Black Hole Sun


Jedi Master
So the sun seems to be doing some weird things lately; namely going ridiculously quiet and seemingly missing a huge part of it's upper hemisphere.

Signs in the Sun : Massive Black Coronal Hole on Sun's North Pole

Gigantic Chunk of Sun Headed Toward Earth at 2 Million Miles an Hour (Video) [I doubt it, but the pics certainly show something is going down]
Funny guy:

you don't very often see something that big .... this in an uncredible chunk of the sun that's flying out.... this is a small one ... this is the minor one .... not even particurarily bad one

we knew the sun is messing with us, we didn't know exactly why. Now you see why ... This is what the sun does all the time and we don't really know why it does it...

this is about 80 times as wide as the earth ... millions and millions of earths would fit in this picture

"Corey, thank you, excellent explanation"

Indeed! :lol:

Is it the same hole?
SOHO captured Large Coronal Hole Near the Sun's North Pole July 19, 2013

A Vast Coronal Hole - a million kilometers long, July 18, 2013

earlier this year:
NASA Confirms Massive Hole In The Sun May 28-31, 2013 of the largest we have seen in a year or more

There was another big one in June (around 17th-20th)

You may want to go to
You can mark Sun holes, set a time and time-step of your choice and see.
It does seem they are bigger this year than the year before, but all I did was a random check only, so fwiw...
That is one of the most disturbingly funny videos I have seen in a long time! Not because the immensely serious business of what is going on with this solar cycle (which appears to have dipped towards a critical level of low performance equating with, at best, the circumstances that lead to the prolonged sunspot minimum of 1646-1715) deserves to be a subject of mirth, but because of the even lower levels of intelligence on display between the anchor man and Discover Magazine’s Editor Corey Powell. Between them they stage their own version of the decline of the sacred Apollonian light (i.e. heightened states of consciousness) associated with the hubris of Atlantis!

The interaction is quite staggering – the absolute ignorance here regarding the mechanics of the sun (still utterly misunderstood by mainstream science, especially with regard to the electrical nature of the body) is shocking. Starting off with the idea that whole ‘chunk’ of the sun has blasted off and is heading towards the earth! To the lay person this sounds like a scene from a Hollywood disaster blockbuster rather than an electrical charged phenomenon not associated with actually solid matter (but rather charged particles) – if that is indeed what is actually happening here.

My favourite part is when asked has something this extreme occurred before Corey witters on that although we have never actually been able to observe these kinds of massive black outs before that yes they have happened frequently and indeed on a much larger scale (so everything’s normal, nothing to worry about here folks!). And of course the only thing to be concerned about is the damage to satellite and communications systems (yes we at the ptb deeply sympathise with all of you out there who will now lie awake in bed stressed out by the thought you might suffer a loss of signal for your iphone and Google Earth page!) Meanwhile the weather systems on our planet continue to generate new levels of extreme behaviour and our geo-political system ramps up the war fever. And as the anchorman says, thanks for the great explanation!

I have often wondered at the many references by the ancient’s to the darkening of the sun at times of cyclical environmental change and accompanying cosmic cataclysm. It seems likely that this refers in the main to the effects of extreme loading of cometary dust in the upper atmosphere. But I have been mulling on the thought that the sun may well have some hitherto unseen behaviours up its sleeve during the days ahead, including the possibility of actually going totally ‘dark’ for a period, almost the equivalent to a stalling process, which would of course have marked effects on the earth depending on how long such a process might last. I wonder if this event captured here is a ‘cough and a splutter’ on the way to such an occurrence? Thoughts anyone?
Michael BC said:
I have often wondered at the many references by the ancient’s to the darkening of the sun at times of cyclical environmental change and accompanying cosmic cataclysm. It seems likely that this refers in the main to the effects of extreme loading of cometary dust in the upper atmosphere. But I have been mulling on the thought that the sun may well have some hitherto unseen behaviours up its sleeve during the days ahead, including the possibility of actually going totally ‘dark’ for a period, almost the equivalent to a stalling process, which would of course have marked effects on the earth depending on how long such a process might last. I wonder if this event captured here is a ‘cough and a splutter’ on the way to such an occurrence? Thoughts anyone?

I've been wondering about those coronal holes too. Usually sunspots (holes in the corona) are positively correlated with Solar activity: charged particles ejected from the Sun "pierce" the bright corona and let its cooler (and then darker) inside appear.

I'm not sure Coronal holes are giant sunspots, markers of strong solar activity. They seem to generate fast winds, but their particle density is low. Also coronal holes near the solar poles are typical of solar minimum.

Interestingly solar minimum coronal holes have a typical duration, they usually last 27.5 days. The solar maximum coronal holes last shorter and are usually closer to the equator.

See this (mainstream) paper for data about coronal holes.

Maybe it's a consequence of the "grounding" of the Sun. Its companion would get energy from the same source, maybe the galactic arm. Or maybe there is a direct connection between between the Sun and the companion although there's no evidence of such a connection. Could it occur through some kind of wormhole?

In any case, NASA, through spaceweather, seems to try to downplay the event:

News sources such as and Fox News recently reported a "giant hole in the sun." Fact: The "giant hole" was a fairly run-of-the-mill coronal hole, only slightly larger than usual. In defense of the journalists, their stories were prompted by a NASA report. The report was accurate, but it showed a high-contrast image of the sun, which made the coronal hole look bigger and deeper than it actually was. An SDO image taken at approximately the same time (July 18) shows the true scale of the hole.

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