Unitarian Universalist and a balanced forgiver:
I chose importance "high" everywhere, because I cannot get pregnant a little bit and if falling into river with strong currents I cannot just swim a little bit.. and if I want to attain anything in Life I cannot just work a little bit..
1. What is the number and nature of the deity(ies)?
"The supreme force is the impersonal Ultimate reality.." -- based on what I learned here.
2. Are there human incarnation(s) of God (or of gods/goddesses)?
"All are equally Incarnations " -- based on what I learned here, but my logic may be faulty, I'm slow on the uptake unfortunately and not a very intelligent person.
3. What are the origins of the physical universe and life on earth? Choose one.
All matter and life forms are manifestation (or illusions) of the eternal Absolute.
4. What happens to humans after death?
There is definitely an afterlife, but the specifics cannot be known or are unimportant - most important is one's conduct in life. --This was most logical IMO, not necessarily the nicest phrased answer.
5. Why is there terrible wrongdoing in the world? Choose one.
Egoism (self-importance) leads to desire, craving, and attachments, which can lead to unwholesome thoughts and wrong behavior, E.G. greed, hate, and violence. --This I found best to describe everyone, psychopaths / sociopaths included.
6. One or more spirit being(s) exist who can cause human suffering.
Agree. (High) --Based on knowledge and best guess. Yahveh & his demonic ilk.
7. Why is there so much suffering in the world?
Spiritual or cosmic imbalance and disharmony may result in suffering. --Shortest logically correct answer IMO. Psychopaths & like are cosmic imbalance
8. You must worship:
God - three Persons of one essence.
The Supreme Power, God, or Gods.
God the Father, His Son, Holy Spirit - each a distinct entity.
None of the above. -- Supreme power sounded psychopathic, the Holy Trinity is BS IMO. I believe in the Cosmic Mind and its spirit manifestations like Jesus/Caesar, Buddha, Allah, Mary, etc..
9. You must participate in certain sacred rites of your faith group (E.G. baptism, initiation rites, etc.).
Agree. -- EE is a sacred rite. Oxford ED's term for rite is enough for me: "A formal procedure or act in a religious or other solemn observance.," or the esoteric meaning "e.1.e Anthrop. rite of intensification: a rite marking a special event affecting a social group and tending towards strengthening the bonds uniting its members; usu. pl.; rite of passage = rite "
10. You must regularly confess:
Your sins or wrongs, but not necessarily to a cleric. -- Here in the forum. But do I practice it? Umm.. eerr.. aahh... uh.. I will be back just in a minute..
11. Good works (deeds) and compassion are:
We are saved through faith and the grace of God; good works demonstrate faith.
-- Phrasing sort of lines up with what I have in mind.
12. Choose the statement that best reflects your beliefs about the path to the ultimate reward or reality:
Learn all life's lessons through rebirths. -- short and best covers the gist.
13. Elective abortion should be a woman's choice.
Agree. -- Highly important, but should be absolutely vetoed in case of - after cataclysm, where procreation must save human race. Unless the woman is deemed unsafe psychologically and definitely would hurt herself & baby if she is forced to have the child. Not so simple then, eh?
14. Homosexual behavior should be regarded as immoral, or out of harmony.
Disagree. Life didn't serve up this choice for me so I don't really know, but I prefer heterosexual people, I guess.
15. Roles for women and men should be prescribed.
I chose disagree from reflex and didn't really think about this. But if role means living in an experimental FOTCM house as a man / woman should live then agree. Also if this means parental roles then agree. Not for socially enforced delusional roles like women = housewife , man = worker reading newspaper at table while wife serves dinner.
16. Divorce and/or remarriage should be restricted or punished or condemned.
Disagree. -- Marriage system should be abolished. I prefer spiritual marriages, where people who deeply like each other may live together as long as the mutual feeling holds. Giving birth to children should be a serious, complex decision involving Elders, involving accepting restrictions and compulsory continued care of children after divorce, personally or remotely with giving "money"/goods.
17. Establishing social programs (e.g. for equality, anti-poverty, peace) should be fundamental to my belief group.
Agree. (High importance.)
18. Non-violence (including pacifism, opposition to the death penalty, etc.) should be fundamental to my belief group.
Agree. -- But I would resort to violence if no other means remain. Case example: "Violent strangers are taking our scarce food / scarce animals from the barn, beating up community members who are trying to talk to them peacefully." Also I think I wouldn't be too troubled to carry out the "final action" the one the Eskimos did with psychopaths, but mainly because of knowledge about psychos, what I learned.
19. Spiritual healing practices should be fundamental to my belief group and preferred over conventional medicine.
Disagree. -- there was the logical AND and it ruined the first part.
20. Revering (and/or worshipping) nature should be fundamental to my belief group.