Hello,fascinating,especially for me the research etc on psychopathology.as victim of compensated psychopaths for many years it is wonderfull too see the rest of the world awakening to the subject and the dangers.for me the "compensator" was/is wcb bc,there has been a psychopath network at work there for many many years,think about it,bags of money,legal cartte blanche,no oversite at all!...legal or otherwise...a psychopaths heaven no?...as a bonus they get to legally abuse injured canadians at will....at least they used to, I am an injured workers advocate...a very outspoken one at times...part of a team that is working for social changes,we specialise in using the net and its blisteringly fast way of spreading information around the globe in seconds...we are all aware of the psychopaths,we use dr hares 20 pt list with amazing accuracy...as well there is contact with Dr Logan in the UK,and then there is my human rights advisor...a great guy...Dr Doebbler...yes that Doebbler,the guy who defended hussien,..had him for 5 years now...we all agree...there are no secrets anymore...NONE!...and are watching the effects on the psychopaths who we know ...personally...mention this no secrets bussiness to any psychopath and watch the violent reaction,...they are scared stiff we know all their dirty secrets already.yes we know quite a few...and are closing in on others...one comes to mind...recently I was informed that a whole bunch of people were/are going to the rcmp and making accusations,criminal ones...and I was asked why and how they are doing this,well,...first off,I have dealt wcb bc some of the biggest blows in its corrupt history,they hate me,[psychopaths have a need to hate their victims],..soo...i tell the rcmp,check how many are collecting wcb and then making these accusations,..weeeeel...it turns out all of them were collecting and then doing th dirty for the nutbars at wcb....ALL OF THEM!...now rcmp has their names and all their stats,...last I heard something like 200 arrests and many more to come,right to the top...of course,...and this deal of the psychopaths having friends and relatives[also psychopaths...of course]...work at arms length...clever no??..it is done for "culpable deniability"...no longer of course...ha ha...what we all find fascinating is the way the perps in this crime are networking to achieve their goals...getting others to do the dirty....and the main players in this just had to make sure I knew it was them doing this to me and my fammily,..anyways..interesting NO??....and really when ya think about it wcb,s are psychopath heaven,all that cash/power and NO ONE IS WATCHING!...I am not just some kook,I strongly believe in the "non-physical presence" we all have,met James redfern back in the early 90,s,...things we did at that time showed me proof positive of this,...one is this,...two rooms...two people in each,one in each hooked to a biofeedback rig,one in each with a stopwatch,...at specific times the ones on the rig start thinking bad thought about the person in the other room,biofeedback rythems..spike...instantly!...then at a specified time the subject thinks warm and kind thought about the other person,again...alpha waves smooth out...instantly!...reverse subjects and times...same result...conclusion??.....we are connected on a non physical level,this connection is valid regardless of distance or time,..we can change someone else,s world...JUST BY THINKING ABOUT THEM!!!......try this,next time you are at any intersection,pick someone out of the crowd,preferably with their back to you,send them some nice,kind,warm thoughts,....and watch what happens...they will turn and give a big smile...EVERY TIME!....its a little startling at first,but by becoming really connected again your world will try to track on its intended path,...imagine the power if we could only all connect and stay connected,....and the danger...the users of the world definatly do not want this,...but thanx to the net they now have no power to stop us,..and we are getting more and more every day,...its no "secret" like the movie anymore,its becoming general knowledge,as we knew it would,...its a shock to some to find that GOD!...is actually us...inside us all...an integral part of out lives...but thats what it is, a new world is coming..its here in fact...remember...NO SECRETS...NONE!...like yer site/attitude/articles a lot.thanx,Rob.