Thank you so much Bud!
I would like to tell you that I vibrate with the following:
I used to wake up after terrific nightmares for more than 12 years now, and I think that there is a 'schema' deeply rooted, related to terror, and affecting me. The 'trained-in experience' concept seems so true! Thank you for these tracks!
The point is that it is a kind of 'permanent' state of being.. I quite have no clue of what 'relaxing' means
Sometimes I have to force myself for remaining still, and it feels great! But what a great deal of effort to allow myself to feel this, even if I know that it is good for me and that I will feel better
It is so hard to 'do myself some good' - it is like it is forbidden.
Thank you for your answer Nienna Eluch! I WILL go back to EE..
I tried and this is what 'started the process of change' this summer; it was like 'opening a Pandora box', facing some 'truth' and not just relating to imagination for 'healing'. :)
Well at first I did not did EE the proper way but much came out. And now I am like 'frightened' to move on, and I feel it difficult for me to go back to it again. There is really an uncomprehensible fear about it.
It is like one 'foot' chose the way of improve but the other one remains with the fears, comfortable to itself but hurting my whole; and this last one has so much power! What is this foot who does not want to follow?!
May I ask a question to the forum?
Where does the difference lie between a false personnality (emotionnal related) and an entity attachment? I mean is there any 'clue' that might help to discern these 'cases'?!
Thank you :D
I would like to tell you that I vibrate with the following:
... a 'schema' that relates to a particular way of interpreting a current experience (frightening?) as it may relate to a previously trained-in experience or experiences. Someone else may call it a reaction similar to terror or the fight vs flight instinct.
I used to wake up after terrific nightmares for more than 12 years now, and I think that there is a 'schema' deeply rooted, related to terror, and affecting me. The 'trained-in experience' concept seems so true! Thank you for these tracks!
Can you do some kind of controlled breathing or exercise until you feel much more calmer when this happens?
The point is that it is a kind of 'permanent' state of being.. I quite have no clue of what 'relaxing' means

know_yourself_1234, have you tried doing the Eiriu Eolas stress reduction, detoxing and healing program yet? It is a breathing and meditation system that helps us to reduce our stress (fight or flight response), become relaxed and calm and to help bring up our repressed emotions and past psychological traumas, work through them and let them go.
Thank you for your answer Nienna Eluch! I WILL go back to EE..
I tried and this is what 'started the process of change' this summer; it was like 'opening a Pandora box', facing some 'truth' and not just relating to imagination for 'healing'. :)
Well at first I did not did EE the proper way but much came out. And now I am like 'frightened' to move on, and I feel it difficult for me to go back to it again. There is really an uncomprehensible fear about it.
It is like one 'foot' chose the way of improve but the other one remains with the fears, comfortable to itself but hurting my whole; and this last one has so much power! What is this foot who does not want to follow?!
May I ask a question to the forum?
Where does the difference lie between a false personnality (emotionnal related) and an entity attachment? I mean is there any 'clue' that might help to discern these 'cases'?!
Thank you :D