Being stood over while I'm in bed

This has happened to me often in the past, both in hypnopompic and hypnagogic states. These figures never did anything but stood and watched me. What is interesting is that they were not transparent, rather formed by grey/black spiral-like Mandelbrot fractals.
I didn't take melatonin.
When I moved out of that apartment, this phenomenon stopped.
That sounds quite creepy mugatea, and a bit like a Dark Man Dream. Cass wiki which has this to say about it:
Cass Wiki said:
”Dark Man” dream is a dream experience where a dark predator is present in one’s environment and a warning that it is about to rob the dreamer of something precious. Generally, the ”Dark Man” dreams are wake-up calls for the soul and can reveal what predicament the dreamer is facing…The ”Dark Man” imagery appears to be as old as time, and there are several interpretations for it (Joseph Campbell, Robert Graves, etc.) but the general consensus is that this type of dream appears in one’s life when a time of changes is occuring.

The Cass Wiki PDF can be downloaded here and you can read the rest of the entry for further information on this phenomenon (page 1223).
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