. Examiner la deuxième dame de droite: remarquez la couleur de ses cheveux ainsi que la forme étant projeter! Quelle merveille! C'est épatant ce qu'une personne peut voir en un petit caillou ondulé!
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