Benedictus XVI declaration about Islam


my stance is not "don't react", but rather "react appropriately". IMO the correct and appropriate reaction to Ratzi's outrage is to wrap him in a straight jacket and stuff him into a rubber cell for life because of the grave danger he poses to the public peace and order. The problem is that most people do not understand that his outrageous statements are symptoms of his mental abberation and should be seen as not more than that: observable symptoms of insanity. Instead, and wrongly, people give these statements a place in public discourse because they attribue to them the significance commensurate with Ratzi's slot in society. People neither know nor understand that the person occupying that slot is a deranged, venomous old man spewing filth.

A completely different matter is what i feel that he and those like him *deserve* for what they have done and are intent in doing.
Just going back to the Malachy prophecies, I remember when this last pope got elected. In the prophecies of St. Malachy, this pope was only suppossed to last a short period of time. I think the prophecy said a month. Then after him, would be the last pope. So would begin the end of this way of living.

I think what's happening to the pope now is a fulfillment of St. Malachy's prophecy. That he's only going to last a short period of time, because he commented on the Muslim religion, and I believe extremist's of that faction, will succeed in murdering him.

I believe, we could be witnessing a fulfillment of prophecy taking place, predicted a long time ago. This pope only lasts a short time. The next pope, after him suppossedly, will be the last.
moonwalker said:
because he commented on the Muslim religion, and I believe extremist's of that faction, will succeed in murdering him.
Seems much more likely that if he was assasinated or removed in some other way, it would come from the extemists who have been responsible for most of the worldly atrocities of late, and they're not Muslim.
moonwalker said:
I believe, we could be witnessing a fulfillment of prophecy taking place, predicted a long time ago. This pope only lasts a short time. The next pope, after him suppossedly, will be the last.
I think if it happens (and I suppose it might, time will tell) I would express it as a perpetration of a prophecy, rather than simply a fulfillment. much like the 'end times' prophecies that are being vigorously pursued/perpetrated by the various ptb.

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