Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue-


Padawan Learner
Hello Forum Friends,

I am requesting help to analyze Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsue.
I find myself falling prey to new age folks, I want to continue to unlearn and stay away from New Age Information/People. While I'm in the process of strengthen my discernment and "thinking with a hammer" I thought it would be great to ask people I trust for help, which is the lovely Forum.

Bernhard has a website Piercing the Veil of Reality - The Work of Bernhard Guenther
Bernhard and Laura have a podcast

Have any of you heard of this couple and thoughts if they are genuine or COINTELPRO?

What peaked my interest was this specific video Login • Instagram
Where he mentions Carlos Castaneda, Gurdjieff, and hyper dimensional beings, and soul harvesting. It reminded of Laura's work

After searching more on the forum I saw a post saying that Bernhard Guenther has already been debunked on the forum but cannot find that specific thread, I would love if someone could help so I can read and understand why he was debunked and educate myself so I can increase my ability to discern with other's work. I also found that he wrote an article for SOTT that I am about to read. Now I'm confused.
Hello Forum Friends,

I am requesting help to analyze Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsue.
I find myself falling prey to new age folks, I want to continue to unlearn and stay away from New Age Information/People. While I'm in the process of strengthen my discernment and "thinking with a hammer" I thought it would be great to ask people I trust for help, which is the lovely Forum.

Bernhard has a website Piercing the Veil of Reality - The Work of Bernhard Guenther
Bernhard and Laura have a podcast

Have any of you heard of this couple and thoughts if they are genuine or COINTELPRO?

What peaked my interest was this specific video Login • Instagram
Where he mentions Carlos Castaneda, Gurdjieff, and hyper dimensional beings, and soul harvesting. It reminded of Laura's work

After searching more on the forum I saw a post saying that Bernhard Guenther has already been debunked on the forum but cannot find that specific thread, I would love if someone could help so I can read and understand why he was debunked and educate myself so I can increase my ability to discern with other's work. I also found that he wrote an article for SOTT that I am about to read. Now I'm confused.

Keep searching! I think you'll find it eventually. And FWIW, this session discusses his lack of research integrity and predatory sexuality:

Dec 13, 2014:
(L) You have to so completely widen your field of knowledge and understanding that it’s amazing to me now. Back then I was pretty well up on things in many fields, but only now do I realize how much I didn’t know. Your range and depth of knowledge has to get bigger and bigger and bigger, because then when you finally come to something, a crucial clue, and you come to it in the natural way, it's like a zillion pieces of the puzzle that you've been loading into your brain for years all of a sudden clicks into place. You just feel completely different about it. But anyhow, that kind of leads us into our next topic, which is Eve Lorgen and her Love Bite Scenario, which has apparently been taken up by Bernhard and Humberto. They are... well, maybe you can give a little background on this, Perceval.

(Perceval) Well, I think Bernhard's been into it for quite a while. He's been into the alien abduction influence in people's lives for a long time… {Cs interrupt…}

A: Notice that Bernhard does no original work of his own, but rather attempts to ride on the coat tails of others!!!

Q: (L) Okay, hang on. I need to put my glasses on. Okay...

A: [answer comes super fast, pointer nearly flying off the board] The love bite scenario is more a government disinformation program for the weak minded and susceptible than anything else. Notice that all the effects can be easily produced with microwave manipulation of consciousness and emotions along with the normal interactions of social programming and psychopathology.

Q: (L) Uuh... WHAT was that? I think they were REALLY wanting to get that said! [laughter + review of answer]

(Perceval) Facebook.

(Pierre) So, there's not much "alien" in the Alien Love Bite.

(Perceval) Well, there's not. Whenever you talk about Carlos Castaneda and his expression: "They give us their mind," well there ya go! Until you decide to be something else, you ARE them! All the things that you project onto aliens, and all their evil intentions, it's all in you unless you choose to do something about it. But, like we were saying the other day, people who jump on the alien thing, and alien love bites, and alien ear tickles or whatever... [laughter] Whatever else they do, they jump on all of that to blame it for something that is part of themselves. And they project it out onto aliens, and they're done!

(Pierre) Which is an easy way out. It's easier to see the evil outside than in yourself.

(Perceval) Yeah. So, instead of projecting it onto another person, it's projected onto aliens. With Eve Lorgen and all these other people, it's, "Aliens are doing this stuff to me!" It absolves them completely of any responsibility. And that's what Bernhard did recently: he absolved himself of responsibility, apart from the odd, "Oh yes, I was to blame, and I have issues... BUT, it was aliens and hot chicks on Facebook who came after me because I'm a spiritual guru and they want to take me down. I have NO carnal thoughts whatsoever!" Ya know? "Somehow aliens manipulated me into contacting that girl on Facebook and getting her to come to my house, where I had sex with her on the first night. And I was struggling all the way..."

(Chu) For a week!

(Perceval) "For a week, and then weird things happened, and it's those damn aliens!" [laughter] That's what he said.

(Pierre) How convenient.

(Perceval) And then he delivered it in a sneaky and manipulative way to get other people to agree with him and follow along and ignore completely their own responsibility.

A: Notice also how many times Bernhard has "gotten himself" into similar situations.

Q: (L) Well, his thing is that since he is a spiritual worker, and he is doing work to expose the truth, that he is being targeted, and...

A: What did we first say?

Q: (Chu) "Notice that Bernhard does no original work of his own, but rather attempts to ride on the coat tails of others!!!" That's what they said first.

(Alana) So, he's not the one doing the research, or...

(Pierre) He's not the spiritual one.

(L) Well, okay, he gives this list of characteristics for people who are susceptible to love bites. Do you remember what the list was that Eve Lorgen put in her book? They are...

(Andromeda) Um, that they're generally involved in alternative news, or spiritual circles, or...

(L) But wasn't there something about "caring professions"?

(Andromeda) Yeah, caring professions like nursing, or...

A: Notice also how many predators are also involved in "alternative" topics and especially "caring professions"?!?

Q: (Chu) That's the fertile ground for them. It's actually interesting because part of his story... There is no way there could have been any alien thing, because the girl told him way before they met what she did, what her life was, blah blah blah. He admits that much. And then he's like, "Oh, but I invited her to my house even though I knew anyway!" Skipping that part, there was a part where he talks about the sleep paralysis. She had it, but he didn't. That struck me as a bit of a clue, like, who's the predator here??

A: Exactly! A big clue!

Q: (Chu) She had sleep paralysis, and he woke up, and suddenly he felt a strong sexual desire for her, and had sex again with her right after.

(L) Right after she's suffered this traumatic event?

(Chu) But he says it was something that came through her, and she saw a creature on her, and on him, or whatever. But he was awake.

(L) The creature was coming through HIM and attacking HER if you ask me!

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) It's like the joke about the hunter and bear. [laughter] I'll not tell it, but...

A: Better to say that he was the transmitter of the frequency.

Q: (L) So, he was transmitting a frequency that didn't affect him, but it affected her, because she was not locally from that area. She was in a new area, he was from the area, and he was used to the transmission of these frequencies.

A: More or less.

Q: (Chu) And then he uses it to accuse her.

(Pierre) Blame the victim. I didn't read the blurb about Bernhard, but from what you describe, this girl is in a very vulnerable position. She's kind of paralyzed in the bed, and that's when he feels this sexual urge... That's the definition of a predator!

A: That was the object of the event. Note that there were a number of similar events between equally susceptible individuals at the same time, which is always the case when such signals are emitted.

Q: (L) So, it was like something we have noticed on many occasions: When one person has a bad dream, and several people have bad dreams, we kinda figure that something is being emitted and everyone is picking it up and unpacking it in their head according to their own makeup or their own psychology. Anything else on that?

(Perceval) No, I would just say that if he keeps having these alien love bite situations, I think eventually we'll have to conclude that he doesn't come here for the hunting, ya know? Like the bear said to the hunter. If someone keeps having these experiences of alien love bites, then he must to some extent be enjoying it some way, or getting something from it. You can't continue to complain about it when you do it over and over again...

(Pierre) ...if he doesn't stop the situation. Stop seeing girls at all like that.

(Perceval) If he continues in that, then...

(Pierre) Then he's the love biter.
After searching more on the forum I saw a post saying that Bernhard Guenther has already been debunked on the forum but cannot find that specific thread, I would love if someone could help so I can read and understand why he was debunked and educate myself so I can increase my ability to discern with other's work.
That's correct. Unfortunately the main thread about him is in the private FOTCM board because Bernhard was in the Fellowship at one point and the discussions about FOTCM members is not typically done publicly. But this all was discussed almost 10 years ago. Cliffs notes: he is a new age grifter who glommed on to Laura's work and tried to gain a following from people here that way. He spouts mostly word salad when he's not borrowing from the C's/Laura's philosophies.
Have any of you heard of this couple and thoughts if they are genuine or COINTELPRO?

They're genuine in the sense that they're doing what's in them to do. But what's in them to do is style themselves as new age gurus who in fact simply parrot the work of others. That doesn't make them COINTELPRO though, just people.
Thank you Iamthatis, Beau, and Joe!

That brings a lot of clarity. I at first was like huh this reminds me of Laura's work SO much, then I was like hmm maybe he's in the FOTCM , and then I got a really "funny" uncomfortable feeling that something wasn't quite right, hence why I reached out to you.

I sometimes struggle with accepting my gut feelings/inner knowing and my brain tries to tell itself "you're being judgemental- you're projecting yourself on them"

The transcript Iamthatis posted, brought a lot of clarity as well as Beau explaing he WAS apart of the private FOTCM board.

I also like Joe's reminder that they're just people acting out their own programs, not necessarily COINTELPRO

This has been a learning experience for me and I dearly appreciate it

I'm slightly embarrassed to admit I commented on a video and asked if he heard of Laura & the C's because what he was saying sounded so similar.... he replied to all the comments on the video but that one. Now I realize I called him out without intending too.
Thank you Iamthatis, Beau, and Joe!

That brings a lot of clarity. I at first was like huh this reminds me of Laura's work SO much, then I was like hmm maybe he's in the FOTCM , and then I got a really "funny" uncomfortable feeling that something wasn't quite right, hence why I reached out to you.

I sometimes struggle with accepting my gut feelings/inner knowing and my brain tries to tell itself "you're being judgemental- you're projecting yourself on them"

The transcript Iamthatis posted, brought a lot of clarity as well as Beau explaing he WAS apart of the private FOTCM board.

I also like Joe's reminder that they're just people acting out their own programs, not necessarily COINTELPRO

This has been a learning experience for me and I dearly appreciate it

I'm slightly embarrassed to admit I commented on a video and asked if he heard of Laura & the C's because what he was saying sounded so similar.... he replied to all the comments on the video but that one. Now I realize I called him out without intending too.
Probably good you started a thread in public forum that other people can find. Also that you mentioned Laura and the C’s hopefully seeding some questions in peoples minds.

Are they getting much of a following do you think?
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