Jedi Master
Hi ! I't been almost 2 months that I'm taking black seed oil daily.Jedini problem je bio što sam svake noći imao živopisne, zabrinjavajuće snove. Isprva to nisam povezivao s uljem crnog sjemena, ali sam ga prestao uzimati nekoliko dana i snovi su prestali. Zatim sam pretražio i puno ljudi je reklo da su sanjali loše snove dok su ga uzimali.
Actually you made me interested with your introduction so why not try cause there's so much benefits.
And funny thing is after few days I started to have crazy dreams as well. They are different sorts but deep and I never experienced in my whole life that I dream like 50 days in sequence, have music and colours in deams and remember them in the morning.
It is like there is a whole new window of perception opened up.
First I thought it's coincidence but there is anything else new for me,
I'm doing EE 2/3 times a week and all other suplements are the same in combination and quantity as usual.
And ! Two weeks ago my doughter came to me asking wth is in those oil pills ?
Are we doing some kind of drugs or something cause her dreams became wild.
She didn't know about mine.
So now we are experimenting with taking it for days and then a pause for few days and observing effects.
It's interesting and fun. For me it's definitly like some kind of missing 'link' in our brain that perfectly fits with
EE, POTS, working with our crystals...if you know what I mean. I don't know how to put it better.
Just wanted to share